White Girls Harassed for Supporting Trump

blondalad brapmph

I can't even tell who's brainwashed anymore. Me from Sup Forums or normies from the jews.


those holes in the discarded skin looks like the lotus flower shoops

The kikes are on the edge, you can see it by them making silly mistakes like these. We're getting under their skin, hopefully another shoah will follow soon.

Niggers are calling you back to nigeddet

why do both of those girls look primed for melanoma? look at the forehead of the one on the right, i thought my screen was dirty but her skin is already gone to shit. lefty must be like 40

The fuck? Stop larping

i'd hang out with a crew of dope diggers before i even try to tolerate idiot meta-right psudo-intellectual garbage

Niggers are fucking disgusting and need to be genocided.