What does Sup Forums think of the Pokemon XY anime?

What does Sup Forums think of the Pokemon XY anime?

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Its decent. Sure its better than BW but its still very Generic. For me DP was the peak and true ending of Pokemon

I think it's a fun show that shouldn't have so many threads here when /vp/ exists.

Are Bonnie and her brother, along with Serena good characters?

I remember Cilan and Iris being completely retarded.

I hope for the Sun and Moon series they bring back Brock and Misty.

It's shit.

like every season of the anime past the first one, shit with no reason to exist compared to the manga

The thread was good until you got here.

Brock's seiyu died and they expicitly said they don't reuse girls because the viewers need new eyecandy every generation.
Also fuck you, Iris was cute.

Don't you have your own board for this?

How am I supposed to ask for Sup Forums's opinion on anywhere but Sup Forums?

>shit with no reason to exist compared to the manga

There's about 50 different Pokemon manga. If anyone ever says 'the' manga you can pretty much safely ignore their opinion because they dont know what the fuck their talking about

The reason best wishes failed is it lacked the family dynamic. There is literally no reason for Iris or Dent to follow Satoshi around and they added nothing to the plot, unlike Hikari who had contests and Takeshi who was admittedly just comic relief.

Serena, Eureka, and Citron are all wood charaters

Too much flying types.

Good, not wood, oops

>Brock's seiyu died
What? Damn.

Better than XY. Shipping talk ruined it, though.

What do you mean? He's still around, voicing Wobbuffet and Greninja even.

I watched some episodes and it was decent, but I'm kind of tired of ash and his eternal quest of failure and the team rocket still doing the same things that they did in the early seasons

>Serena, Eureka, and Citron are all wood charaters
I know they make my wood happy!

It's decent. I think the fact that there's no underlying conflict between the main cast is kinda weird, since it makes them look too nice but it's very very okay.


At the moment it's #2 on my list of pokemon gens behind DP. It might take #1 depending on whether or not Ash gets fucked over in the league by some random broken character.

But Satoshi already beat the champion


Still travelling with him, at least for now.

left, middle, or right?

That final Cut looked vicious as fuck, if they hadn't shown Gardevoir being on her feet when the frog fainted I would have thought it was a killing move.

Wrong girl, now she's being followed around by a short haired abomination.