1) Curvy well-rounded nose
2) Big handsome smile
3) Cute dimples
4) Nice tie and vest
5) Curly hair to die for
6) Lots of shekels
Jews are Superior
That kid on the right looks familiar......
Yes and strong sharp features. The goyim chicks always want my Jewish cock.
Kenite Khazar genes inbred in the ghettoes of Kiev and eastern Europe, masquerading as Adamic peoples to corrupt the Adamic seed line just like the 'serpent' did in the Garden, warped and corrupted by satans playbook the Talmud with the sense of false'supremacy'
The German kid's ears look weird.
leave reviewbrah out of this
Jews grow nose beards like Italians do.
Ashkenazim are probably the ugliest race on the planet tqbh
Anybody else look much more like the guy on the right?
Yeah, the jew actually looks better in this one. The aryan kid looks like a generic blockhead.