>Techloli/g/y is long dead.
Syria General /sg/ - /sg/-tan Edition
He's not wrong.
Ok Pedro, thanks for saving up $200 billion to pay for the Wall.
yeah clearly Saddam dindu nuffin
he wasn't even sucking Saudi cocks fighting their war like the good goy he never was
>The Shah (king) of Iran set about modernising the Iranian military, intent on purchasing billions of dollars worth of the most sophisticated and advanced equipment and weaponry through countries like the United States and the United Kingdom.[29]
>Iran's purchases from the United States prior to the Iranian Revolution in 1979 included: 79 F-14 Tomcats, 400 M60 Patton tanks, 225 McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II fighter planes, including 16 RF-4E reconnaissance variants; 166 Northrop F-5 Tiger II fighters and 15 Northrop RF-5A reconnaissance planes; 12 Lockheed P-3 Orion maritime patrol aircraft and two decommissioned and modernised American destroyers, (USS Zellars and USS Stormes). As of 1976 Iran had acquired 500 M109 howitzers from the United States, 52 MIM-23 Hawk anti aircraft batteries with over 2000 missiles, over 2500 AGM-65 Maverick air to ground missiles and over 10,000 BGM-71 TOW missiles. Furthermore, Iran ordered hundreds of helicopters from the United States, notably 202 Bell AH-1J Sea Cobras, 100 Boeing CH-47C Chinooks and 287 Bell 214 helicopters.[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]
>Iran's purchases from the United Kingdom prior to the 1979 revolution included 1 decommissioned and modernized British destroyer (HMS Sluys), 4 British-built frigates (Alvand-class frigate) and a vast array of missiles such as the Rapier and Seacat missile systems. Additionally Iran purchased several dozen hovercraft in the SR.N6 variety, 250 FV101 Scorpion light tanks and 790 Chieftain tanks.[36][38][39][40]
I wasn't talking about Iran-Contra.
Let's not forget how the US gives out "credits" to its allies so they can purchase a fuckload of US equipment.
>conveniently ignoring the fact Iraq had lost its gains midway through the war and had been having to fend off Iranian pushes into Iraq
Ignoring the continuous string of Iraqi victories at the end of the war?
>barrel bombs are just part and parcel of living in Syria
I'm glad the lolicons have been eradicated.
Sucking saudi cocks by hanging wahhabis and asking for cordial relations between Iraq and Iran, yeah.
Now I hate you again
I'm just posting computah stuff