Season 2 when?
Mayaka and Satoshi are dating, right?
Season 2 when?
Mayaka and Satoshi are dating, right?
No, I married Mayaka.
The fluff is for Satoshi, user
I thought it was canon that they started dating in the novels anyway.
They start dating in the book after where the anime ends I believe. Season 2 probably never unless the writer decides he wants to actually write something again. Its been about 5 years since he released an original work for it. A compilation or something was recently announced, so it has obviously not been forgotten.
>Season 2 probably never
That sucks. It was nice to see Houtarou go from a literal schizoid to a pretty normal guy as the story went on. What about a movie or something? Is there no material?
She's so cuuuute
>flat + petite
>cropped bangs
>cute facial expressions
>cute fashion sense
>manga artist/manga lover/nerd
Why no Mayaka waifu 4 me
She's perfect.
A 3D Mayaka would still be PD though.
I found Satoshi's character to be relatable, not in a good way, though.
How so?
>disliking Fukube "the based database" Satoshi
Well, like I said, there hasn't been new material for over 5 years. There is one book worth, but its not even the end of the story. Writerdude would probably need to finish up the series for us to possibly get a 1-cour finisher. I'd personally like to see it be finished since this was my second favorite Kyo-Ani show, and one of my favorites overall.
I might be mistaken but I thought I saw a thread on Sup Forums about new material getting announced not too long ago.
>second favorite Kyo-Ani show
What was the first?
Man she gives the best smug
no pretty sure the best smug in the show goes to this one right here
I also mentioned that. That was just a compilation of all the books already released. No actual new material. But that means it hasn't been forgotten.
Chuunibyou Season 1
>How so?
Simply absorbing knowledge after coming to terms with the fact that he can't be the best, and pushing things and people away on purpose out of fear of getting committed or obsessed.
The scenes that depict him being slightly jealous of Oreki also struck a nerve for some reason.
>that means it hasn't been forgotten.
I hope that leads to something eventually
>Chuunibyou Season 1
Did you dislike S2?
Did he resort to becoming a database after realizing he couldn't be the best though? That's not how I understood it, but maybe you're right
Also, he did accept Mayaka in the end.
>Did you dislike season 2?
I watched it, I was happy to see the cast again, but it really should have ended with Season 1. Season 2 focused too much on yuri-baiting Deko with Mori. Plus the unnecessary drama by introducing the new girl (who was in the original novels I believe). Did it ruin the first season for me? No, not really. It just wasn't the same experience I had from S1.
I can understand that, I've never watched an S2 that wasn't somewhat disappointing. Hopefully Hibike S2 will be good.
In the last episode Mayaka pretty much confirms it, saying they are doing okay.
I thought she said things between them were going "as usual" or whatever
>Its been about 5 years since he released an original work for it.
He's been releasing shorts. The latest one was released this year and it's not even that short, and it introduced new drama, plot, and character development for Chitanda, which basically is that she was wrong when she said in OP's pic. Her father told her she won't inherit the farm after all and she goes emo. The new volume that was announced is a compilation of the shorts that have been released since the last volume.
Is that so? I did my research but it didn't come up like that. Guess I didn't do enough. However, I heard about that part. I am very much glad to be proven wrong in this case.
Yeah, it's pretty slow but it's alive. The introduction of new drama gives me hope that Yonezawa has plans to write more stuff soon. The tweet in which he announced the new volume also kinda implied that there might be a bit of new content, but that's a rumor.
Checked that part. Yeah, it's "well, normal".
But Satoshi calls her at the end of valentine episode, they arrive to that festival thing together, and she thanks Oreki for kicking some seance into satoshi. Seems promising to me.
Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, it seems like it worked out in the end. I wonder how their interactions will change if there's ever an S2.
Sup Forums will always hate the mysteries it had but I liked the mundane mysteries. Goddamn that school festival arc was great.
The only mystery that felt dragged out and had way too many loop holes was the movie one.
The Hyouka one gave me chills the first time I watched it. Specifically, when everything comes to an end and they find out what Hyouka meant.
Why does Sup Forums hate the mysteries?
I disliked the movie one as well.
The festival arc was great, the way Oreki resolved it in the end was really satisfying.
What plotholes did the movie arc have? It's supposed to have inconsistencies because what Irisu said wasn't true.
i really like oreki as a mc
hopes he gets chitanda
>Why does Sup Forums hate the mysteries?
A lot of kiddies around here think that a show is bad if it isn't trying to be what they wanted it to be. These people thought "mystery" always has to mean murder or crime scenes, so they thought that the mysteries in Hyouka were boring and that "nothing happened", just because of the object of the mysteries, and not how they developed and were executed.
>tfw ywn have a mayaka gf
Why must we suffer so
>Mayaka and Satoshi are dating, right?
Oh I get it. That aspect of the show didn't bother me at all, I sometimes thought that Oreki's way of spontaneously finding explanations for various situations was a bit far-fetched though
It's just the writer that they didn't wanna bother played a huge part
Isn't it jap culture to not bother other people unless it's an absolute necessity or something?
What was the reason again? The writer was sick or an introvert right?
For some reason this show fucked me up harder than anything else except NHK. It wasn't even really sad or anything but fuck if I didn't want to splatter my brains on the wall when I finished it