So I've been enjoying the Netoge no Yome ride for the stupid fun that it is. But after an user posted in a thread that the main character gets rejected by Ako later in the story, and they basicly end up with other partners, I kind of don't feel like watching any more.
I've tried to figure out if it was just bait, or if it actually happens, but the Light Novels aren't translated, and I can't find any synopsis of the later story.
Anyone know if there's any truth to it?
Anthony Walker
Being rejected and ending up with other people isn't NTR.
Kayden Bailey
That doesn't sound like something that would happen in a wish fulfillment harem, no.
Also this show is gay and you suck.
Dylan Baker
It's obviously bait.
Logan Bell
but schwein is the true main girl
Carson Martinez
If only.
Cooper Rogers
Be honest Sup Forums, how much semen have you spilt over this show?
That bedroom scene alone from ep. 5 has me at lest half a cup a cum down.
Jeremiah Howard
Noah Rogers
I'd have really liked this show if it was "shenanigans with couple and their friends who also happen to be cute girls", the first couple episodes almost convinced me that it was going to stay like that, but I know its going to devolve into dickfighting and MISUNDERSTANDINGS
Jack Collins
You cant have good things.
Hudson Brooks
>But after an user posted in a thread that the main character gets rejected by Ako later in the story, and they basicly end up with other partners.
I've only just started watching it today, and if what you're saying is true, then I'm gonig to be really fucking pissed.
William Miller
It's fucking MISUNDERSTANDING due to her confusing reality with games. Also as you are a fucking retard.
Jonathan Price
You were lied to, sir.
That being said, this work definitely has NTR bait in it, and I'm gonna be shocked and a little disappointed if there aren't any NTR doujin at the next comiket. Not that I want it, but because it's just obligatory in this case. It's asking for it.
Samuel White
>> 141388455
They are married in-game user, she just don't want to start over from being only a girlfriend again.
Isaiah Martin
Ako rejects him. He starts dating Pig. Ako realizes what a mistake she made and goes yandere. Nice boat ensues. Calling it now.
Jonathan Reed
Don't worry.
Brody Watson
Ako is only love interest in this LN. Akane was never interested
Brandon Cruz
That's the reason I started watching
Sebastian Young
>and they basically end up with other partners
Rusian going back to sensei?
Wyatt King
>bedroom scene
Explain further
Parker Gonzalez
Angel Parker
>he walks in on her. >instead of freaking out she takes the rest of her clothes off.
Best girl. There's no way she wouldn't be pregnant before they finish high school.
Hudson White
>Mother essentially gave MC permission to go into her daughter's room uninvited and fuck her brains out >He doesn't
I'm not saying to show it, but they could imply it
Levi Anderson
He's obviously hoping to fuck the mom instead.
Jose Clark
It starts off with her being all over him and everyone works hard to convince her that there's a difference between games and reality. Then he decides to give in and ask her out, and she suddenly does a 180 and rejects him. It's retarded. I dunno what happens much later in the story since I was reading the manga and not the LN, but I'm already disappointed and probably won't continue reading.
Adam Hall
She thinks they're married, in her head going back to girlfriend is a 180
Lucas Young
>I'm not saying to show it, but they could imply it
For once the MC is not completely stupid and doesn't want to end up paying child support the next 20 years or so.
Jackson Price
To be honest Ako is nuts The MC would do good if he cucked her with Nanako(who is way hotter)
Levi Baker
>child support >implying he could escape that easily
Aaron Butler
>he cucked her
Women can't get cucked. They can be dumped or "nexted".
David Sanders
I really hate that instead of being some SoL with fixing Ako it becomes a retarded romance with all the generic shit it brings. Fuck LNs
John Ward
>Women can't get cucked. Sure they can
Luke Lewis
Are you fuckin serious?
Ryan Sanchez
Ako can't be fixed She's legit autistic
Colton James
Is it just me or NTRfags are worse than usual lately?
Chase Scott
It was always a romance series you cuckboy
Go watch snoozing witch or something
Sebastian Lewis
>Sure they can
Unless you do some crafty baby swapping at the hospital a woman always knows the child is hers.
Isaac Bailey
You mean like fapping to the art on the boorus and doujins right? Not really that much. Schwein really gets me going, but there hasn't been much supplementary material for this show.
Dominic Turner
fuck me, I hated scwein at first but after that scene she grew on me and I want to support her ship but I know it's not gonna happen, unless the story goes full school days which won't happen unfortunately
Jack Brown
So you admit to using these meme words without actually knowing what they mean?
Andrew Robinson
Ryan Parker
It is if we're looking at it from the protagonists perspective
Hudson Brooks
Just to remind us that pig is best girl but will lose anyway
Dylan Rivera
this whore is getting me real close to drop this shit.
Alexander Long
If that happened I would pick it the fuck back up.
Sadly there is literally no way that can be true.
Joseph Davis
Cucking is using your time and resources rearing someone else's spawn unknowingly. So women can't get cucked.
Somehow the word has evolved into a catchall term, and that's the meme meaning I'm not using.