Communism is the future.
Communism is the future
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the future of pain.
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*transhumanism is the future
not long ago that would have been a girl.
a feat of commie engineering
who is she?
Who is this testicle receptacle?
>Communism is the future.
the future of sucking.
There's one good thing about communism, I guess..... no fat chicks.
attention craving poser bitch with an iphone
nice ones, though
Transhumanism is the second biggest blue pill with space colonization being the biggest.
This girl would have been sent to the gulags for being a worthless slut if she lived in based Soviet Union.
I don't want a dystopia to be the future! :(
Not with a face like that
I bet those niggers added 2+2 on their fingers to calculate the rocket trajectory.
Soviet engineering was a fucking failure. They made useless shit 90% of the time and rarely made anything that was going to work properly.
10% of the shit they designed were disproportionate looking pieces of equipment equipment such as rifles, rockets or military computer parts that would have their own kinks and benefits but were still shit.
Who is the semen lenin?
Who is the red-in-bed?
Who is the cum comrade?
And when your communist society happens what will you do?
What role will you play in it?
Communism has to be the future, because it's past is just a blood splattered failure where ever it was tired.
oh look another middle class cunt fetishistic commies.
At least this one will get to live longer in gulag as she is raped.
You seriously think in the multi-million year future of humanity we will never alter ourselves or colonize space? Ignorance. China's already begun genetic experimentation on humans. You'll see shittons of it within your lifetime.
Remember redfag: it wasn't real communism
In the thumbnail it looked like she was holding an apple. Tempting. Also, tattoos. Degenerate.
It's a Jewish conspiracy to destroy all non-jews. Stick to socialism, or better yet, blow your brains out if you can't fathom Jewish netopism schemes.
Uses an iPhone, mirror, house, clothes made by companies and individuals in exchange for money.
this is low quality bait thread, just stop replying, hoy fuck
bad bait
Communism ruined my country.
>Communism is the future
Not if whores like her represent it. They will fail to reproduce.
Cosmic oneness and sustenance from the resonance of (((life))) is the future my dear structure less comumunist friend. Free your (((mind))) and gold plate your brain noodle to the artistically pure vision of the future brighter than the sun and radiance of the gradient incandescent light bulb.
Shop harder commie fag.
Well fuck me sideways. It's been awhile since I've seen a chink on here. How's the dog this time of year? Crispy?
Tattoos on women equals instant whore in my mind.
With communism she would not have makeup, a phone, or even a decent bra.
All commies and people who advocate for communism can have their US citizenship stripped and we should get Trump to use this law.
Affirmations for Divine Assistance. Relaxing Prayer.
>multi-million year future
Civilization rests on white people which are being driven to extinction.
There is no technological future for humanity after that.
That's a man.
>burger education
Maybe, but if so, your pic should be changed to breadline.jpg
uh...I don't see a shop
> mmmmmm white nationalist qt
photo is about right. a little bit of oil. no other ingredients. going to starve to death
She reminds me of former British pornstar Michelle B.
Didnt this slag post on /brit/ way back?
All this decadence in one image. Off to the gulag.
>i have 95 videos of her on a dedicated porn hdd
Guess I get to look forward to seeing some more commies fail.
that ugly finger tho
No. I am from a former communist country. It is not. And it will never be.
Chelseafindom, well known meme from /brit/
She understand that she'd either be sent to the gulag or used as a brood mare just for having that iPhone right? Sometimes I can't believe that some women can afford the brain power to simply think and breathe at the same time.
If every communist looked like that, I would actually support you guys
Commies are horrible at reproducing.
How can it be the future without any prodigy?
>larping as a white guy
That's what you said 100 years ago before you shit the bed
>would only fuck from behind due to ugly face
>but then wouldn't be able to see dem titties
what do
yeah, look at that face. Y'all are drooling over a dude.
Communism is mind aids.
its easier to see on the original image
there's a clear border of pixels
the whore probably had a red blanket on her wall or whatever
Boobs do not grant special status.
She will be purged like any other Commie filth.
is the carautist still there?
auscucks please
kek thought it said midwest_manlet for a sec
Very rarely, haven't seen him in a few months
Why do I recognise her? Think she goes to my uni lads
What a shitty ass fucking photoshop
Literally my dog could do a better one
It isn't a shop though, she's a retarded commie
Lingerie is bourgeoise. Have a potato sack provided for you by the state.
>not showing a communist babushka babe.
knickerbocker please!
Honestly didn't even notice that. I binged her (yes, google is terrible for searching for porn) but everything was too hardcore and I've been banned a few times for posting porn on here so searched Michelle B bikini and that was the shot that looked most like the slut in OP.
Cucks deserve death.
Good taste desu. She was a fantastic slut.
I've got a shitload of vids of her but I don't think any are HD. Hadn't she already got fat and started doing milf porn when HD porn became a thing?
I swear any of the shit where she looks good 480p is as good as it gets.
>Some Slav/Mongoloid crossbreed
>An authority on being white
Super impressed by your.... Hmm.... Intellect.
Your mom's ass is the future
>no "seize the means of reproduction" jokes
>that man face
this is a tranny right?
fuck off back to leftypol
Anyone notice how most of the good posts are people who kept nation flags?
Joke: fascists
Broke: communists
WOKE: NazBols
You'll never win
Already did
kill yourself.
No, that has the authentic "micron thin polyester flag straight out of the Amazon packaging" creases.
Cool. I wouldn't mind a society where whites all work together for their own betterment.
Surely Communism itself will evolve too, probably into something better.
How is it the future? Communism is the only movement in human history to somehow manage to fail more times than it has been implemented.
You mean some sort of socialism organised on a national level?
Read this and find out.
How when most U.S. commies don't want to have children?
You'd be as well reading a maintenance manual for a Model T Ford.
And you know because you've read it.
nobody is doubting that, but thats one fucking shitty future were looking at
since her body is a commodity, i wonder if she's up for sharing it with everyone