Why is Mio so sex?

Why is Mio so sex?

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Ohhh I get it, this is a metaphor for her sucking off a penis right?

She can't help it

She's a normal JK, so it's normal she has urges

She's plump in all the right places.

Her butthole gives off a pleasant, inviting aroma.

Fapping to Mio together in here for those interested.

I am literally going to marry Azusa.

Fuck off Sheldon

Big fat anime tiddies.

I feel so ashamed from liking this




Instruments are all sex.

mio azusa are the best.

Don't sexualize the Keions.

You mean Ritsu, right?

Cause she's the best K-on

I can't do that, Dave

Sexualisation is literally the only purpose this show has. Otherwise it utterly fails in anything it attempts.

I only talk to Mio and Azusafriends.

how? it's honestly fairly light on fanservice

also kill yourself it's an amazing show

Good taste

You too broseph. Hardest workers and huge passion for music.

what´s the appeal of ritsu? besides if you like brats?



my niggers

but her personality is so shit.

Ritsu is hands down the best keion to marry/live with. Sure the other keions are great, and I love them all to death, but let's be real here. You're probably a scrawny virgin who is consistently depressed. Right? Right. The only keion that would be able to not only support you emotionally, but to cope with your persistent faggotry would be Ritsu. Think about it. Ritsu is generally very content with what she has and wouldn't usually rely on you for anything, She's hella fun and would prank you often to keep things interesting, she wouldn't hesitate to help you out if you got into some trouble, and you would never get tired of her fun personality. Not only that, but unlike you, Ritsu is in good condition. She would make sure to stay fit, and would never get fat. hell, she might even convince you to take your lazy ass of of that chair and do something with your life.

so, ritsufags are suicidals?

Not suicidal, but I figure many SoLfags are deadbeats.
why else would you be watching CGDCT?

Come join, we need more Mio/Azufags :^)
Don't forget to say hi in the chat!

holy crap I haven't been in there since august. I can't believe it's still alive and strong.

what's your opinion on lewd mio

>I like sluts

Shit taste

Yuifags, when will they learn?

We need more pics desu

yours is too lewd though

Will Kakifly ever do another manga?

Because she is a canon man hating lesbian.

First day of summer is June 20th

last time I logged in steam was like 2 or 3 years ago.

Because that is the only good thing about her. She is the most boring girl of the group. Every time she has any screen time she is either blushing or scared.

Don't get me wrong I think she is cute and she was my favorite but by the time I watched the fanclub episode I was done with her "I am so scared" antics . Azusa not only does a better job being the voice of reason but is way more interesting/cuter than Mio.

the group has only existed for just over a year

Do you have some evidence to back that statement? No? well I do.


She's like the most boring one of the group, but I will agree she looks the best.

>last time I LOGGED in steam was like 2 or 3 years ago.
got it?
I would never join a weeaboo group

>TFW MioVA only voices slut


Should've they made them as sisters.

from the thumbnail I thought she had big stonkin' tits in a micro-string bikini

huh, never thought about it, but yeah they would have made perfect sisters.



It's shit

Azusa's little body is so hot

Needs a little bit of hair.

I will still fap to it regardless.

It needs to not look like shit


I want to give Mio a hafu babby.

>not a single mention of Mugi in this thread so far
shakin my head fambino

>that look on her face

I just want to cuddle her now ;_;

Then once she's comfortable again GIVE HER THE D


She was drawn that way.

Mio is a pure girl with a lewd body.

It must be vexing for her.

Mugi is the least popular keion

Who's the lewd girl with a pure body?

azusa, why do you think she's cranky