Everything is going better, thanks Abe

There is a convenience store in the Fukushima nuclear plant

I would say that overall Japan is better than the US, in that it is safer and has better inner cities than the US.

There are a few places in the US that are better than Japan, such as some places like Montana and Wyoming where there are almost no minorities and a lot of open land. Japan has been effective at keeping cities safe by having a zero tolerance policy for crime, the destruction of the nuclear family, and Islam. However, I think they might start having terrorist attacks soon if they keep importing Pakistanis and other Muslims.

Is this because you guys dont accept refugees and immigrants? Or is it the anime, games and tech?


Yeah right on burger bro. I remember 10 years ago reading (((globalist))) shit from the economist that Japan's economy is shit. meanwhile they are all middle class and enjoy a normal developed economy quality of life, while our nations are flooded.
The only thing globalism benefits is the elite, but the Japanese elite still care about normal Japanese, that is the difference between (((ours))) and theirs.

I guess two nukes was enough

oy gevalt there is radioactive materials in the ocean stop polluting better move that industry to China ehehehehe



bumping just as an FU to shills