What did he mean by this?
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Open eyed Ichis.
One more.
Shujinkomatsu best matsu
Don't forget the one with Jyushi dog.
What is this?
Who is this handsome fella?
For once Kara's not the one trying to stand out from the rest.
This was the only one out of joy.
You also forgot the one from Kerosene
What is he afraid of?
They are dressed like my grandpa.
Totty is the new Kusomatsu.
Ichi's dere showing through is what I live for.
The oldest 3 look pregnant.
They are
So that's what is about.
Yes, the three of them gave birth to some faggot.
Cutest matsu.
What is the point of these things? Are they gonna be new gacha Matsus?
Yes, he is their fusion baby.
Seems so, yeah.
Why is he blushing like a slut?
Because he is one.
You can't post a Kara in response to Kara-pain. That's in bad taste.
He looks like a terrible self-insert OC.
It's from the puzzle matsu game, not money wars.
That's Oso.
I realized a minute after I posted. I'm so embarrassed.
New character from Kimito Tsunagaru Puzzle. They have a lot of other goodies included with him.
For what purpose.
Forgot to mention, MCmatsu is based on guy in the middle.
How could anybody say no to eyes like this?
Good grief.
Cat user is going to be pleased
what's the game about? I really don't get it and why they will have Matsus now
Based HeroMatsu.
Niggyanko dorsn't look that bad
That Faggotmatsu however makes me mad for some reason
I think I'm starting to enjoy ESPimp.
Who's ready for their daily dose of Kara bullying?
>Oso -> Kara: He's painful, isn't he?
>Kara -> Oso: My dear Brother.
>Choro -> Kara; Yeah, he is.
>Kara -> Choro: My dear Brother.
>Ichi -> Kara: Oy, Shittymatsu! Don't push your luck too much or I'll drown you in the sea, goddamnit!
>Kara -> Ichi: My dear Brother.
>Jyushi -> Kara: Pain Course!! (In Course means inside the track in baseball)
>Kara -> Jyushi: My dear Brother.
>Todo -> Kara: Since I might be infected by your painfulness, please don't come near me.
>Kara -> Todo: My dear Brother.
Oh Kara.
>still have to get Juice and Oso in the current event
Fuck. When does it end?
thank you user
Are you kidding me, jesus fuck that thing is ugly. It's a ripoff of something I already can't stand.
Chill, Ichi.
My sides
He did the same thing to Choro in anan magazine, where he couldn't find anything nice to say about him except that he's his brother. It's kind of unsettling that he never says anything about any of his brothers.
I wish Ichi would drown me in the sea.
>that he never says anything about any of his brothers.
He's replying to what they're saying to him.
>It's kind of unsettling that he never says anything about any of his brothers.
Kara's too busy thinking about himself to give a shit.
>Don't push your luck too much
What did he mean by this?
And if you wanna go there Oso, Choro, Ichi, Totty and Juice are no better than Kara since they're all fixating on his painfulness.
One more slap and he will snap
>my dear brother
Come on, Kara. This guy deserves a diagnosis.
Anyway I've been thinking and hope season two's "Letter"-episode will be centered around Kara like this one was centered around Oso. They can just un-do it in 25. I'm completely with the crew, that they shouldn't let him off the hook even if we feel sorry for him. Because it's funny. However with the way they've set up our expectations for the sad episode (that it isn't serious) means they have room to do it just one little time.
Probably because that's like 90% of his personality
Managed to get Macaron Ichi in his exclusive Gacha with the free diamonds HesoWars gave out the other day. Not bad. My first gold Ichi too.
man its like a really bad OC...shit wait
You reminded me of the higher chance for 4-stars and I just rolled and got him too. He really does go commando sometimes.
I'm glad nips work fast.
I rolled in the Kara box when it was up earlier and got Starbucks Totty. Cool.
Me too.
>That back curve
How is that even possible?
I got him as well, this stupid game is finally paying off.
I don't know, must have been a glitch, it's just like my luck. It convinced me to lay off scouting in Love live for the day.
I'm starting to wonder if that bug where quite a lot of us managed to get four stars in the space of half an hour was them prepping for these character-exclusive gachas.
Would you?
Oniichan would.
Interview with the mangaka went up the other day: natalie.mu
Don't remind me.
Did someone asked her why did she ruined Ichi?
What does she say about the neets?
She didn't ruin Ichi, we just haven't had a chapter devoted to him yet. For a while there we had shitty shorter chapters where no one got to shine, then we had others involving side characters that we didn't get to see much of in the anime. His day will come.
"i'm a osofag but my favourite matsu is karamatsu"
That makes sense.
confident Kara is more in character, donĀ”i know why soe artist draws him like he is in constant pain
Oso is her favourite but Kara is the most fun to draw and Jyushi is the easiest to draw.
In this natalie.mu interview she says the most fun combi to draw is Ichi and Jyushi.
>oso is her favourite
I'm calling bullshit on this.
>most fun combi to draw.
She is doing an awful job at it.
So you want her to play favorites and give Oso more paneltime because he's supposedly her favorite?
>her Ichi.
Heh that's brutal. It's canon that he doesn't do much but it's a bit too much.
Why are some nips making him into a stereotypical uke? That doesn't make any sense.
>Ichifag analpain
The manga's a fucking footnote.