Character voiced by Hanazawa Kana

>character voiced by Hanazawa Kana

Other urls found in this thread:


Without checking.

Whats wrong with her? Shes cute:

Snake from Monogatari
Short angel chick from Angel Beats

Literally one voice.

>OP/ED by Asami Imai
>Character voiced by Asami Imai

What's wrong?
For once you don't have putrid taste. Omedetou.

>character voiced by Satomi Arai

>Short angel chick from Angel Beats
Also known as my favorite from AB

>character voiced by Sora Amamiya

>reskinned Facebook meme
Fuck off.

>Post by Mami Kawada Lover

>tripfags at all

>He doesn't filter all filthy tripfag

But I like all Monogataris.

>replying to a drake/ Sup Forums tier shitpost

Reminder to sage before you post.


You forgot her best role.
Hanazawa is legitimately great if they cast her properly but too many studio rather have her as the soft spoken archetype, it's a waste of talent.

And Akane. I really do like her deeper voice better than her 'moe' voice.

>epic trope + crossboarder reaction image thread for people who want to fit in on Sup Forums but are incapable of actually discussing airing or older anime

>but are incapable of actually discussing airing or older anime
So 100% of Sup Forums?

>le epic facebook emoticon meme :DDDD

Heh. fuck off