What you enjoyed/What you watched
3x3 thread
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4/4 What's the middle-right?
Fuck off newfriend. You don't make two 3x3 thread one day after the other. And you also don't make one when there is already another thread up like last time, you little shit.
I'll ask this every thread. What's the point, you'll just get people asking for the name of 6
Don't get involved with a faggot like OP. He's only here because of Digibro
>six jojo parts
why not just have one for the entire series? Just seems like a huge waste of space
Picking 9 series was a lot harder than I thought.
>hyouge mono
my nigga
8/9, -Katte ni Kaizou
5/4, -08th ms team
>What's bottom-left in mecha?
>-08th ms team
what's wrong with ms team? i like it just as much as 0079. Its a good side story with some great animation.
++ Tatami, FLCL, Kaiba
+ Sayonara, Dennou Coil, Ping Pong, LotGH, Kino, Windy Tales
++ Lain, Tatami, Eva, Haibane
- Code Geass
++ Erin, Rose of Versailles
+ Galaxy Expess 999, Sora no Woto
+/- Ideon
because i have not read enough manga that i would consider 3X3 worthy.
5/5 Comedy
>what's wrong with ms team
Not him but I'm not a huge fan of 08th ms either, after Umanosuke took over the project it went to shit. The romance was one of the weakest in the franchise and the MC had way too much plot armor near the end. What made the start of 08th so great was how grounded in reality it was but Umanosuke didn't really capitalize on that.
what the hell how can you even compare those two
0079 is great, 08th ms team is filled filled with convenient coincidences, cliched behaviour of characters, fucking awful romance subplot
the show is fucking garbage
6/6 +TTG
7/7 +Lain
2/3 +Rahx
-Giant Robo
3/4 if bottom left is Escaflowne
2/3 +Kamichu
-Aria anime
3/3 +Joshiraku
1/1 Sora no Woto
3/3 +Mushishi
5/6 +Gunbuster/Diebuster
2/2 +TTG
7/7 +Nichibros
0/1 -Nozoki
3/4 why do you have an ongoing show there?
6/6 anime and 3/3 manga
7/7 3/3
0/1 Ore Monogatari got stale quickly for me.
7/8 I'm not into dramas like Shigatsu that much.
>08th ms team is filled filled with convenient coincidences, cliched behaviour of characters, fucking awful romance subplot
You can say the exact same thing for 0079 though
sure you're actually right, but it's about the severity of those flaws
0079 is far from perfect because of the same reasons, but while it had convenient coincidences, they weren't as intrusive or common, and while the characters were also cliched in many ways they were still unpredictable in both what they say and do in the course of the show making the show a lot more captivating and interesting to watch and the reason why it still holds up today
the same can't be said about 08th however, it was eyerollingly obnoxious
>in many ways they were still unpredictable
I don't agree with this at all, most of the events of the series were predictable as fuck, I saw Ryu's death coming the moment he was introduced. 0079 is a glorified toy commercial, an influential one but a toy commercial none the less. I watched it for the first time since I was a kid about a year ago and would not say it holds up. At least 08th starts off somewhat realistically, 0079 begins with MC having an instruction manual being placed right in front of him because of an explosion that magically didn't damage it. Sure it has a lot of cool ideas but none of them feel built upon well enough to be interesting. It just kind of boils down to saying nothing more than "war is bad"
>has Kumeta on his 3x3
>dislikes Katte ni Kaizou
Why are animefags so retarded?
0/0 rip
Windy tales.
>0079 begins with MC having an instruction manual being placed right in front of him because of an explosion that magically didn't damage it.
But that's like the biggest flaw of the show
It did nothing masterfully, but it did a lot of things well. I honestly found a lot of moments unpredictable(Ryu's death included) and the more serious drama moments sensible and sincere, for me it's a solid 7/10
>having author's work means you automatically like their every work
why are retards so retarded
SZS' jokes quite often fall flat, but Katte ni Kaizou is just all bad
I don't see Berserk anywhere? I don't understand.
>0079 is great, 08th ms team is filled filled with convenient coincidences, cliched behaviour of characters, fucking awful romance subplot
Every gundam ever.
Most anime in general actually
So you haven't read it?
SZS yes, Katte not
It wasn't said in his 3x3 and it was placed with anime so not only that's completely irrelevant, but also far fetched way to defend it
7.5/8 9/9 I like the look of this one
9/9 9/9 9/9
Great 3x3s
6/6 mecha
5/5 SoL
7/7 Comedy
3/3 shorts
7/8 I appreciate your Saki choice
I'm a rebel
2/9. You have shit taste.
Why do people rate this shitlord? This is Digibruh's fake 3x3 you newshits.
After finally making one, I found out that with all the runner's up and alternate picks I like no more than one iota less than other things on here, I could make three more of these. Nine just isn't enough to capture someone's taste.
3/4 (++Jintai, --Stein's Gate)
++ChuChu, +Utena, indifference to the rest
3/5 tv
Is middle left Aria? I'll assume it is but that's a horrible image choice if so. What's middle right? (++Jintai, ++Mushishi)
5.5/7 - YYS was just alright, didn't love it, didn't hate it. SnW characters were all bland cookie cutter archetypes, could never get into it.
People should post his real one instead so we can all laugh at what a pleb he is every 3x3 thread.
Is it me or has Jintai gotten WAY more popular the last few years?
>Is it me or has Jintai gotten WAY more popular the last few years?
It only aired in Summer of 2012, what do you mean in the last few years? And no, it doesn't show up as much now as it did back in like 2013.
>--Stein's Gate
>having Meduca and Jurui
Ok, buddy.
>shitting on Madoka and Jurui
Alright, guy.
>It only aired in Summer of 2012
That was four years ago, bud. It hardly made anyone's AOTY in 2012, and even through 2013 wasn't broadly watched. It's been sort of a sleeper hit, and I sure as hell don't remember seeing it very frequently whenever I'd browse 3x3's in 2012/2013.
>doesn't love Jinrui
Sure, pal.
I am an eggplant.
>not loving Romeo's writing
sasuga user
>That was four years ago, bud.
Not quite, but just under 4 years is still just a few years.
>It hardly made anyone's AOTY in 2012
Bullshit, it had a pretty large presence in AotY discussions and even won a few polls. Fuck, I had it on my 3x3 in 2013 even. Hell, here's just some random, shitty chart someone made from like 2013 that even has it on there as AotY.
>kokoro library
I love the soundtrack but the actual show is mediocre as fuck outside of the ending
>Is middle left Aria?
Yes. May change the image later. Also 3/4.
>08th MS team starts off somewhat realistically
Zaku machine gun bullets bouncing off of a Ball is "realistic"?
>Ryu's death was predictable
This is only true in the context of post-Gundam anime. If you watched any mecha anime from before Gundam is made, you would be aware that no one other than villains and bit characters die. Literally the only hero character who died in mecha before Ryu was Musashi in Getter Robo, and that was during the series finale.
Okay, I'll trust your secondhand feelings over my firsthand experience. There are lots of conflicting AOTY charts; more people chose Hyouka and Psycho Pass individually in 2012 and at least the first half of 2013 than Jinrui, let alone combined. Hell, more people chose Chuu2. Confirmed for not having watched Jinrui in 2012.
>Nine just isn't enough to capture someone's taste.
That's what makes it a challenge. You need to be true to yourself and cast aside so many things you honestly enjoyed.
You're an idiot, Jinrui was at least in the top 3-5 of plenty of polls and its always had a large presence in these threads since it aired. I watched it and took part in the threads as it aired, why you'd make the assumption that I wasn't here when I just directly stated I posted it in my 3x3 in October and November of 2012 no less. You're the only one pushing their feelings of Jinrui being some obscure show and how it's only getting more popular recently.
Cancerous newfriend
OP here, what did you like an not like?
Because using MSPaint is so fucking hard.
++logh, tatami galaxy, kino
+/-Cyber Coil, szs
-kaiba, ping pong, flcl
That you're a newfriend here because of a e-celeb, you made two threads in two days and you spoonfeed by telling how the rating system works and posting the mosaic link.
You're a cunt seeking attention.
That you'll try to pathetically bump this thread soon
Bump because I love this sub/general
Cancerous newfriend. The thread is dead
>why you'd make the assumption that I wasn't here
Probably because you said:
>Fuck, I had it on my 3x3 in 2013
>You're the only one pushing their feelings of Jinrui being some obscure show
Those aren't my feelings, I merely suggested that its popularity and esteem on this board have substantially increased compared to 2012-2013, which is true. At the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013 there was a big thread discussing AOTY 2012, and me and one other person were alone in suggesting Jintai. Shame the archive has a huge hole in it that prevents me from rubbing just how wrong you are in your face, but you'll just have to take my word for it, you prancing la-la homo man.
I'm always late.
what don't you like?
Looking at it closer now and double checking MAL, pretty sure I misinterpreted the middle and mid right. Middle isn't the fish gril Blue Sub no. 6 right? Screw that OVA.
Don't like Hibike much. Tho I can't fight you on best girl.
Middle is Birdy and mid right is Franken Fran. I didn't like Blue Sub either.
Yeah, because it was on there in 2013, did you think that maybe I didn't put it on there immediately after it finsihed? I was just giving the safe answer in the first post as I knew for a fact it was on there then, then I checked the date of when the mosaic was created.
>I merely suggested that its popularity and esteem on this board have substantially increased compared to 2012-2013
Right, there are so many more threads now for Jinrui than back in the year it aired and was relevant, having multiple threads a week, including the shitposting with the fairy faces and the bread, which got posted around by people who didn't even know where it was from. You're a fucking idiot.
>which is true
Citation needed.
>At the end of 2012 or beginning of 2013 there was a big thread discussing AOTY 2012, and me and one other person were alone in suggesting Jintai.
Yeah, bullshit, but even of we believe you were in one, single AotY thread when we have multiple AotY threads from December to nearly February, that doesn't mean shit. We'll just believe your stupid ass acting as if Jinrui was some hidden gem nobody ever knew about and has just only been recognized in these threads despite it being on regular posters 3x3s for years. Here, here's a 3x3 of someone who posted frequently saved in August 2013. I have a whole folder full of faggots with Jinrui on their mosiacs. Don't be a fucking moron.
4+ years weeb and your taste is still pleb as fuck
What? That's not my mosaic.
Worst possible answer.
4/5, 4/4
8/8 Anime, 5/5 OST, 6.5/7 Characters
9 shows are more than enough. Maybe you need higher standards.
Am I supposed to rate the girls?
7.5/9 6/8 4/4
4/7 7/9
>9 shows are more than enough. Maybe you need higher standards.
elitist prick detected
I did not mean it an elitist way.
I don't know man, if you cant think of more than 9 shows good enough to put up on display do you even like anime? Assuming you have seen a decent amount of shows I can't see any other explanation.
I don't really like anime anymore but neither could I think of more than 5 music albums or films I would consider favorites.
I could make 3x3s of shows I find good but it takes more than that to consider a show a favorite.
>I don't really like anime anymore
then why are you here? maybe you should get another hobby?
As if I'm the only one who doesn't watch anime anymore and is still on Sup Forums.
that doesn't answer my question it sounds like you're wasting your life doing things you dont like user.
literally me, I just find it fun making and looking at 3x3s with anime style these days
I just can't standard anime shtick anymore
>did you think that maybe I didn't put it on there immediately after it finsihed?
No, I didn't consider that you need other people to validate your opinion of supposedly one of your very favorite works in the medium; I'm bad at imagining how weak-minded idiots think.
>Right, there are so many more threads now for Jinrui than back in the year it aired
That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard. "I guess no one likes Sora no Woto or Mushishi anymore since they rarely have threads," said the stupidest person in this thread.
>We'll just believe your stupid ass acting as if Jinrui was some hidden gem nobody ever knew about
It is amazing how convenient for you it would be if I'd ever actually implied that, but I didn't. You've posted two examples (strange filenames, by the way) as if that contradicts anything I've said. What you would need to show is the ratio of 3x3's with Jintai in it decreasing between pre-2014 and now. That would contradict my memory, as Jintai was a paltry 3x3 presence back then.
Compare that to a thread last Monday with about as many reaction images as 3x3's that had five hits, only two of which are duplicated in today's thread:
Or this very thread, with SIX, not including my own, out of twenty-two including fakes and those with nothing from the last five years.
I never said it was obscure or unknown, only that it seems to be held in higher general regard very recently than it was back in 2012/2013. If anything, my only fault was saying "years" when I should have said "months", as the trend seems to be extremely recent. If the archive didn't have a huge hole right over the years in question we could settle this definitively, but otherwise you need more than one 3x3 with Jintai on it to suggest ANYTHING of value. I've no idea why you're getting so butt frustrated over something I never claimed; my ACTUAL statement remains valid despite your two pathetically reaching "counter examples".
I've been posting here for like 2 years now and Jinrui was pretty common all the time
I don't understand what you want to hear. I don't really enjoy anything. I only live for small moments of bliss from time to time.
I don't like you OP.
Maybe you need to "develop" yourself user.
What on earth could you confuse mid right for?
Why don't you rate mine first, naming what you like and dislike, and then we can talk about taste, Mr. "Magipoka is one of my top nine favorite anime"?
Fair enough. If it was substantially less common before you arrived then my initial assessment was right on the money. After all, more people voted Chuu2 AOTY 2012 in 2012 itself.
>What on earth could you confuse mid right for?
don't worry about it dad
Are you trash talking magipoka while having Madoka on your 3x3.