
I don't know what the second song was either but I don't think I'll be looking for it. Also from what I saw there were more black people hanging than white prople. X is just being edgy, from what I understand that's not really new for him


I reported the video for child abuse. They take our videos down, we take theirs down. All videos should be censored if any are.

had to go read the lyrics; guy has a point. Murder is murder he even named Kori Ali Muhammad and called him out the same as the people who killed Emmett Till

good song, good message. This should piss off BLM just as much as it pisses off Sup Forums

The point of the song is that black culture is hypocritical.
>You ever seen a nigga hung with a gold chain
Black rappers are constantly using black oppression and its history to make cash. They don't actually give a shit.
>"They sing about the same things that we claim"
They're rapping about how cops suck when they live in billion dollar neighborhoods that cops don't even think about going near
>"niggas like a task force, mobbin on the streets and robbin stores in ski masks"
these rappers who are making cash off of enraging black youth essentially tell these kids they are in unwinnable situations so they go out and riot and shit because they think they can't win
>"look at all the stores you wreckin, nigga i reckon, think about the people who own it for bout a second"
X making the point that the looting and rioting mostly affects people just like them: poor people just trying to get by

A lot of his lyrics are hard to understand because of the whole black accent deal, but if you retards would take a second to listen, he's trashing rappers for leading black youth down a path of their own destruction

The video is him playing as a black teen. He's being brainwashed to the point of hanging a white child and thinking he is in the right because he has been told by those he looks up to that he is "oppressed" and cant win. The point is that he's trying to wake black youth up by telling them it ISNT ok.

It did work though:
I felt stuff.
I thought stuff.
I was amused with the idea that he and his school hoodlum friends got a well-deserved lynching, or at least that's what I read into it.
Fucked too.

I unironically like X

Explain what? SCP? SCP is a website that has creepy pasta articles.

The Hanged King's Tragedy is one about a script that seems normal but when the cast of a play that is performing it, preforms it, the play alters from the original script. First few acts are minor changes, names, positions, lines, and the final act has a sp00ky entity show up that isnt played by anyone before the cast proceeds to kill each other off as if it was all natural and planned.

Memetric hazards is something that makes people who view it do something, I have a hard time believing that 310k people liked a video about a child being lynched in front of another child without any paranormal influence.

Flagged and reported for child abuse. I'm literally shaking right now, this is NOT OK.

They kick dogs?