Chris Cantwell is a shock jock moron who should've never talked to the press. Kessler is an unstable idiot and now excommunicated. Spencer needs to 1) Be more careful about how he works with 2) Take a more hardline against the Nazi shit.
Nathan Damigo and Identity Evropa are doing things right, they should be the ones in charge of these events.
Christopher Parker
>implying Spencer wasn't in on all of it
He's pretty much the mastermind behind this whole controlled op, and so many of you idiots fell for it.
Nathan Wilson
"Incompetent rich kid" is a much more likely explanation.
Ryan Rogers
Nazis in general don't care about winning. Since the ideology is about race more than about principle, it unessesarily creates enemies of people who could otherwise be allied or neutral towards it. It unneccessarily limits its appeal to a subset of one racial group, since its lack of underlying ethical principal will always make it distasteful to a signifigant portion of the racial group it is aimed to appeal to, and every group that it isn't. It's literally impossible for it to accomplish anything but its own defeat in a multiracial democratic republic.
On an individual level, I think Nazis do have a death wish, in a manner similar to jihadis. They see society as evil and corrupt, perhaps rightly so, but they would prefer to go out in a glorious apocalyptic battle than make the mundane sacrifices and ideological compromises required to win in politics