Sup Forums
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Anime #1420
What went wrong?
JoJo thread
Why does Sup Forums obsessed with lolis?
Scanlation Thread
ITT: Mascot characters that are actually tolerable
Be a good boytoy and bring me the towel, user
Macross Delta
Why are you not watching the best anime of 2016?
Flying Witch
Fate/stay night remake
I don't think the mods are awake
Nanatsu no Taizai 176 spoilers
Give high school students magical powers
Why can't there be good medieval fantasy rpg series
Girl falls in love with a boy
Hollywood is now making anime real (or rather, live action)
Girls und Panzer
Precure Thread
What was your FIRST anime, Sup Forums? Post the intro
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
A series is shit
Happy Birthday, Konata!
Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban
We make anime plots
So let me get this straight...
Since when did 12 year olds become so spicy?
Yfw your favourite anime has no doujins
Fun fact: if you slapped Trigger's name on it there would be a small vocal circlejerking fanbase going on how despite...
What do you call this kind of personality?
Not effective
Bleach 675
Whatever happened to him?
Better than Scarlett Johansson, I guess
Is Cardcaptor Sakura the greatest anime ever made?
What's the deepest anime you've ever watched?
Is this the closest this children's show has gotten to feeling like an actual standard anime?
So is this just SNK on a train?
Why's it always Shaft vs. Kyoani? Why not Kyoani vs...
What dragonball Z saga is the best?
Patrician thread
OP by Boom Boom Satellites
Awoo thread!
Battered and beaten
What is so bad about harem? Why do so many people act like they're offended by fanservice in anime?
Mutsuki is likely alive. Arima is maybe probably going to die to Kane
Hidamari Sketch
Discussion of the greatest anime of all time ITT
Well Sup Forums, do you?
Monster Musume
JoJo thread
Buyfag thread
Why didn't you save him Sup Forums?
Hiroyuki Sawano thread
What does Sup Forums think of the Pokemon XY anime?
To Love-Ru
Why does everybody think this anime is *SO BAD*?
It's a beach episode
What did she mean by this?
Do you usually find it faster to watch the anime of a series or to read the manga?
Are you supposed to take this horribly written Saturday morning cartoon villain seriously?
Psycho Pass
The weekend is here! And for Amerifats, it's a 3 day weekend! Do something nice for your imouto!
Is it wrong to fap to your waifu?
Fairy Tail. Yay or Nay?
Chaika no longer on the front page
These are your maids and your mother
Why is Shinji gay?
Best OPs and EDs
I want to protect these eyebrows
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #2
Why is Galko so lewd?
Hunter x Hunter
Mfw people fell for the "overwatch is good" meme
Goblin Slayer!
Yuru Yuri
Who was the first 2d girl you fapped to?
What do you do when loli makes a face like this?
How do you support the anime and manga industry?
JoJo thread
Sakamoto desu ga?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Why does the Idol anime craze still exist in a post Perfect Blue world?
Post characters who didn't deserve to die
Seriously, though, how does it work?
Gentlemen, I like Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
An M'yano is angry. How do you calm her down
Okay you entitled bitch, you wanna open your wrinkly mouth, I'll open mine
Girls und Panzer
ITT: Best girls of the season
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Muv-Luv / Total Eclipse / Schwarzesmarken
Akame ga Kill
Well, Sup Forums?
ITT: How to spot a shit tier characters design
What the fuck is a MD?
Antagonist defeats protagonist
Left or right?
Shhh. nep's napping
AKB49 211
World Trigger 145
Wide hips
Fucking in anime
Brown lolis are the miracle of the universe
Did Mirai Nikki have a lot of media buzz when it was airing?
JoJo Thread
What do you think of Kyoto Animation?
Intellectual deconstruction or pretentious edge?
Let's get an unpopular opinion thread going
Post a more racist anime than this
Kuromukuro - Episode 9 preview
Anitore EX
My friend has an encyclopedic knowledge of DBZ, but not many people know that...
Story is inane, being retardedly messy, and in the end, a complete waste of time
Shingeki No Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Post besto girls stuck in a shit anime
Monster Musume
Shingeki no Kyojin
Favorite 1st Episodes
New Bones mecha anime by the staff of Eureka Seven
What the fuck is his problem?
What will it take for that faggot to just take the hint already? Jesus christ...
[HorribleSubs] Terra Formars S2 - 09 [720p].mkv
Shingeki no Kyojin
Jojo Thread
I will be Tomoko's first boyfriend!
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1554
When will this old geriatric faggot finally fucking die?
ITT Soft girls
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums
OP by Ali Project
Does Sup Forums like spiders?
Why some people watch anime in 60fps?
What's the ideal number of girls in a harem series?
Violet Evergarden
OPM Special 6
Post manga that needs an adaption badly
Prison School 216
What is the appeal of this series?
Mfw I realize you are all degenerate subhuman weaboos and mentally ill
Some people know the artist from the Sasebo anthology
Drawfag Thread 1800
Is she right?
Bakuon!! Thread
Who would win?
Childhood friends are for ______
Who could this mysterious new saber possibly be
Space Patrol Luluco
Choose wisely
Even Japan is obsessed with capeshit
Show me your ideas
Does anyone else feel the same level of complete disinterest...
Why doesn't your waifu have a penis Sup Forums?
Why is Mio so sex?
Well user?
Fate/Extra CCC translation progress: 10%
I only whatched evangelion for the mech battles and action scenes
Which one, Sup Forums?
What are you looking at, user?
Maji Fridays
16 years old
Love Tyrant
Nisekoi 219
Who is the best male seiyuu, Sup Forums?
Koe no Katachi
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Yotsuba& Chapter 90
[HorribleSubs] Ushio to Tora - 35 [720p].mkv
Say her name
Boku no Hero Academia Thread
Umaru on Front Page!
What exactly is the appeal of this show supposed to be?
Jojo thread
ITT: Post girls that would grow up to be sluts
GA Geijutsuka Artbook
What is the deepest anime you've ever seen
Fuck me, how do Japs type on these? I already find our 26 letter alphabet too much when crammed onto so few keys...
One Page Thread OPT
For once in the history of Sup Forums can we settle this
Thoughts on the Tsukihime anime?
Girls und Panzer
Who's listening to the Kizumonogatari audiobook?
Youjo Senki ch2
Concrete Revolutio: A Superhuman Phantasmagoria - The Last Song
Why is Fate one of the most beloved franchises in Japan?
YuruYuri thread
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
Hunter x Hunter
Fuck me, how do Japs type on these? I already find our 26 letter alphabet too much when crammed onto so few keys...
Bidiurnal Berserk
Big Order
Have you backed it yet?
Why do manga publishers and anime studios keep allowing the illegal distribution of their products through the internet...
ITT:immediately forgotten anime
Macross Delta
Post your waifu, others rate her
Have you every watched anything only ironically, Sup Forums?
What do you think will happen first Sup Forums, it hitting it's goal or kickstarter taking it down?
It's time for you to hug your imouto/onee-chan
Yuyuyu nowayu wasuyu Yuuki Yuuna
ITT: Your Ideal Selves
Holy shit finally
Weekend Waifu and Husbando Drawthread #1
One Piece 827
Tokyo Ghoul:re
ITT: Old Anime that New Sup Forums would go into a shitstorm over
Your imouto is 12 different kinds of retarded, how do you help her?
Do you respect Shinka?
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
KyoAni finds a way
OnePunch Man
How do we go from this
Violet Evergarden by KyoAni
Why can visual novels be so effectively SCARY compared to anime efforts?
Engrish thread
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you sea Kashima?
It's pretty obvious Asuka wanted the D from Shinji numerous times during the show. My question for you, Sup Forums...
What's it with Japan and imoutos?
Get door opened see this what do?
This is your Overlord tonight
Why doesn't someone just comfort him and tell him he's doing a good job?
How do we fix her?
Koe no Katachi cast:
Started Code Geass
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 29.5
Have you ever interested in picking a daypack and walk to the nearest hill after watching Yama no Susume?
This is your dog for tonight Sup Forums
I'm just 5 episodes in and is she literally autistic?
GuP - Girls und Panzer
The series themselves might be terrible, but they've all been running long enough to get loads of OPs and EDs...
This is a boy
Bleach 675
This Fate spinoff with Illya is just an excuse to have all sorts of porn of her, right?
Buyfag Thread
So Sup Forums, who's your milfu?
Why aren't there more voice actors with huge range like Hanazawa Kana?
Explain an anime plot poorly
Is comic books/manga an effective way to tell a story?
Chinatsu is by far the worst Yuru Yuri
Did she just have a big clitoris or something when excited?
Unhappy/ Anne Happy
Nisekoi 219
They see your dick
ITT: Post dojin with similar plot
Underrated anime songs
What If Evangelion was being released now
What expression is this face trying to convey?
Visuals revealed for Berserk 2016
Season 3 when?
Hundred thread
You're in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, and your only hope for survival is the MC of the last anime you watched...
Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai
Does zenkai not activate in response to the androids? Is this why future adult Gohan didn't eventually overpower them...
Where are we going user?
Tamako Market and Tamako Love Story
What is thy desire?
In the next movie, will Madoka regain her powers and punish Homura for becoming the devil?
I gave myself so much more importance than I had. Being self-focused and centered was one of my many flaws
Did a scene in anime ever make you laugh out loud?
So who's going to All Might's Funeral Next week?
Megumi Hayashibara did nothing wrong
Would you an elf?
Bungo Stray Dogs
So, we're about two thirds of the way through the season. There can still be an upset...
Mushishi fucking sucks. I've never been more agitated by pretentious hipster shit before this
This is a japanese NEET idol
Character voiced by Hanazawa Kana
Want to watch killlakill but my parents are home
Hibike Euphonium
Why are thicc eyebrows so seductive?
JoJo thread
Ah, I want to fuck a retard!
Where are her pantsu?
Does Sup Forums like Pandora Hearts?
This is your date tonight
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1553
ITT the edgiest of the edge
I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up Ro-Kyu-Bu...
Is this show any good?
Inb4 Japan is watching and stealing our ideas because theirs have petered out into a steady stream of magic...
I-is this the proper way to kiss your waifu??
Daily Reminder
Wh-why did she have to turn into a cow
Hunter x Hunter
How do we cure machi from her social anxiety ?
BABY Chapter 6 - Survivors
ITT: Characters that exist to job
Who's the best sailor scout and why is it mars
Jesus fuck. Someone help. I got two episodes in before I realized I was watching this anime
Best girl tho tbh
One Piece
Why don't the Tokyo Ghouls just eat monkeys?
I just finished watching EoE
Kyoani girls
Tanaka kun
Masamune-kun no Revenge
They should change her name
Top 5 Fetishes
Is there a better character theme out there than this one?
Will TV anime ever have CG this good?
Kyochuu Rettou Chapter 12 - Part 2
Why does this retard keep picking fights with talking animals?
Monster Musume
What's your favorite anime that takes place outside of Asia?
People in Sup Forums no longer watch/read Detective Conan
Do you think Mushishi setting is in Feudal Japan or in an alternative world?
Pick one and only one
I only meant to stay a while
Did the ishvalan deserve it?
Digital Manga's PeCChi Imprint Launches Kickstarter for Kodomo no Jikan Manga
Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Sadpanda thread
Post some super likeable characters
Which is better adaptation of Berserk, the new movies or the old anime? How much stuff do they skip?
Best OP/EDs of all time
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Season 2 when?
Why does Sup Forums prefer Nozomi over the other raibus?
Dragon Ball Super
Does this get better?
Girls und Panzer
Anime will never again be as amazing and interesting as the first time you saw it
GuP thread. Film rips are out, Finns confirmed to be sinful and lewd
You're only allowed to date one, what would your plans be?
ITT: guess the ass
Flying witch
fantasy show
Is one piece one of the best or the best anime/manga ever?
So, will we ever get a new Darkstalkers anime/manga? Is the franchise dead in Japan?
Boku no Hero Academia
Toriko 372
Precure Thread
Wow, male yanderes don't fuck around and go straight for the kill
Autistic shit you do because of anime
Tfw no zombie gf
Kaguya Chapter 20
Kantai Collection KanColle
Why do blacks like anime so much?
This is your mistress tonight
Shingeki no Kyojin/SNK
Pokemon XYZ
Assassination Classroom
Who are some canonically anime sluts?
Imouto > onee-san
One piece 827
Why even bother watching anime? Oreimo was the greatest thing to ever grace the medium...
Black Lagoom Thread
Bleach 675
Loli want up
I like cat tits
Pick one and only one
Jojo thread: best boy edition
Hunter x Hunter
What is it officially, Anne-Happy or Anne Happy or Unhappy ?
Boku no Hero Academia
Fate/Apocrypha (manga)
Why don't Japs just migrate over to America and then form a anime startup company...
Gintama popularity poll
Cool Guys and Pompadour
Luluco tomorrow
Jesus Christ why is Tomoko such a cunt?
Dead Dead Demon's de DeDeDe Destruction if off of hiatus. Dumping c33
Muv-Luv / Total Eclipse / Schwarzesmarken
One Piece 827
HighSchool DxD
Gakkou Gurashi! 47
So Sup Forums, what were you watching on prom night? I'm an old edgelord with shit taste...
Special delivery for Sup Forums!
Sakamoto desu ga
Naruto 462 - Kaguya Did Nothing Wrong
You get to have sex with one and only one, decide wisely. Other witches who aren't 501 are also an acceptable choice
Macross Delta
Rape/molesting is OK if it's a girl who does it, right?
3x3 thread
You will never be a high schooler again
New Game!
Hunter x Hunter
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta
Papa, sing me a song
Awoos at you
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Why did he do that ? She was obviously best girl. Just what is this faggot thinking, leaving her for Eba whore
Nisekoi 219 worst korean version
Legend of Galactic Heroes - Ryu Fujisaki
I want eat Nami's chocolate clothing
Sansha Sanyou
Put the following five components in order from most important to least important according to your own taste...
I missed you, Sup Forums!
Amanchu! PV2
I am going to move to the Non Non village and marry Renge
My super-weaboo acquaintance started trying to get me into anime and recommended I start with SAO...
Naked Samurai
Are you ready for the new creature?
Think of a Gary Stu protagonist that Sup Forums hates
World Trigger 145
Boku no hero academia
ITT: Comfy Couples
One Piece 827 soon
Hidamari Sketch
It's time
I forgot who fucking recommended this, but these are some real quality faces
Kiss x Sis
Which world leader or historical figure would you watch an anime of, Sup Forums?
Implying evangelion isn't a masterpiece
Is there a studio even comparable to KyoAni when it comes to background art?
Anime Expo Press Response
Who would win? The fight takes place in a globally televised arena with a live audience
What the fuck Japan, is Valentine's day some sort of fucking extortion...
***,*52位/***,*53位 (**3,619 pt) [*,*12予約] 2016/07/22 Macross Delta
ITT old manga & manga authors discussion
Meanwhile in class 2-Sup Forums
Would Gohan have beat Cell without Vegeta's help?
Nisekoi is ending tomorrow
Post your smugs! I need more!
How do we stop the Keit-ai spam?
Manga Double Dump: Destroy x Revolution 64 and La Republique du Catch 6
I hate this cunt
Monster musume
Lesbians! Euphonium
Yuri undertones always make anime better
When will Ikuhara give us another anime as good as Penguindrum?
12 years old
As you can see, Dokuro-chan has a nice body
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge
Summer 2016
This is your pillow tonight
She sees your bank account
Which idol would you M@STER?
Princess Tutu
Monster Musume
Stupid sexy and cute imoutos. Why are they even allowed?
Shokugeki no Souma chapter 168 Spoilers
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress
Do you like thick girls?
Japan Says, "Plz Have Sex :("
What's the anime/manga equivalent of Lost?
Monster Musume
So do I have shit taste?
Kantai Collection KanColle
Why are the Japanese obsessed with Broly?
Look who's back. Is the railgun manga finally getting its shit together after over a year of nonsense?
Hunter x Hunter
JoJo thread
Well? Choose wisely. You only get one chance
Ping Pong: The Animation
Best Anime Moment
Does anyone have a video link to the anime Cirno OVA that came out on the 21st?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...