Cool. I wouldn't mind a society where whites all work together for their own betterment.
Surely Communism itself will evolve too, probably into something better.
Communism is the future
Liam Peterson
Colton Foster
How is it the future? Communism is the only movement in human history to somehow manage to fail more times than it has been implemented.
Aiden Sanchez
You mean some sort of socialism organised on a national level?
Colton Walker
Read this and find out.
William Garcia
How when most U.S. commies don't want to have children?
Adrian Scott
Asher Anderson
You'd be as well reading a maintenance manual for a Model T Ford.
Kayden Price
And you know because you've read it.
Benjamin Powell
nobody is doubting that, but thats one fucking shitty future were looking at
Gavin White
since her body is a commodity, i wonder if she's up for sharing it with everyone