OneTimeScans just released chapters 1-5 of the third manga series. The second isn't quite done yet, but they said since the author is taking too long and the anime has almost passed the point where the manga was, they decided to start on Arc 3.
>watching western propaganda movies incinerate yourself
Sebastian Kelly
>I started reading. It's going to get taken down in 24 hours.
please tell me you're joking
Sebastian Barnes
Animeonlyfag here, why is Subaru such a retard? He would act far more rationally if he was just a cold, calculating psychopath who literally did not have any emotions.
Michael Powell
probabky a joke also it was already uploaded in many other mangasites
Nicholas Jenkins
You just described literally me, I'm cold, cool and calculating.
Jeremiah Watson
Nicholas Parker
Let me guess, you're also nihilistic and have a twisted sense of humour?
Dylan Myers
Not to brag.. But that's also true. How in the blazed did you know? There aren't many like me out there.
Wyatt Martinez
Why do I get the feeling that a good portion of the confusion/hate about the MC's actions comes from the fact that some people here seem to literally not understand human emotion? Isn't lack of empathy an actual sign of autism?
Charles Gray
OneTimeScans is the group doing the translations for the manga.
If you follow their facebook page or periodically check their site, you can stay up to date on what they translate.
They host their translations for 24 hours and then remove them to avoid copyright claims. You can go to their IRC channel and ask to download them.
If you see the chapters anywhere else besides OneTimeScans website, they are getting it second-hand from OneTimeScans IRC channel.
I usually just read the latest chapters as OneTimeScans posts em up.
Tyler Powell
>Isn't lack of empathy an actual sign of autism? For some people, yeah. Autism has such a bullshit, broad definition that it's difficult to make any generalizations about it. Lack of empathy is also a sign of psychopathy, though.
Nathan Green
Rem had more cute scenes than that, fuck the artist.
Aaron Flores
Subaru is so lame. He is getting jealous of some random knight who is being formal with Emilia.
And in the process he is looking like a butthurt faggot beta.
Cmon son Emilia is into you, not Julius.
Subaru should devote the next 10 cycles to gaming Emilia over and over until she tosses his salad.
Carson Jones
>Been avoiding spoilers to not ruin the anime >See this picture >Girl looks different than the main heroine in the anime >Obviously that different half-elf jealous witch... Satella Fucking hell. At least spoiler that shit.
Carter Carter
What happened to the previous artist? The pacing for this one is a little bit off.
Jaxson Johnson
>taking the entire volume just for introduction wow this is gonna be a long arc isn't it?
Connor Collins
89 chapters for arc 3 compared to arc 2's 52 chapters.
Joseph Rogers
It looks different because it's drawn by the artist from the first series you goof.
Kayden Reed
Arc 3 seems a lot more interesting. Anastasia best candidate
Kevin Clark
>that ugly reinhard face shit art
Nicholas Taylor
It is, I want the artist from arc 2 back.
Maybe the artist from the second arc rill make a re-rendition of arc 3. But here's to hoping.
Licencing issues
Luis Ward
He is a retard, but he is also a basket case. So who can really blame him?
Eli Nelson
Yeap, he is definitely an idiot. I just wish he could tell the difference between love and obsession so I can fucking have my OTP back.
Aiden Campbell
I don't get why there's three manga series with three mangaka, but I like it.
Oliver Carter
How many psychological disorders does he have now anyways?
Oliver Clark
He has 5. Not including PTSD or Shellshock yet.
Alexander Long
He's stupid for now, but doesn't really stay that way. He's also borderline in some fronts, not to mention it's nice to keep a mask on.
Joshua Ross
Sorry as representatives of Yen Press i will demand you take this down immediately before facing legal consequences.
Levi Lee
The artist of Arc2 Still don't finish the arc, and in japan industry never make the same manga again (See the first SAO manga, that have a ultra-shit artist and still didnt remake this manga again even with his popularity) Also, maybe he can be the Artist of Arc4 or Ex after he finish arc2
Daniel Johnson
>manga series No. web novel is best.
Mason Foster
its only 2, arc 1 and 3 are the same guy >Also, maybe he can be the Artist of Arc4 or Ex after he finish arc2 sure but the Rem scenes ;_;
Jack Adams
>ruinend Julius RIP
Ryan Morales
The problem with this artist is his pacing is too fast and he misses cute Rem moments. Not to mention he'll probably butcher Subaru's breakdown. I don't know though, the second artist stuck a bit closer to the series and was more loyal to the material. But here's to hoping.
Brody King
I know that feeling, it feels like this artist doesn't care at all. That and it tried to make it more shounen when it shouldn't be. But that's just me.
Now I'm salty.
Juan Brooks
Jesus Christ, he might have more mental disorders than authorities once this series ends.
James Perez
>web novel
Yeah web novels are garbage.
LN's actually fix the mess they these NEET authors make in their low tier drafts like shield bro.
Nolan Peterson
>and in japan industry never make the same manga again Potato economics has like 3 or 4
Owen Bell
I definitely think the anime will execute it well.
Charles Sanders
Can we agree that Al is absolutely based?
James James
Not him but the WN is actually well written though, the only problem is the pacing and flow of writing. The LN/WN is almost on a 1:1 scale except for details that the editors thought were "unneeded", arranged events. Though my only gripe was the fact those "uneeded" details actually gave the characters more depth and content to the world building. But that's just me I guess, everyone has their own preferences.
Ryan Lewis
Dear god I hope so.
Based as a person? Yes. Based as a guy you can trust on to fight when needed? Not really.
Robert Johnson
Let's hope that doesn't happen. I'd like Subaru to become more or less sane once the story ends please.
Camden Barnes
And how'd you read that shit when it ain't even translated nigga?
Juan Wood
I read nip you woman.
Jackson Nguyen
Yes. He is an idiot. But he is also a basket case, so you cant really blame him for the times he is illogical. Flawed and human sure, but an idiot.
Dominic Martin
But that's what makes him so interesting to deconstruct and observe.
Parker Moore
It does, a normal-ish guy with some major flaws, it rare to see a series with an MC like that, most of them are just a blank slate.
Leo Sanders
Man, I almost forgot how much I fucking love ojou-samas.
David Rogers
Priscilla is a bitch though.
Zachary Gomez
You got taste.
Aiden Murphy
Is this a continuation from the previous manga or what? I remember the last thing happened in the 2nd manga was when the mc was bitten by a dog. Why the fuck is this series' manga so confusing?
Luke Lopez
Anastasia a best
Colton Howard
Doesn't detract from the ojou-sama charm. If anything, her being a bitch makes it all the better. Al's pretty cool too.
Isaac Campbell
The second arc isn't completed yet. Every arc is done by a different publisher, buy a different company and by a different artist. Due to licencing issues.
By learning nip and then reading it obviously.
Noah Howard
Re: Zero has one author right? What is his original work. The LN or WN?
Jonathan Myers
Al is the only guy worth being around out of the pair.
Zachary Stewart
not that guy but my girlfriend can read japanese and she read it for me everynight
So, how are the relationship between Subaru and the other candidates? I have a good idea about Crusche but I know they are good friends, what about Anastasia and Priscilla? Felt can be included.
David Rogers
So why do we get this while the rest of the 2nd arc isnt even complete Or did I miss something
Chase Garcia
Caleb Evans
See He is on good terms with everyone more or less. Except for Subaru and Julius, Subaru also finds the other queen candidates except for Crusch kind of a pain in the ass.
Jonathan Mitchell
She's a good girl
Brayden Ross
>gook chapters Damn it, I keep looking for more, but I shouldn't. Translations when?
Blake Williams
Are they good friends though?
Easton Roberts
Yes they are, very good friends as a matter of fact.
Jordan Russell
>He is on good terms with everyone more or less. Except for Subaru and Julius Except for Subaru and Julius, but they are for a short thime though
Christian Roberts
Yeah, but only for a short time. I'm talking throughout the entire series so far.
Camden Hill
>mfw people are shitting on the MC for the right reasons
This is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Nicholas Perez
How do the arcs correspond to LN volumes? I presume arc 1 is one volume but how many volumes each are arcs 2 and 3?
Nathaniel Nelson
That's what happens when you have an actual discussion rather than shitpost central.
William Butler
Arc 3 begins around volume 4 of the LN.
Luke Phillips
Arc 1 is volume 1 Arc 2 are volumes 2 and 3 Arc 3 are volumes 4, 5, 6, 7, EX 1, EX 2, and 8
Jaxson Reed
Holy shit
Thats a big jump
Thomas Johnson
It takes quite some time for love and personal strength to grow organically user. Not to mention they were fighting some god-tier bosses.
Jaxson Kelly
And arc3 finish in vol8 ?
Adrian Morgan
I don't think so. Volume 8 I believe is when Subaru and his party meet and fight the Bishop. I'm a WN reader so I'm not really sure.
Benjamin Watson
Soon. I hope.
Carter Green
I just hope the arc 2 artist will do the AU chapters.
I wan't to see my Pappy Subaru.
Hudson Bailey
Do you think they will OVA the extra day chapters as well as the AU?
Austin Cruz
Oh so there are other humans besides subaru who was summoned to this world as well.
Tyler Walker
Very interested in Al's story, hopefully Subaru gets a chance to talk about it with him. I wonder whether he can respawn too, but I'm guessing that's probably just Subaru due to being Satella's favorite.
Brody James
>what is One Punch Man
Henry Jackson
Please reply to my post
Camden Russell
Parker Ramirez
Me too.
Probably, just to rub some extra salt on those wounds once the season ends.
Hunter Rivera
a meme anime?
Jonathan Watson
Oi it may be meme but it's good.
Xavier Adams
Don't be a dick and spoil shit on reddit bro, it's annoying.
Sincerely, WNfag.
Asher Nguyen
David Thomas
How fucked am I if I read this? Is the 2nd part of the manga nearing completion or do we have a while to go? Don't really wanna read this now if we still have 8 or so chapters left of mansion arc.