Guys I think I stumbled unto something. The jewsish elites literally signed a pact with Saturn, The Dragon, Poimander, the Demiurge. While other mystics tried to fight and vanish the Dragon ( Christ,Budha,Hermes) the jews joined them, serving him in this material universe. The following text is from The Secret Teaching of all ages by Manly P Hall, quoting itself from the THE SEPHER YETZIRAH, THE BOOK OF FORMATION.
10. When the Patriarch Abraham had comprehended the great truths, meditated upon
them, and understood them perfectly, the Lord of the Universe (the Tetragrammaton)
appeared to him, called him His friend, kissed him upon the head, and made with him a
covenant. First, the covenant was between the ten fingers of his hands, which is the
covenant of the tongue (spiritual); second, the covenant was between the ten toes of his
feet, which is the covenant of circumcision (material); and God said of him, "Before
Abraham bound the spirit of the twenty-two letters (the Thora) upon his tongue and God
disclosed to him their secrets. God permitted the letters to be immersed in water, He
burned them in the fire and imprinted them upon the winds. He distributed them among
the seven planets and gave them to the twelve zodiacal signs.
What do you think?
Jews serving Saturn
Other urls found in this thread:
The Jewish sabbath is observed on Saturdays.
Saturday = Saturn's day
>The rod & the ring will strike.
I'm still trying to figure out what that one means
What book is that?
It's actually more real than what you just wrote. Try this:
True death is nothingness.
In the occult there are two ultimate states. To exist and to melt into nothingness.
the one in the picture? I think it is Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Albert G. Mackey, 1917. an user on Sup Forums posted it
I watched half of it. must make time for the other half
On a unrelated note, can anyone give some insight why all the 'phoenix rising' symbolism in recent movies, olympiads, fashion shows?
Or is it just me paying attention to this, therefore something for me to solve.
in hermetic symbolism the rising pheonix represents the rebirth of the soul of the iniate, abandoning the pleasures on earthly pleasures for higher illumination
Yes, you should
Aha, ok. Makes sense. Was thinking, maybe 'they' want to wake up something and burn everything
>jewish star is a cube
>muslims worship a cube
>Christian cross is an unfolded cube
What's the deal with abrahamic religions and the cube?
The jews are the servants of the Archons and Saturn is the archetypal force that they use to control the world.
Jupiter rules with an iron scepter.
Saturn is represented by its rings.
For the Sept 23rd sign in the sky spoken about in Revelation:
The passage refers to the child being born of a virgin as "ruling with an iron scepter"; Jupiter (the planet) will be born from the "womb" of the constellation Virgo after spending 9 months there right before the Sept. 23.
I have that book. Buy a copy and read it; you need full understanding of the subject material, otherwise what you just read won't make much sense and has the risk of being taken out of context (profaned).
from Manly P Hall's The secret teaching of all ages
The solar system was organized by forces operating inward from the great ring of the
Saturnian sphere; and since the beginnings of all things were under the control of Saturn,
the most reasonable inference is that the first forms of worship were dedicated to him and
his peculiar symbol--the stone. Thus the intrinsic nature of Saturn is synonymous with
that spiritual rock which is the enduring foundation of the Solar Temple, and has its
antitypc or lower octave in that terrestrial rock--the planet Earth--which sustains upon its
jagged surface the diversified genera of mundane life.
is the Kali Yuga finnaling ending?
Jupiter isn't even in Virgo right now. Wtf are you on about?
Saturn is a symbol meaning many things, for example, the material world.
The black cube (=Saturn) is a symbol of the material illusion or simulation. Three dimensions with black sides meaning you can't see beyond it if you are inside. (((They))) know this, and use it to flaunt you. It's not worship.
Demiurge is literally everything that exists. Once you are enlightened you experience everything at the same time. The Demiurge is YOU.
>The Demiurge is YOU
not really, he's an asshole
>Guys I think I stumbled unto something.
>What do you think?
We have known this for a long time. Spreading the info is always good though.
>solar system
>organized by forces from the great ring of saturnian sphere
>SOLAR system
I didn't even understand the rest.
It is to symbolize the birth of the new babylon or new age. Basically what the globalist are striving for. A world united through control and power held by a few elites. 1984 incarnate
Non-dualism is trash and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Maybe ((they)) know something we don't.
Every planet gives off radio waves, you can listen to them all online. Saturn by far is the most spooky sounding planet. Like demons screaming and shit.
up till 1800s people didn't knew there were other planets in the solar system past Saturn, so they thought that Saturn was the last one, the big boss
Isn't there some meme about ancient civilizations knowing about the whole solar system and even more?
Styx got himself a proxy, huh?
uumh, I think most civilizations that had astronomic observatories knew about a lot of constellations but they considered only 7 planets to exert influence on Earth , these being Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
The cube represents the physical existence we are experiencing. A base consciousness or the beast consciousness also known as 666. The circle represents unity and illuminated consciousness. Humanity repeats it's experience through reincarnation until ones full potential has been reached and the third eye is open. Once this has been achieved one can navigate the next dimension we experience through death; one can choose to move on to the next plane of existence or reincarnate back into earth to aid others; The Buddha, Hermes Trismegistus, possibly Jesus.
This is all correlated and connected to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon. If one studies current theology with an open mind you can connect the dots from past to present and form a somewhat lucid picture of the current state of humanity.
If you have any questions AMA and I will do my best to answer.
t. individual who has undergone gnosis
Well yeah, he is everything after all.
Nah, I'm trying to leave such feelings behind.
I'm not into /x/ stuff so I can give you more information, but I heard about the babilonians knowing about pluto, another planet (called x or nibiru or something like that) and also something about two suns.
I don't know, I listen to these things when I'm bored while I'm doing other things.
>Third eye
the pineal gland right? the damn thing is everywhere in the /x/ stuff
>t. individual who has undergone gnosis
how did you do it?
the second sun is the black sun, the midnight sun, the sonnentang
How did you reach gnosis? Do you practice spirituality in any way?
>the midnight sun
so...the moon?
Looks like a page out of a fucking text book.
Did you see the pink laser beam or Vast Active Living Intelligence System? How involved was David Bowie? My friend horselover fats taught me about gnosis.
>how did you do it?
I didn't. Some knowledge is earned an some knowledge is given through experience; I was the latter.
Why would be the better question. I am still searching for that answer.
pic related
how was it?
I knew about the symbol. but that is just a picture. I mean
The pic is the black sun
the black sun is the pic
we are going nowhere
>>Third eye
>the pineal gland right? the damn thing is everywhere in the /x/ stuff
The pineal gland has been symbolized throughout history in many different forms.
Fun fact: The pineal gland is used today in modern science to help detect brain tumors and other anomalies; since the pineal gland is always centered in a brain an MRI that returns with one off center correlates with a tumor etc pushing the pineal away from its natural position.
Because it's how things move forward. Think of evolution - but of consciousness - which happens during a number of incarnations.
Personally I received it after I was pretty much done with everything in life, estranged from the general population but still compassionate towards them.
Saturn was our original sun
This has got to be the stupidest thread which I have seen in the entirety of the time which I have been here. This is about as retarded as saying "HEY GUYS LOOK ICEBERG HAS (((BERG))) IN IT SO ITS JEWISH LIKE IN JEWISH LAST NAMES SO THEREFORE (((ICEBERGS))) ARE JEWISH AND THE TITANIC WAS A JEWISH CONSPIRACY LOL!!!!!!1111"
Please, eliminate yourself from the gene pool.
mind blown.
Thats the day most people "plan" on celebrating life.... by getting wasted and dancing to music that makes them go in a sex crazed trance
some hermetists and mystics claimed that when one undergoes gnosis he can literally see a second sun on the sky, a black sun, that is there day and night
>I didn't. Some knowledge is earned an some knowledge is given through experience; I was the latter.
I have been agnostic since I was a small child and continue my search for truth through a rational / logical viewpoint. Even after experiencing gnosis, which some would consider counter-intuitive to agnostic, I feel that agnosticism is really the best viewpoint to search for truth from.
As far as other spiritual practices go I have always been into meditation. I don't meditate every day nor did I reach gnosis through meditation but I do think it is important part if you are searching for truth.
"Nosce Te Ipsum" Is more true than people realize.
>how was it?
what did you see/experience?
I fuckin knew it, I don't know what's the deal with this gland. Why isn't the secret on the thymus or the pancreas? maybe the poor things aren't glamourous enough.
also, good luck diagnosing an astrocytoma by the pineal gland movements.
saturn is a failed sun. it was never a sun.
>some hermetists and mystics claimed that when one undergoes gnosis he can literally see a second sun on the sky
pick one
No pink laser beams. Not sure what you mean specifically by Bowie. Do you mean his general knowledge of the occult? I am sure he had quite a bit. If you want to define Vast Active Living Intelligence System better I will try to answer.
>pick one
maybe they can see something you aren't able to
maybe they can. maybe we know these things as hallucinations.
>Because it's how things move forward.
I think this is a good answer. I do believe that evolution of consciousness has something to do with the big picture.
>top of saturn looks like a hexagon.
>all music is played in 440hz, instead of 432.
>t. individual who has undergone gnosis
I have never "looked into the sky" and seen the black sun but after I underwent gnosis I have had experiences where I was meditating and seen the black sun; It was honestly frightening and my body instantly went into fight and flight mode and I opened my eyes. I really need to work on controlling my fear now that I type this out and think about it.
daltonists can't see red and green, from their point of view they could think we are hallucinating. it's all about how ''fine tuned '' your sensory organs are. the pineal gland is like a tv remote in a way
It cannot be explained, only experienced.
Philip K. Dick wrote the book VALIS, a quasi true story about how he experienced gnosis via a pink laser beam or Vast Active Living Intelligence System. In the book he becomes friends with some film makers with a similar experience. They were filming "the man who fell to earth" staring David Bowie. Also, Philip is Greek for horselover and dick is Greek for fats, just to put a nice bow on it.
>I think had you truly experienced gnosis you would not be spending your time on a Tibetan line dancing forum.
kek, another book I need to read. shit the list is getting longer and longer everyday
kys kike. these are the only threads on pol that actually teach people something of deep value.
Daltonist have troubles in their eye cone cells. by this argument you could also say the blind people would think all the rest are hallucinating.
the pineal gland is not like a remote nothing, is a damn gland. as I said before, why the pineal gland has this relevane but not the adrenal gland? or testicles?
is an /x/ meme for reasons I don't understand.
>lso, good luck diagnosing an astrocytoma by the pineal gland movements.
Astrocytoma Brain Tumor -
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive and best method of detecting brain tumors.
Obviously if the mass is too small to detect protrusion or if you have other factors interfering it is not perfect...
I did major in biopsy/neruoscience at one point in time.
I am a believer of the true god (the one that doesn't want us to submit) and I also worship saturn. I'm not a jew though, what does that mean?
>Obviously if the mass is too small to detect protrusion
>I did major in biopsy/neruoscience at one point in time.
Then I don't have to tell you about the size of astrocytes
> something of deep value
> all the /x/ tier bullshit ITT
pick one retard
It's either one of his best or one of his silliest. The paranoid conspiracy theorist of A Scanner Darkly (Alex Jones is literally in the movie) is probably better suited for Sup Forums approved books
Hrm your explanation helped . While my experience was not directly like his I definitely can confirm some strong correlations>>I think had you truly experienced gnosis you would not be spending your time on a Tibetan line dancing forum.
I think you underestimate my passion and love for Tibetan line dancing.
this kind of people really thinks they are giving away valuable knowledge, and usually are immune to critics and reasoning.
>what does that mean?
It means you are misguided friend. The world we live in has been engineered specifically for things like this. The fact that you are asking questions means you are on the right path.
What is with these retarded saturn threads recently? Theyret obviously slide threads, but why all the "one post by this ID" shit and proxyfagging? What does this retard OP think he is accomplishing and why do the mods allow /x/ tier shit on Sup Forums?
>spooky sounds
>Cassini actually went to Saturn
I guess while they were busy faking space they forgot that sound doesn't travel through a vacuum
the pineal gland produces DMT, the drug that is a class-A felony drug, hallucinogenic. it kicks in and produces DMT when your body thinks that you're going to die, think about that for a moment. It bassically helps you to eject your soul into the higher planes. you can't experience this everytime because we our bodies are built in such a manner that we are not supposed to experience it before death
for example if a boy is blinded at birth and forced to live in a 10X10 m cell he will think that that is the whole universe. Imagine someone regularly coming in and telling him that that is the whole Universe and that he is talking to god. he would believe because he doesn't even what was robbes from him at birthright. that is us
I plan on readin A Scanner Darkly too. the only book by Phillip K Dick I read was The man in teh high castle
If you know about this, what would you say is a good method to open individual chakras?
I've read that on exhale you imagine a sprouting flower coming from a chakra you wish to open with light coming from it. Thoughts?
Minor general of Michelangelo and Lucifer's army. What's up? I've been in gnosis since birth and make consciousness(money) for people and contain every possible human identity, color, knowledge, and truth.
these threads used to be a lot on old-Sup Forums. not retarded e-celeb threads like now
>The Demiurge is YOU.
If that were true, I would have summoned Chthulhu by now.
>this kind of people really thinks they are giving away valuable knowledge, and usually are immune to critics and reasoning.
I challenge you to read through this thread and come up with some valid criticism on my posts. I have reached my current point THROUGH true logic and reason.
To discard an idea without doing research and being open minded is the exact opposite of logic and reason my friend.
what was robbed from him*
> "old-Sup Forums" used to be about paranormal not politics, silly goy
Take your schizophrenia and go fuck yourself with it
Yeah probably. (((Sitchin))) comes to mind. There is a 5k year old bowl with swastikas on it from Iraq called the Samarra bowl that features an accurate depiction of the milky way's spiral arms made from fish. A mirror image of this that looks like a galaxy because it uses stars instead of fish exists in the voynich manuscript. Unless they're both modern 20th century hoaxes I have absolutely no idea how to explain them
The Saturn question has been around for quite a while faam, it's always been a big topic when it comes to religion and other groups in society.
Members of political parties and politically-influencing parties are associated with this, so quite relevant on this board.
A carbon atom has 6 electrons, 6 neutrons and 6 protons. It's weight is 12 atomic units. 6 * 6 = 36 * 6 = 216 / 3 = 72;
72 angels and 72 demons - a missing 72 corresponds to Adam and YHWH, 36 each. The first Adam was of the Earth - the second Adam is thr Lord of Heaven.
...well you didn't respond like an ass hole so perhaps you have gained the +50 spiritual XP that comes with gnosis.
>I too line dance to the rhythms of the heavens
>in 1992, NASA released a now hard-to-find five-volume musical collection calledSymphonies of the Planets. They took electromagnetic sensor data from Voyager 1 and 2’s trip past Jupiter and Saturn, which happened over a decade prior. Solar winds and stellar radio waves were converted into sounds accessible to our ears
what statue is that?
The quote doesn't even mention Saturn?
>It cannot be explained, only experienced.
there you have. subjective experience is not proof.
>Humanity repeats it's experience through reincarnation until ones full potential has been reached and the third eye is open. Once this has been achieved one can navigate the next dimension we experience through death; one can choose to move on to the next plane of existence or reincarnate back into earth to aid others; The Buddha, Hermes Trismegistus, possibly Jesus.
You say you have studied neuroscience right? you remember the part about
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You reached nothing but ideas that are comfy with your feelings. and you rationalize the information so it fits with your ideas.
nihil sub sole novum
just do a 360 and leave this thread. nothing but retards and fever dreams ITT
I cannot speak for the "opening" of chakras but the answer is simple: Work at it.
Through meditation, through logic and reason. Through physical exercise. Everything is interconnected. One cannot have a healthy mind without an equally healthy body.
One thing that I do think is important is not getting stuck into a specific type of meditation. I.E I mix up my goals / methods of meditation in different sessions or just depending on how I feel. Sometimes I meditate with the goal of having no thoughts and reaching a state of just being. Sometimes I meditate with a specific life goal in mind. Sometimes I try to imagine different energies or concentrate on specific things like a flame inside me etc.
I am really not an expert in meditation and there are definitely more knowledge people then me on the subject. I think it can best be summed up with this statement. Explore yourself and know thyself.
>he Lord of the Universe (the Tetragrammaton)
appeared to him
>signed a pact with Saturn, The Dragon, Poimander, the Demiurge
Bro, let me just say, only those that deserve to see the light in the darkness, do. If you don't believe, maybe your key is opening your eye to a more open world view, because when I say literally and logically everything is a 1 and a 0 at the same time, I mean it physically.