ITT: Characters that exist to job
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Pic motherfucking related.
Nigga fought Hashi-motherfucking-Rama and then got his ass killed by a melee attack from THE #1 RETARD IN KONOHA
DUDE LITERALLY SCORED DEAD LAST ON ALL ACADEMICS BECAUSE HE IS DUMB. AS. FUCK! and somehow outsmarted this 96y/o nigga that's been fighting since his teens.
Fuck you Kishi
Next week
He should have been first post.
It was actually a draw.
Meureum was going to die like old man intended to but was saved by another party.
Job is when a character who's supposed to be strong loses for the sake of the plot to someone weaker than him.
I was surprised by how hard they jobbed, they were pretty interesting in a gross way and their fight with Uvo was great
He still died moments later.
>Want a quick way to show how dangerous one of your unknown characters is? Simple, make them do well or win in a fight with a character that the audience already knows is tough. This establishes them as willing to fight and marks them as sufficiently dangerous.
Mean to reply to
>losing against the ultimate form of evolution
Glad we agree.
This. Jobbing has never meant losing to someone weaker.
It's always been about showing how strong some new threat it by having someone who is known to be strong get destroyed by them. Showing off Kenpachi as being some unbeatable monster, constantly hyping up how he's beyond everyone else, as well as revealing his bankai just to have quincy Thor man easily beat him is what jobbing looks like.
>gets hyped for 4 chapters straight about how awesome he is and the MC has no chance
>beats up 4 martial artists together, beats up a bunch of wrestlers, goes to the gym and squats 300 kg, etc
>gets his ass kicked off screen by the MC's actual next opponent
>tfw anons don't know what a word means but wants to use it anyway
Ok smarty faggot
what does it mean
Please teach us, senpai.
Not him, but it means someone losing in order to hype up the winner. That's it. It's a plot thing, and not a statement about whether the win was deserved or who's actually stronger or weaker.
No you retard, Job is when they lose just to show how strong another character is. You can be strong as fuck or be useless fodder and still job if the only purpose of the fight was to show off a character's power.
There is a shit ton of people that don't know what jobbing mean. Jobbing doesn't mean loosing. It means loosing to make someone else look strong.
The best case of jobbing ever is Mecha Freiza. Mother fucking Freiza comes back from the dead with ENHANCED abilities when he was the fucking shit, and then proceed to get SLAUGHTERED by Trunks.
This just made Trunks look incredibly powerful, and it hyped us for what to come.
For reference
Not that people ever actually use the word with the intended meaning and just make shit up
Jobber is one who's only purpose is to lose so the other can be climb up the their objective.
>this jobbing etc
You guys are newfags.
You faggots know that every termes aren't the same outside Sup Forums and inside right? Like edgy for exemple.
Jobber has always been here to define someone strong who loses against a shit because muh plot or bad writting
For exemple shirou and gilgamesh
Holy shit poor Kakyoin, he has like what, two fights in the entirety of Part 3? His eyesight finally recovers, and then jobs to D Arby and get's falcon punched by Dio
I mean, at least Advol had some cool team up moments. But fucking Kakyoin did shit except against Baby stand whatever
Can it really be considered jobbing if it's with video games though?
Dammit Falco, you were such a badass, Ken was messed up in your fight, and both of you met your match.
Then you lost to a guy with no name. A mook. A minion.
Poor Falco.
Gotta show how strong Crow and Kaito are
>knees buckling
>looking up
>listing to one side
>not to depth
0/10 no hip drahve failed squat
Lelouch except near the end.
See, Falco didn't job though. The point of him losing was that the Shura mooks were literally meant to be fucking gods of combat. It was everyone else that jobbed after.
>he didn't cry when shirley died
I just finished Code Geass and while it was sad to see Shirley die, reflecting on their time together after it was all over was a thousand times worse.
I suppose. Still, he could've made a cool Rei V2. Shame he lost to Chinese Vega.
He gave Meruem a good smacking for a while and then roasted him when all his attacks failed to significantly damage him
Ali jr was made for suffering
Quincy Thor didn't rek him though. Kenpachi ripped himself because he can't control his overwhelming bankai yet
That panel was him in the midst of going up, he did go ATG.
I think you mean Meruem
>literally outsmarted by an old man and a blind girl
"King of the Ants"
it was a draw
>That fucking art
Oh user, you've seen nothing yet.
This is jack from baki after getting BTFO like he always does
It's his literal purpose in the story
he's great but it kind of pisses me off how he never realizes his followers are what he's been looking for all this time.
Her sole purpose is jobbing
What a waste of character.
It's part of what he's looking for I had always thought the main thing had been to be able to beat the main characters so he could prove to Ajimu that her whole 4th wall schtick is total bullshit if a guy like him could actually pull something like that off
The ultimate jobber.
That's literally the definition of Vegeta. He always jobs hard as fuck to hype up Goku coming in to destroy the opponent.
It happened multiple times in the Freeza saga, it happened in the Android/Cell saga, it happened in the Buu saga and it happened with Hit. It happens even more if you count the movies.
Vegeta is the eternal jobber.
I was going to say. Yamcha is the DEFINITON of jobber.
>Brought in and initially beats Goku kind of.
>Loses his next fight to Goku
>Goku tells Krillin that Yamcha is one of the strongest guys he knows
>Loses to Jackie-chun
>Loses to the mummy so that Goku can show how strong he is by beating him
>Loses to Tenshinhan to establish how ruthless and powerful he is
>Loses to Shen to show Kami's involvement in the tournament
>Dies to a saibamen as a means to set the grim tone for the saiyan saga
>Gets impaled by Gero to establish their Ki absorbing powers
Yamcha's character embodies Jobbing to a T, but he does it so frequently it just makes him look weak rather than his opponents look strong.
what are you talking about he won his goal was to kill the ants no matter the cost and he accomplished this by killing the king and 2 of the royal guards
In that case
>Yamcha is the DEFINITON of jobber.
Read the thread faggot
>He took Bulma's virginity
Nothing really matter after that
Shitposting or just dumb? By that logic everyone in DB is a jobber
>it happened multiple times in the freeza saga
>it happened in the android/cell saga.
Goku only had two fights in that saga and lost both of them. Vegeta actually kicked more ass than anyone that saga and was literally only beaten because of his own hubris.
Even Buu saga is questionable because, while Vegeta couldn't beat Buu, neither could Goku. He literally wasted all of his Ki just trying to match him in strength.
He does Job, but WAY less than someone like Yamcha.
jobbing and being goddamn adorable.
that's not a thing at all
Her jobbing was always massively entertaining.
Read. My fucking post FAGGOT. litterally the 3rd line is the part where Goku brings up how Yamcha is "The strongest guy I know" and The first encounter with him is him BEATING GOKU.
He started on a high note and then became the guy everyone beat to prove how strong they were. It just backfired because that's all he ever did.
Supernovas jobbed to Kizaru
Law jobbed to Doffy
Kid jobbed to Kaido
>Chinese Vega
That felt like really severe backpedaling.
Falco lost after fighting fairly evenly with Kenshiro, then as soon as kenshiro catches up to him,some mook on Asura's wasted him, making it seem like the island's full of bad-asses.
But the next chapter, excuses are made for Falco's loss, and Ken does something that lets him make up for his loss and kill the tosser, so the Asurans don't seem so tough after all.
Despite all that, I'll admit I didn't mind it that much
>is "The strongest guy I know"
Real impressive until you remember that Goku is a guy that lived far from civilization until the start of the series, so he doesn't know that many people you idiot.
It was a tie retard and even then Goku was hungry.
>became the guy everyone beat to prove how strong they were.
No he didn't Yamcha loses all the time, beating him doesn't hype you up to be strong at all. Hence he's not a fucking jobber retard..
>make them do well or win in a fight with a character that the audience already knows is tough.
>the audience already knows is tough.
Does that sound like Yamcha too you retard?
her hymen jobbed to his dick
Not that user, but Goku was hungry. More over,
Wait. Doesn't that mean anyone can be called a jobber? I always though the key trait to the whole "losing to hype the opponent" was that it was a recurring trait. Like Yamcha is a jobber and Kakuzu jobbed to Naruto but isn't necessarily a jobber?
Jobber: "strong" character loses to hype opponent
Jobbing: Character that should win or do better loses or performs terribly to hype opponent
Not him, but to fair, the intent of events like Yamcha getting insta killed by a Saibaman does seem to nothing else but to show how strong they are. The fact it doesn't have the intended effect because we already consider Yamcha a joke is a different matter.
To job: losing to hype the opponent.
Jobber: someone who jobs frequently.
I don't understand what your problem is.
That's what Yamcha was SUPPOSED to do. He just did it so frequently that it lost effect and made it seem like Yamcha was weak. Keep in mind throughout the series Yamcha usually went up against the strongest guy first.
>Jackie Chun
The only exceptions are Mummy, Saibaman Dr.Gero and Shen and even Shen was basically god while Dr. Gero was the strongest until Toriyama had to make more androids because the editor didn't like them.
>not a statement about whether the win was deserved or who's actually stronger or weaker.
But it kinda is? My issue was that "to job" means you are underperforming, acting weaker for the sake of plot, giving an undeserved win; otherwise, you can say any character that lost jobbed.
There are plenty of other reasons for someone losing than to show how strong the winner is. The loser may put up an unexpectedly good performance or the winner could win through cheating and that's pretty much the opposite of jobbing.
>That's what Yamcha was SUPPOSED to do
Pic related, Yamcha is supposed to a butt monkey and nothing more.
You're retarded learn the definition of words before you spam them.
>this guys should've been endgame akatsuki
>instead he's literally the first one to get killed
You're just being pissed for no reason. Even if you think I'm wrong, I'm clearly not using the word wrong. You just disagree with the character I'm using it correctly for.
nigga you wanna talk about about backpedalling, THIS is backpedalling. it's even drawn like itagaki fucking knows.
I know? That what I disagreed and said to job does inherently say something about fighting weaker or not deserving the win and is therefore different that a straight lose, random powerups, cheating win, etc?
You said:
>My issue was that "to job" means you are underperforming, acting weaker for the sake of plot, giving an undeserved win; otherwise, you can say any character that lost jobbed.
I was disagreeing with this. To job means simply to lose in order to hype up the opponent. I was disagreeing specifically with the last part:
>otherwise, you can say any character that lost jobbed
because there are plenty of ways of losing that don't hype up the winner, like you yourself agree.
Apparently, Magician's Red was way too overpowered to make a creative enough fight, so Avdol was never able to showcase his full capabilities. Araki says that killer viruses and fire are the two overpowered abilities.
Wait. So are you saying characters that job to someone they should beat aren't underperforming, being stupidly OoC, etc?
This so much. Kakuzu's credentials were insane and yet somehow he got outsmarted by a clone feint. The fuck was that
This. It's whenever someone loses a fight they shouldn't have, or with less trouble than they should have had.
Go to sleep AfO, you are drunk