Higher Education/Degrees thread continued

Post em

That chart is outdated. Electrical engineer is only there because hardware engineer is absurdly good. Aero has trash unemployment, and is only good if you can get hired by jpl/northrop/boeing and condone nepotism.

Yeah, I know it's shit. I just found Sup Forumss careers interesting :)

>still falling for the college jew

yeah bro haha fuck philosophy and history and english real men get a mind numbing engineering grunt job and never strive for anything or have any values other than making money haha

>real men get a mind numbing engineering grunt job and never strive for anything or have any values other than making money haha
It's physically easy work that has high pay and a low average number hours per week. Enjoy your consistent workload and financial difficulty raising more than 1.5 children.

If the chem engineer responds to this post, let me know (old thread closed)

>tfw in good tier
it's something at least

Black, Finance Degree, make more than the average incel cuck on here get on my level

Geophysics repeats

Applied physicist working as a biomedical engineer. Good work, good pay, what else do I need?

>have no degree
>make 6 figures in automation as systems engineer
>self taught because from poor family with no resources
used internet to learn all of this shit for free
degrees can be useful and i dont do the typical cuck bullshit and hate what i dont have
but if your typical excuse maker bothered to push themselves they would hate the successful/educated

Where's environmental engineering?

Good for you user.

>mind numbing
80 IQ neet detected

>tfw electrical and computer engineering master race

Do what you fucking want, that's the only way to enjoy life

I'm teaching history and languages (Spanish, Mandarin, Russian) and wouldn't have it any other way. Great holidays,meeting lots of good people

>people tell me business is a meme degree
>am now the practice manager for a law firm and make more than the fucking barristers
>lawyers with 30 years experience take orders from me
>didn't even finish my degree, got hired straight out of third year
You can make money at anything if you're good at what you do.

What's wrong with psychology?

thanks user
feels good to hear it
i hear shit from crybabies about disadvantage
when i tell them my story they shut up and walk away
they cant call me privileged because of where i came from and how i got here
i am a reminder of their own laziness

Gets undergrad and wants to discuss education tiers. I have a BS in Mathematics and a BS in computer engineering. Getting my PhD in pure math, and I deem you to be faggot tier.

>You can make money at anything if you're good at what you do.

The real red pill

>Anything creative is shit
>The only good degrees are what earns you the most money

This is how you get a country like China that has zero cultural impact on the world. The strength of Western civilization has been its ability to be prosperous and culturally influential. Imagine what the world would be like if we didn't have the Renaissance, or great writers and filmmakers.

Soft science is a joke.

Why would you pay 20k/yr to learn how to draw?

>Marketing is two tiers below geology
OP is fake news

What about Economics? about to start it in a few weeks.