I don't know, to be honest.
But what I do know is that the only people who voted for Donald Trump are rural and suburban retards who wish they could fuck their own cousins.
City people and intelligent people all voted for Hillary.
Other urls found in this thread:
I thinking I'd rather just listen to KMT. This song got old really fast.
This copypasta is not funny and never was.
>looks like city and intelligent people lost
thats racist
you obviously didnt watch the video
At this point this came off as some weird ass SCP video, getting a "The Hanged King's Tragedy" vibe here, especially cause of the music stopping.
Also this video has a child being lynched and has 310k, now I know there is some paranormal memetic hazard happening here.
I hate nigger music, but X has no agenda and is out to take the establishment by the balls and slit its throat. The guy just calls out bullshit where bullshit needs to be called out. He's a fucking nut, which is why he doesn't just jump on the bandwagon of whatever everyone else is doing.
Listen to the lyrics of this song. He uses one of his popular songs as bait to then rap a different song in which he calls out the hypocrisy in black culture. It's actually pretty fucking genius and he's got my respect for it.
I don't know what the second song was either but I don't think I'll be looking for it. Also from what I saw there were more black people hanging than white prople. X is just being edgy, from what I understand that's not really new for him
I reported the video for child abuse. They take our videos down, we take theirs down. All videos should be censored if any are.
had to go read the lyrics; guy has a point. Murder is murder he even named Kori Ali Muhammad and called him out the same as the people who killed Emmett Till
good song, good message. This should piss off BLM just as much as it pisses off Sup Forums
The point of the song is that black culture is hypocritical.
>You ever seen a nigga hung with a gold chain
Black rappers are constantly using black oppression and its history to make cash. They don't actually give a shit.
>"They sing about the same things that we claim"
They're rapping about how cops suck when they live in billion dollar neighborhoods that cops don't even think about going near
>"niggas like a task force, mobbin on the streets and robbin stores in ski masks"
these rappers who are making cash off of enraging black youth essentially tell these kids they are in unwinnable situations so they go out and riot and shit because they think they can't win
>"look at all the stores you wreckin, nigga i reckon, think about the people who own it for bout a second"
X making the point that the looting and rioting mostly affects people just like them: poor people just trying to get by
A lot of his lyrics are hard to understand because of the whole black accent deal, but if you retards would take a second to listen, he's trashing rappers for leading black youth down a path of their own destruction
The video is him playing as a black teen. He's being brainwashed to the point of hanging a white child and thinking he is in the right because he has been told by those he looks up to that he is "oppressed" and cant win. The point is that he's trying to wake black youth up by telling them it ISNT ok.
It did work though:
I felt stuff.
I thought stuff.
I was amused with the idea that he and his school hoodlum friends got a well-deserved lynching, or at least that's what I read into it.
Fucked too.
I unironically like X
Explain what? SCP? SCP is a website that has creepy pasta articles.
The Hanged King's Tragedy is one about a script that seems normal but when the cast of a play that is performing it, preforms it, the play alters from the original script. First few acts are minor changes, names, positions, lines, and the final act has a sp00ky entity show up that isnt played by anyone before the cast proceeds to kill each other off as if it was all natural and planned.
Memetric hazards is something that makes people who view it do something, I have a hard time believing that 310k people liked a video about a child being lynched in front of another child without any paranormal influence.
Flagged and reported for child abuse. I'm literally shaking right now, this is NOT OK.
They kick dogs?
the user youre replying to is the same kind of human who only reacts to things on a visceral level. Black or white same mindset, unevolved tribal cave men blessed with modern convince and technology creating a false sense of self importance
no one is going to listen to the lyrics or look into it, all they are going to see is the white kid getting hanged by some blacks in a music video with ooga booga bix nod from the genre that says fuck whitey and fuck the police whilst grabbing their dicks and waving guns around in a haze of weed smoke, this accelerates everything thats going on with blacks and whites in the states
Ten times.
Stop being triggered you fag and start listening to the lyrics on what he's saying
Thats a /leftypol/ asstard trying to subvert because X is redpilling the masses
Lol, fuck YouTube. Any video we can get deleted on there we should.
ok that is all well and good, I applaud him for his artistry and balls to call out those rappers
but fuck, he should learn how to rap better. That shit sucked.
pol is not one person and life isnt about rooting for your favorite team
Upload this somewhere else so he doesn't get the clicks promoting white violence.
made it 3 seconds hearing that shit
I dont like rap, so I didnt really like the song. But I respect the message and the fact that he is ballsy enough to go against the establishment. If this makes waves, I guarantee YouTube takes his video down even though his other shit is just as bad or even worse.
this inspired me to hang little white kids to eradicate the white people :)
Sounds like your life is about sucking Jew cock.
Music you deserve
oddly enough X is giving a middle finger to the jew here. You're just too retarded to see it.
The point is that you don't take shit out of the world by shitting on the shit.
Adding more shit to shit just makes more shit.
It is shitty to censor people.
Besides just that, this is thought-provoking, interesting, well-produced stuff.
It's actually better overall that this guy's voice get heard than a guy like Richard Spencer or some shit, even though he says literally the same stuff as Spencer has said at the end of this video (and I actually BELIEVE him, as opposed to Spencer).
Don't shit into a shit storm.
That's the first step to getting better.
Who gives a fuck what the video is? It's on YouTube. Any excuse should be used for getting videos removed. You don't fight the Jew by compromise. You fight him with complete destruction.
Here's a link to the lyrics of the song just in case you can't handle the medium. I highly suggest you read the lyrics before you become enraged.
I mean... i would agree that the majority of people didn't get the point he was making. He dressed the black boy in white clothes white boy in black clothes and lynched him... it visually conveys what he's saying.
Blacks are treated as perfect and whites are 'niggers' now, so fuck them.
You really love YouTube, huh, faggot?
A memetic hazard is defined as information with three main attributes. The first attribute is that it spreads from person to person, whether through personal contact or some form of recording. The second attribute is that this information causes some form of distress, whether as benign as mental stress to the individual or as dangerous as societal dysfunction. The third attribute is that it must cause preoccupation–that is to say, it maintains sufficient presence in the host’s mind that either a significant portion of his attention remains focused on it, or it plays a significant part in his decision-making process.
>Yea let's just remove a video informing the masses about an important problem
From the lyrics that I can understand he sounds like he's calling out criminal niggers
I don't care about the message, just. . . yeah, lynching a boy no matter the color/wearing shouldnt get so many likes.
Especially when its so drawn out.
All I hear is "shit nigga nigga, shit uh"
Who gives a fuck? It's YouTube. You're compromising with the Jew. You know what that makes you?
what's so meaningful and thought provoking about it? I listened to it, couldn't understand all of it but it seems like more "we wuz opressed" shit
I just think you ought not be the same kind of people you don't like is all.
Otherwise, you become what they call in science, an "asshole."
I'm the kind of person who when I don't get my way, I fuck everything up so nobody gets their way. You know what happens then? I get my way because people know not to fuck with me.
My brain is rapping when im just supposed to read what the fuck
The ironic thing is that probably all the people who liked it didn't even get the message.. I really think America is too far gone for a guy like him to 'reconcile' this shit. We're in a fucking quagmire.
reported video to fbi
That's the point, though.
The point is to really think about what it is you are advocating.
In his case, he is saying to black people, "Oh, it's really neat to call out whitey and cry oppression and get all rhetorical about murdering white people and getting justice, but think about what you are really saying."
No, you should not casually consume horror and violence.
We have been bottlefed on blood in this culture, and you cannot sit her and tell me that was a good choice on the part of our handlers.
The hanged boy scene demands you pay attention and really give it some thought.
If it were death porn guro everyone would be applauding, because really having to put action to our words tests our mettle.
It was good. Keep it on!
>taking the high road
It didnt work for the cuckservatives and its sure as fuck not going to work for us
Isnt this the same rapper who said that whites get killed by police and blacks need to stop complaining about it
it was meant to be shocking, but it's for a 'black audience' he was intending that a black audience would look at that and be kind of fucked up like 'why is he killing this lil boy'
I'm not sure if maybe he's not just wrong about people, or if whatever, but i sincerely doubt a large amount of people 'got' it. It was good though because it elicited a reaction out of you. it's just some form of art/expression.
It's significantly better than a lot of hip-hop released today for content/message, it actually has something going there thematically
>(((CITY))) and intelligent people couldn't promote their candidate in such a light as to make her worthy of an idiots vote
>not having severe cognitive dissonance
Pick one
>Memetric hazards is something that makes people who view it do something, I have a hard time believing that 310k people liked a video about a child being lynched in front of another child without any paranormal influence.
Also because of the subject matter its going to make whites more likely to listen to and it will add to further desensitization towards black on white crime
A pathetic person.
Nice to meet you.
I hope you aren't mad I named your condition!
A good goy.
Report the video. Always report any YouTube videos for any reason you can think of. Especially ones with niggers in them.
honestly its growing on me and i find it funnier every time i read the first part cause even after 20+ threads of this being the first post it always catches me by surprise
these are the lyrics
I took a white bitch to starbucks
That lil' bitch got her throat fucked
I like to rock out, I'm misfit
My emo bitch like her wrist slit
Curly hair bitch like I'm Corbin
Got like three bitches, I'm mormon
Skeet on your main bitch's forehead
Don't want your pussy, just want head
wow so meaningful. very insightful. a commentary on our times.
Well what would something be if you see it and it controls you?
This isn't metal that only talks about edgy shit. The lyrics mean something dealing with the times.
>Black have no institutional power.
Create entertainment only for them (BET)... and entertainment that features 7 year old white kids getting hanged to death.
>Whites have all the institutionalized power
Can't even so much as say a peep about their own racial self interest publicly, let alone create white only entertainment. Would be the end of the fucking world if a white person ever hung a black child in a music video.
should get the old almond accelerating....
so this song is trying to reinforce the status quo by keeping everything the way it is ie whites in debt servitude for niggers gibs gotcha. Also any half way intelligent nigger would realize they dont stand a snowballs chance in hell if a race war broke out so of course its in their best interest to deescalate the situation this isnt the going to be the last song to come out like this watch
I reported the video for child abuse. We'll see if the ADL is fine with child abuse and lynchings of white people.
Blacks = Riot when Pewd said Nigger
Whites = Do nothing when XXX portrays lynching white children
Latinos > All
We put nigger gangsters into barrels and pour sulfuric acid. Now all of California is under latino gangs not nigger gangs like it was in the 90s. Mexican cartels ship the product to California. Then lieutenants distribute the product. Then some no name nigger pedals the cocaine or crack on the street and takes the fall like a fucking nigger.
You fucking idiot.
If you don't want your real friends and family to die, you cannot buy into this shit bud.
Because, I assure you, if there is Civil War in the 21st century, it can only go one of two ways:
Cybertotalitarian Anesthetic Transhumanism
Radioactive catamite-herding cannibal skirmishes every fucking Spring, like clockwork!
We don't come back from the scenario where they get us to FIGHT EACH OTHER OVER NOTHING.
We change forever into something less than we were.
Remember this while you are hiding your children from the cannibals.
isn't this guy a giant piece of shit who put fireplace pokers up a ladys pussy
Unironically redpilled. X has a tendency to act like a typical nigger, but he's going against the anti-white establishment and that's all that matters. He almost seems like this generation's Marilyn Manson.
>all that conjecture and butt hurt
i just reported it :^)
where do you people get this idea from?
genuinely interested.
These aren't the real lyrics.
Did you even the video bud?
And then you woke up
are there 2 versions of the song? what the hell are you talkin about
it sounds like every other fucken one like it. jesus fucken rap is dead. da da dadada dada right dadadadad right. fuuuuuuck thiiiis shiiiiiiieeeeet
...b a l s
You're either a low functioning tribal ape, swarm front sock puppet or you didn't watch the video to the end
which is it?
Is that Brittany Venti? Damn, she looks like THAT?
More of these memetic hazards are popping up lately. Are they becoming more prevalent, or are we just more aware of them? Remember not to watch the video anons.
Sure thing nostradumbass
>Now all of California is under latino gangs not nigger gangs
Yeah in places that use to be a fucking paradise. But in the cities niggers are still in control of their nigger sections.
Either way you're all niggers.
yea but I couldn't understand what he was saying so I looked up the lyrics
Yeah, those aren't the real lyrics.
They are the bait lyrics.
It's his version of a retarded trappy pop rap song.
It's to get you to the good part.
He does not practice good elocution though, so slow down the video a few notches if you have trouble getting it all.
This video portrays a black lynching a white boy. Apparently the ADL is fine with that, but Jared Taylor talking about race differences in IQ is objectionable and offensive to some audiences.
This video needs to be sandboxed.
I am going to need a whole fucking Neosporin tube to deal with that burn, asshole.
Thanks a lot.
Don't fucking censor other people just because they censor you.
bait lyrics? I got them straight from google
you people and your jungle boogie. crazy stuff.
No, Jared Taylor needs to stay and so does this video.
Or is it still Summer in this thread?
Something tells me it's gonna be an Injun Summer this year.
>Jared Taylor talking
You mean the CIA Zionist gets negative attention?
Oh wow go figure.
>4 minutes and no witnesses to muh quads
Have a tissue for your issue.