Why doesn't your waifu have a penis Sup Forums?
Why doesn't your waifu have a penis Sup Forums?
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Kaname 06 was pretty good
new chapter when?
she does have a penis
M8, Nagisa best girl
>Nagisa best girl
Kaname a cute!
Is it a Sei So Tsui Dan Sha type situation, where she cuts off, and then fucks you with your own dick?
My husbando has a penis. Although he's a bit girly he doesn't identify as a trap or woman though.
Because I'm not a faggot like OP
Nice girlboi.
this artist is the only one that makes me gay
>can only go gay from locon's same faces
Because I'm not a faggot in denial.
might be your home.
Traps aren't gay so long as YOU'RE the one fucking them.
I swear one day I'm going to cuck you away from your waifu, op. It's going to be glorious.
You sound like one.
She does.
Won't be that hard.
Kaname will let anyone fuck her.
Literally old fat man of the street laced with STDs.
>having a waifu
>not a husbando that can pet your hair and hold you close and make you feel warm and fuzzy
Because Ai is too pretty to have one!
There are no waifus with penises, just husbandos with a good fashion sense.
Girls can't be pretty, user.
Checkmate, athiests.
because reverse trap is better
Ai is the most beautiful woman ever!
Even the most beautiful pig is still just an ugly pig.
I don't know. Why is your waifu a slut?
weird how this went all lovey dovey all of a sudden
what happened?
I don't know, but I prefer it to the drug fuelled mind-break gangrapes.
He just wanted to be loved all along.
what am i? fkn gay?
Taking dicks in your ass eventually makes you gay.
>Why doesn't your waifu have a penis Sup Forums?
¿Por qué no las dos?
>being homosexual
I pity you.
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Everyfucking time. Shit like this is cheating fucking japs