What will it take for that faggot to just take the hint already? Jesus christ...

What will it take for that faggot to just take the hint already? Jesus christ, she was practically jumping on his dick in that last chapter and he still didn't get it.

Maybe to him she is 3d

Would you a 3d Takagi-san?

The answer is always no

This image doesn't work properly for me.

I'm crossing my eyes as hard as I can and can't see any 3d effect


He's too pure.


>and he still didn't get it
I think he does get it. He's just afraid of admitting it outright because he's a fag.


Yes, I had a friend like that but in middle school. I still regret being a fag back then.

>He's just afraid of admitting it outright because he's pure.

Boys that age don't really get romantic hints. Especially when the girl giving them is constantly fucking with him.

you're not supposed to.
dunno how to properly make stereo pairs, but here's single Takagi in case someone knows.

When will Takagi lose virginity?

He's like 10 years old, give him a break. Girls mature way faster than boys so he probably has no idea what to do or how to respond.

Probably quite a while after they start dating, he'll be way to shy to even lay a finger on her at first.

She'll have to tease him until he "rapes" her or somehow convince him that having sex will mean he wins.

Man, he can't even kiss her for a win.

>He's like 10 years old
I dunno why this is making me laugh so much.

I mean, aren't they supposed to be like 14-15?

They're in middle school so somewhere around there.

They look tiny though so I'd go with 13, right about the age where girls start to mature and boys lag behind a bit. Takagi gets her period right?

I'd like to speak with my lawyer before I answer

Almost for sure.
I could get behind the idea that he is at the stage where he starts finding girls attractive, but doesnt yet know why. I have honestly no idea how big of a thing sex ed is in japan.

age is but a number, user.

>What will it take for that faggot to just take the hint already?

Netorare. The hero we need but dont deserve.

25 posts without your sort of people, is it a new record?

Dump thread got more if i remember correctly. The NTR poster appear later on.


Yes please.


How does a girl get this cock hungry so young?

These are the eyes of a adolescent sexual predator

I already fapped to Takagi and im still hard