Jews serving Saturn

On a unrelated note, can anyone give some insight why all the 'phoenix rising' symbolism in recent movies, olympiads, fashion shows?
Or is it just me paying attention to this, therefore something for me to solve.

in hermetic symbolism the rising pheonix represents the rebirth of the soul of the iniate, abandoning the pleasures on earthly pleasures for higher illumination

Yes, you should

Aha, ok. Makes sense. Was thinking, maybe 'they' want to wake up something and burn everything

>jewish star is a cube
>muslims worship a cube
>Christian cross is an unfolded cube

What's the deal with abrahamic religions and the cube?

The jews are the servants of the Archons and Saturn is the archetypal force that they use to control the world.

Jupiter rules with an iron scepter.
Saturn is represented by its rings.

For the Sept 23rd sign in the sky spoken about in Revelation:
The passage refers to the child being born of a virgin as "ruling with an iron scepter"; Jupiter (the planet) will be born from the "womb" of the constellation Virgo after spending 9 months there right before the Sept. 23.

I have that book. Buy a copy and read it; you need full understanding of the subject material, otherwise what you just read won't make much sense and has the risk of being taken out of context (profaned).

from Manly P Hall's The secret teaching of all ages
The solar system was organized by forces operating inward from the great ring of the
Saturnian sphere; and since the beginnings of all things were under the control of Saturn,
the most reasonable inference is that the first forms of worship were dedicated to him and
his peculiar symbol--the stone. Thus the intrinsic nature of Saturn is synonymous with
that spiritual rock which is the enduring foundation of the Solar Temple, and has its
antitypc or lower octave in that terrestrial rock--the planet Earth--which sustains upon its
jagged surface the diversified genera of mundane life.

is the Kali Yuga finnaling ending?