I hope he will work as Prime Minister more 10 years
Everything is going better, thanks Abe
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isnt your economy still in the shitter and his population increase policies ineffective as well?
>National Wealth
Japan overtook China
>Japan publishes two figures, gross national assets and net national assets. By gross national assets, Japan reports a figure of 7954 trillion yen , but claims liabilities of 5242 trillion for a net 2712 trillion in 2009.[2] However, these numbers are suspiciously large compared with GDP, only liabilities that could be worth that amount given Japan's ultra low reliance on foreign debt (in government and private sectors) is future promises of healthcare and pension for its aging citizens. Therefore, Japan compiles extra figures (which other nations do not compile) and makes their figures less meaningful to compare with other nations.
>population increase
why should population always increase? They're a gazzilion people living on an island,half of which they purposefully keep rural/wild
the problem is they live to fucking long
All thanks to Persona 5
Well let me phrase it another way - birth rate increase to at least population sustain level.
Nominal GDP
Not sure how much credit Abe deserves from overseeing a global economic recovery. It was bound to get better.
>tfw we lost wealth because our lefty government didn't do jackshit
But again. Why do you need to sustain the population? What's wrong with a Japan with half as many people?
The world doesn't need 7 billion people. We won't be more wealthy with 10 billion people on this planet, as we are no longer limited by manafacturing like we once were. We no longer need 1000 people working at a factory to get us cars. Robots have it down to 10.
how's japan, john? is it really different to the west?
its not gonna be in the negative forever
nature takes care of that
once people die off your instincts will make you fuck
if you have it too good you forget about everything and sit on a chair until you die of starvation or something else
You have not enough people to pay for pensions
The immigration policy is not bad by itself, it becomes bad when immigrants are dumb shitskins with no prospect in life that will contribute to nothing to society. Probably lefty governments hope that their children can get around whitey levels, by studying thanks to our gibs
Are there any racial slurs that would offend Japanese people? Like if a Japanese person called me Gaijin I would just think that shit is funny as fuck. Is there anything that Japs really get offended if you call them? Also do you have any other sluts for white people besides gaijin?
>Nikkei : weekly chart
stock price became 2 times.
But even then you're saying they need a sustained population level at some point and assume that once the population has decline enough, they will reach that equilibrium, but for now there is no reason to assume that happens as the birth rates just keep dropping.
Also, the overpopulation problem is not the west's. It's mostly about Indochina, Indian Subcontinent and Africa
Is Abe making Japan great again? When is the military going to be set free?
you would have to think the real world is some kind of videogame to believe that a whole country will lose 99.99% of its people due to not having children
Japanese stock price is very sensitive with the status of America and China market.
>Also do you have any other sluts for white people besides gaijin?
bataa kusai - stinking of butter
>tfw Japan is transitioning from a service economy to a massive anime and vidya production sweatshop
Given enough time, sure.
Though I'd say the more likely outcome is the japanese simply being bred out of the gene pool under immigration.
I disagree. Those economies are still industrial. The people in China are working in factories doing manafacturing. The problem is service economies, because the service jobs exist to serve other people with service jobs. So things could work with half as many people, because that would mean half as many people in line at McDonald's which mean they'd need half as many employees and so on.
That's not true when it comes to a textile sweatshop in India.
and thats why immigration is bad and should be almost 100% completely stopped in all countries
tourism is alright
But that doesn't work. Getting more people so you can pay off pensions doesn't work because the new people you got will have pensions so you'll need even more people to pay of those pensions and so on. It doesn't solve the problem it perpetually kicks it down the road.
>the more likely outcome is the japanese simply being bred out of the gene pool under immigration.
Then you're a fucking mongoloid, Japan took in 27 refugees in 2015, threw out half of them due to rape charges.
>le ebin Keynes meme
min dansker ven her ved hvad han snakker om
It's not our role to decide what the equilibrium is. Or to try and change it.
>oy vey goy your population, you need shitskins
Fuck off, Hans.
Ok so no immigrantion and a steadily declining birth rate... and you think eventual extinction is not the logical conclusion?
how is believing 127 million people vanishing into nothing logical without something like a meteor smashing the entire island?
Yes because you cant influence birthrates at all and it will forever remain at the same rate over the course of many years. If you are this stupid try not being stupid in public.
Unemployment rate is under 3.0, very low. Everybody can get job.
Suicide number became 2/3 after the Abe Cabinet.
Birth rate is still low, but it's rising.
Why do you assume it happens overnight? It's gonna take hundreds of years.
And a population collapse can actually happen pretty quickly since it's exponential.
Wow Japan will now go extinct in 60 years, not 50.
Japan has the highest amount of savings in the world... the old-timers will be fine. Robots are washing their ass already.
why do you assume its gonna happen at all?
its not gonna happen because they have the resources to survive and its human nature to try and survive and pass on offspring
>and a steadily declining birth rate.
Wrong yet again, the Japanese birth rate has been steadily growing since 2005 and it's currently up to 1.46.
Let's talk about a counter factual than, the countries with an increasing population. Let's also project that indefinitely into the future like you did with Japan. How many people will up living on the planet? 20 billion? 30 billion? 100 billion? And how many people can the Earth actually sustain?
>US has a 60 trillion dollar lead over the number 2 competition and have literally 1/3 of the worlds value
what the fuck??? We are THAT rich?
Japan is overpopulation. Current number is too many for the land size.
So we don't mind the decreasing. The thing we care is when we can take balancing between birth number and death number.
If it's in 2050, it's good. Because population will be 100 million, 20% down. It looks nice.
Where did Ahmed go? I was enjoying this thread.
probably just a shitposter
user your central bank is buying your shares, not the market.
Wtf is this shill thread?
His abenomics "3 arrows" program seems to be working.
>Japan took in 27 refugees in 2015, threw out half of them due to rape charges.
based japan
the US is the size of the entire EU combined population-wise, so unless you'd be significantly poorer than the rest of the west you should be richer than any 1 EU country at least, sure
Abe works well. l like him.
Communist party is on the rise again.
I hope they can ferment that popular support.
you fell for a meme the western media is pushing. While they want the rate the be higher it's not in the negative & hasn't been for a few years.
But then why is Abe so ridiculously unpopular and on the way out? Africa level corruption charges and being a general scumbag aside.
I get that your political involvement and turnover is one of the lowest in the world, but for him to be extremely unpopular even among those...
nah, Nips know what to do with commies
Hi there.
>"ferment that popular support"
Commies' language is as ridiculous and misleading as the very iedology itself ;)
It's the demo of anti valentine's day by guys who has no gf.
Half is joke and the other half is seriousness.
we bust nut in your woman. no regrets
Because it's the strategy of the Western media. They don't pick up good things of Japan and Russia.
That's the West. Japanese don't care it.
>falling for the economic propaganda scams.
Wake the fuck up, Japan is doing great, 90% is middle class
You realize you just said
>japanese forgien debt is low,
>This is bad
And you said
>japanese budgets for future pension expensives instead of hiding it underit made up growth over time deferments..
>this budgeting for the future is bad
Are you retarded?
The globlists need to make it look like Japan is failing, becuase they can't have a ethic homogeneous country that is also not dependent on western debt
Negative wouldn't be bad though given how automation will replace a lot of humans. At this time pretty much every country that isn't heavily involved in resource extraction should be looking to reduce their population with the most humane method and I think Japan might be consciously aiming towards that goal (based on feelings, not facts).
i love you south korean boys, you're so feminine and emasculated and cute
>Unemployment rate is under 3.0, very low. >Everybody can get job.
this. Open boarders is retarded in a modern economy. It just stresses the entire system. people will tell you any new people will be intergraded into the GDP, thus growth.
But the Philippines have higher population density than Japan. I mean get real. And the non economical numbers, like lower violent street crime, mattter a lot too.
dude that is fucking bad . and you should fell bad
In 10 years
>Less populated so house prices are no longer ridiculous and labor is in more demand.
>More focus on automation due to expensive labor.
>More knowledge of automation so they become a net export of said knowledge
>Lower crime stats than 99% of the world due to no achmeds
>More tourism due to low crime stats
>Less tax pressure on the remaining people due to the lowered amount of grey peeps
>Better care for the remaining grey peeps
>One of the few countries who keep their traditions alive
Japan will be one of the few countries who will be fine.
Isn't this the second time Abe has been prime minister?
I remember because I had to study Japan back in HS around 2006/2007
He didn't really change anything back then, why would it be different this time?
This. The truth is though population growth or decline is a red harring. It matters a lot to DC mathematicians for their retarded overly complex predictions.
But it doesn't actully matter. what matters is your ability to train and educate (both practically and philosophically) members of society.
this is why a high birth rate is wreaking sub-Sahara Africa. No honest person would tell Africa to up thier birthrate.
english teachers really shilling nippon lately
should i visit tokyo in 2020 for the olympics?
only if you want to get nuked by North Korea
Japan central bank has 2.5% stock of the category 1 companies.
The bank buys when the market is bearish.
Tokyo Olympic will be held in 2020.
Probably Japanese market will become more bullish,and the bank will sell their stock at that time.
Please archive or screenshot
アメ公/Ameko - Amerishart
露助/Rosuke - Slavnigger
黒んぼ/Kuronbo - Nigger
ブラ公/Burako - Huemonkey
チョン/Chong - Gook
支那人/Shinajin - Chink
土人/Dojin - Shitskin
>No immigration
>No feminists
>No leftists
>Things get better
What a shock. The west should follow japan's example
No. You just need to have a birthrate to sustain your population and that's all. More population if future births equals out or keep increasing is better in anyway (except overcrowding and more job needed problems)
No you don't understand what's the problem with overpopulation. It's not about job as it is about food. In places like Africa that's a really big matter, lol
Anyways, more people equals more mc donalds which equals more jobs at mc donalds needed so your problem is not really a problem
When the population increases, also the number of pretty much every jobs is increased because those jobs needs to cover the new part of the population
We're talking about places the size of a medium country where millions to even a billion people live, with scarce resources. With China and India is not completely a problem (though with food it still is because half of China is mountainous)
lol, I called a whole bunch of Japanese japs in a hotel lobby once. Didn't think much of it. I said out loud, "this is the most Japs I've ever seen". Considering the Japanese' convention of shortening long words, I didn't think they would care/notice anyway.
Gaijin is not a derogatory term.
Foreigners have misunderstanding. Probably they thought the word with English language.
If I thought "chairman" with Japanese language, it's a very strange word.
That worked out great last time
>支那人/Shinajin - Chink
チャンコロ/Chankoro - Chink
"Shinajin" is not a derogatory term.
The origin word of "Chankoro" is not a derogatory term.
However Japanese has used "Chankoro" with derogatory meaning.
The situation is same as "Jap".
Yakuza and jew banker riddled corruption
Radiating into oblivion
Way to go
He turned Japan from a xenophobic, ethnonationalist paradise into a typical cuck hive that only cares for le glorious Americans. Import some more Indians and Californian "exchange students", why don't you?
There is a convenience store in the Fukushima nuclear plant
I would say that overall Japan is better than the US, in that it is safer and has better inner cities than the US.
There are a few places in the US that are better than Japan, such as some places like Montana and Wyoming where there are almost no minorities and a lot of open land. Japan has been effective at keeping cities safe by having a zero tolerance policy for crime, the destruction of the nuclear family, and Islam. However, I think they might start having terrorist attacks soon if they keep importing Pakistanis and other Muslims.
Is this because you guys dont accept refugees and immigrants? Or is it the anime, games and tech?
Yeah right on burger bro. I remember 10 years ago reading (((globalist))) shit from the economist that Japan's economy is shit. meanwhile they are all middle class and enjoy a normal developed economy quality of life, while our nations are flooded.
The only thing globalism benefits is the elite, but the Japanese elite still care about normal Japanese, that is the difference between (((ours))) and theirs.
I guess two nukes was enough
oy gevalt there is radioactive materials in the ocean stop polluting better move that industry to China ehehehehe
bumping just as an FU to shills