>Episode 9 preview
Kuromukuro - Episode 9 preview
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>still no subs for 8
Fuck you famila
He's not wrong though, fa[gg]ots announced there would be a delay, you don't have to be so rude.
Welcome to the era before speedsubs
>NotMiuna is a Miunafag
What a shit.
It's not her room.
is this show worth checking out?
It might be, user. I don't know your taste
well, i'm not telling you!
nagi no asukara?
a poster is on the wall
Since I can't watch Kuromukuro anyway I might as well drive to Fanime to call jaka a faggot.
Ala koda.
Do you like giant robot melee deathbattles with inventive takedowns and a side of character drama from the slightly plumper female equivalent of Shinji along with her super-slut best friend that wants ancient Samurai dick?
how long a delay we talkin 'bout?
Whenever Fanime ends.
I can't talk for them but I'd guess a few days.
bastek66 and its multiple fake accounts to troll please leave
Couple days maybe, I'm just gonna watch it tommorow
Macross delta is being delayed as well, so I wouldn't expect either before monday.
It's alright. I watch it to see robots fighting and it's refreshing to see that the mooks on both sides aren't useless.
I want the oni to kidnap mom and turn her into a cumdump
Looks gross
episode 8 was a fucking piece of shit, no need for subs.
this kind of sanfervice is nice, no need to have crap like to love-shit.
its pretty shocking when you realise how much he replies to himself
>MAL drama
How about you fuck off
Oh shit. I miss Nagi No Asukara and Miuna. SEQUEL WHEN
I am watching NagiAsu right now... what is all the fuss about? I'm 6 episodes in and so far its been 100% ridiculous melodrama. People are inexplicably being dicks to each other for no reason. When the hell does this get good?
It gets a lot better after the timeskip.
I want to fuck turboslut and sensei badly.
That's what it's all about, if you're not into it you're just wasting your time.
He's a Troll/Copypasta/Multi-accounts.
When Miuna loses.
What episode is that?
Eh, it's just this specific brand is rubbing me the wrong way. Kiznaiver is all melodrama and I'm enjoying it. NagiAsu so far has consisted of whiny bitches though... MC especially is such a cunt.
Around halfway I think, the characters get a lot of development afterwards but if you don't like drama you won't like it.
>Psycho-Pass reference
Fair enough, we'll see. I don't often drop shows, and NagiAsu has enough positives to finish it. The backgrounds are fucking beautiful. And the racism thing is kind of interesting, the characters are just fucktards.
I'm running through a bunch of PA Works shows atm 'cause I loved Shirobako and am loving Kuromukuro, Iroha's after I finish this one.
>9 岩屋に鬼が笑う
9. Demons Laugh In The Cave
>10 不遜な虜
10. Insolent Prisoner
>11 闇に臥したる真
11. The Truth That Lies Within The Darkness
>12 黒部の夏に地獄を見る
12. Viewing Hell On Kurobe's Summer
>13 祭囃子に呼ばれて
13. Called To The Matsuri Bayashi
'祭囃子' is a traditional Japanese festival where music is played and arts like the kagura is performed.
Some of the titles are done in a slightly old fashioned-styled Japanese.
>10. Insolent Prisoner
Do the demons capture Yukina? Do the humans capture a demon?
I want to wreck her well used pussy.
At the end of this episode Yukina gets captured by a demon and says "dad" before she passes out.
Can't be 100% sure it's her dad, I imagine it isn't.
Now I've lost it
I know I can kill
The truth lies within the darkness
Ah, PA Works' classic festival episodes
tfw no episode
Love is over
subs where
It's almost like the old days.
busy subban panzer.
Nice catch. Is seiyuu also same?
Please remember to report this stupid retard for constantly bringing up drama no one cares about.
What a crazy photoshopping skills
i guess an alien has dad's watch that leads some possibility.
Holy shit you're right
I want to pick her up with one hand and use her like an onahole gently.
>Shamisen riff
I want to grope Sophie's sophies.
I feel you.
>still no subs
>still no subs
Waiting for the sub defense force. Telling you how impatient you are.
Just let the thread die already.
Iie, senpai.
In the time people spend complaining about lack of subs they could have learned japanese
Why do people like this exist ;__;
This show went from mediocre to AOTS surprisingly quickly in recent weeks.
Finally, thanks mods.
This show has way too many waifus and I can't just pick one!
Who's this semen demon?
A youtuber.
Appearently Netflix's fault.
A shame, it's one of the shows this season I'm really looking forward to.
Oh well, as said, we had different times, these fast subs just spoiled us.
I remember a delay of up to a week being possible for shows with few subbers.
Now user, lets not remember the bad times. Its all over now. We'll have this and Kumamiko soon enough.
most accurate description I've read
Fuck this is literally the only thing I look out to every week. Any update from GG?
Nope. Their site is dead, too - just a ghost copy served by CloudFlare.
GG is dead
Time for anonsubs
What about deadfish? They've been subbing the last episodes too, right?
They are re-encoding group you fucking newshit
People are still watching this?
Not anymore we are not
They said they were going to be out on vacation this weekend so both Delta and this would be delayed.
People are still posting this?
I hope they die in a car crash