>Don't check up often on what new anime comes out
>Look at Summer 2016 chart
>Hoping for SAO III since SAO II came 2 years after SAO
>Don't see shit
>See a movie is in the works for 2017

Fuck this shit. I don't want a movie. Just give me Alicization adaptation? This shit is so popular around the whole world so why not?

Do you even read it? The beginning of Alicization was nice but it turned to horseshit ofter the death of the Highest minister and it was even getting weaker before that. People just hype this arc and nobody actually reads it.

It was around 4 volumes until her death and the sidekick was the first malecharacter to be a little less than a complete tool.
But aside from that and the 2 cute girls getting raped it was just as bad as the rest.

Watch Re:Zero. I loved SAO and Re:Zero is like the next level for SAO fans.

Yeah but I think Eugeo's importance made the development even worse. He would have been the primary love interest of new-Alice and his apprentice, whatever her name was. But now that he's dead and irrelevant, like most male characters that aren't evil fucks, all of the girls just lust for Kirito's cock again. It really feels like Eugeo was just killed to make Kirito even greater than he actually is and the author hates men that aren't Kirito anyway.

>actually discussing SAO
>actually wanting more of that garbage
It sure is summer

It's the moron trip fag who take off his tag to make SAO threads.

Leave if you dont like SAO. No one is forcing you to be here.

Why don't you go back to plebbit faggot nobody likes SAO

>"Let's play [fictional MMO]" season 3
for what purpose?

We all talk about Re:Zero there now. And is more fun posting here since you can swear and not care too much about trampling on baby toes. Fuck off back to your Jojo shit.

>We all talk about Re:Zero there now.
I thought the other poster was just joking when he called you a reddit fag. Watch more anime instead of posting about the same shiton two different boards.

>unironically talking about sao
>shameless posting this on Sup Forums expecting people to discuss this cancer
please go back to MaL, there's no reason to start a war here

>implying I'm a jojofag
Why don't you kill yourself and do the world a favor pleb

we talk about different things, so is not the same. Sup Forums loves Re:zero too, is almost the same target audience. You can leave.

>Sup Forums loves Re:zero too
No Sup Forums loves it, but they come here to talk about it, just like Mayoiga, but that one is so full of shitposting that I suspect at least 6 boards behind it.

If I wanted SAO, i'd watch HXH's Greed Island

Sup Forums hates to admit it, but Sup Forums is filled with underage shit taste since a while back.

Where should I leave to? I only use Sup Forums. Hell I bet you post on facebook as well because they talk about different anime things there too.

Sup Forums talks about Re:zero because it's new.
That doesn't mean that's it's good. Also drink bleach.

Sup Forums has been dead since 2012
