Higher Education/Degrees thread continued

Post em

That chart is outdated. Electrical engineer is only there because hardware engineer is absurdly good. Aero has trash unemployment, and is only good if you can get hired by jpl/northrop/boeing and condone nepotism.

Yeah, I know it's shit. I just found Sup Forumss careers interesting :)

>still falling for the college jew

yeah bro haha fuck philosophy and history and english real men get a mind numbing engineering grunt job and never strive for anything or have any values other than making money haha

>real men get a mind numbing engineering grunt job and never strive for anything or have any values other than making money haha
It's physically easy work that has high pay and a low average number hours per week. Enjoy your consistent workload and financial difficulty raising more than 1.5 children.

If the chem engineer responds to this post, let me know (old thread closed)

>tfw in good tier
it's something at least

Black, Finance Degree, make more than the average incel cuck on here get on my level

Geophysics repeats