ITT: Post dojin with similar plot
ITT: Post dojin with similar plot
Was it rape?
>1 girl
>24 other guys
that's kind of gay
How many times do you think those cops have jerked it to that video?
I can get off to this.
Would waifu her if she was 2D.
Did they dunk her?
What's the appeal of being in a gangbang? Doesn't it feel weird being near that many dicks, and all being inside the same girl?
Does the girl have no friends?
What type of social circle would you have to be involved with for an act like that to be acceptable?
This bitch was either drugged and getting raped, or South Fort Myers is one fucked highschool.
I'd be here all fucking day.
Not anime, all of you fuck off.
Just imagine the dick cheese smell.
Probably a lot. Guaranteed most of them popped stiffies while pretending to examine and not approve. I bet all of them were jealous and wished they could've had that shit when they were young.
That's kind of hot.
Maybe she's just a slut. It's probably her parents fault for turning her into one.
How are Florida cops compared to others?
Yeah. I personally hate that I think that, but what can you do?
This. A gangbang is only good if it's one dick vs many vaginas, Sure the dick will put up a valiant effort but ultimately it will subcum to it's humanity and tap out only to regain it's vigor 5 minutes later and by then everyone's playing mario kart. Multi dick gangbang is bad and nasty.
>that's kind of gay
Wouldn't it be more gay to say no?
Apparently she was some sort of human trafficking victim.
>tfw no gf
Real question here because I'm a virgin
What's the appeal of sharing a pussy? Sounds gross.
How the fuck would I know, I live in Toronto.
What straight grown man wouldn't fantasize about being part of that hot scenario?
Welp, I should've read the thread.
>It's just like one of my Japanese animes.
No, it fucking isn't. What are you even doing here?
Fun story, it turns out her mother did something similar in high school. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
They were all basketball-americans, so Black Time.
No she wasn't. It's a lie made up by her turboslut mom to salvage the dignity of her turboslut daughter.
Me, I'm a straight edge faggot who likes pure girls. Which is why I turned to 2D.
Also, American teenagers these days are pretty ugly to begin with.
How the fuck is this anime?
It would be hotter if it was a boy.
Oh boy, the youthfull newbness is strong in this one. Hint; girls have sex drives too. Some of them have very intense, nasty sex drives. They're human.
>mfw currently have a fuck buddy that's slept with over 3k men. She's an escort since 19 by choice and loves it.
Sorry for bloggan, but it's to make a point. I'm amazed I'm std free.
Is her father still around? Poor stupid cuck.
>3k men
Damn, how many babies has she aborted?
>Sup Forums - Anime & Manga
I had to check if i was on the right board.
Ah, yes, high school.....crazy times indeed.....
Not really, I just skateboarded with friends and studied in high school.[/code]
>3DPD continues to be PD
>In other news, water is wet.
Oh, don't get me wrong.
I love sluts! I'll hang out with them! Boy, do I love and want to fuck them!
Oh, but I won't fall in love with them. Or marry them. Or have children with them.
Of course, the same applies to me due to my decision in "engaging" with such a person and being okay with it.
No surprise there
Life is stranger than fiction
I know right? Who cares about a vagina when there are that many dicks around?
0. She's not retarded. Just too horny for her own good. I can't even explain to you how experienced she is though, at her young age. It's great.
I might eat my own words in the future. Don't think most guys could handle her, I'm just very sexually open and non-judgmental, which I'm sure she appreciates.
Make like a tree and kill yourself
Well, time to drop out of school.
same here, thought i was on Sup Forums