Jews are Superior

>mutilated cock.

My experiences:
American Jew - nebbish, geeky, but extremely clever. Not very confident but usually not afraid to tell women what they want.
Israeli - basically Arabs. Dumb, aggressive, slimy.
Russian/Ukrainian - extremely smart but fairly quiet and antisocial
South African - the worst. No comment

Really just depends on what you're looking for tbqhf.

Chuck, is that you?

1) Curvy well-rounded nose. Check.
2) Big handsome smile. Check.
3) Cute dimples. Check.
4) Nice tie and vest. Check.
5) Curly hair to die for. Check.
6) Lots of shekels. Check.

7) Malevolent foreign colonist in someone else's country. check.

My experience:

American Jews: extremely naive, lefty liberals, arrogant and weak willed. In the army they were weaklings. Always quit at the first difficulty.

Israelis: More aggressive, patriotic and right wing. Also extremely street-smart. Large proportion also book-smart - we are a tech capital almost like silicone valley.

Russians/Ukrainians: The ones I came across in Israel were a mix. Either very smart and quiet, or like the typical drunk slav nigger.

Never met a south african jew.

Now now, don't be antisemetic, goy.

>5) Curly hair to die for

Khazar Kenites mixed with Adamic Caucasians to advance the fake, deceptive narrative that (((they))) are Adamic Israelites when in reality ((they))) are "serpent' Cains seed (Kenites) to corrupt Adamic peoples physically and spiritually

gas the kek