Megumi Hayashibara did nothing wrong.
Especially because she was right.
Megumi Hayashibara did nothing wrong.
Especially because she was right.
She looks very smug.
Hayashibara is GOAT
Fuck off back to /jp/ subhuman.
Are people gonna be asshurt about this for years a la Miyazaki?
what happened now?
>“Anime in the ‘90s was overflowing with ambition…Anime [today] which are trying to be similar to previous hits can never be better than the originals. Going forward, I want to be part of projects that aren’t trying to be ‘like’ something that came before.”
Just a woman thinking anyone but a few beta orbiters give a shit about her opinion.
"Anime will never be like it was in the 90s"
>When Tomino, Anno and Miyazaki say it people rage the fuck out and proclaim they are profoundly wrong
>When Megumi Hayashibara a girl argues similar sentiments people agree with her, think for a second before melting down and consider that she' might be right.
Well veteran industry people know what to do if they really want to effect change
How many anime these days are original content? I think that could be the one area where nostalgiafags might be right, but I don't know what the comparative ratios are like.
so in other words she wants quality over something rushed and uninspired?
that's what people are getting upset about?
I'm upset because spergs keep spamming these threads when they shouldn't be here in the first place.
People are responding as per standard to the claims that "things were better back in the day"
>Listen to murrican suggestions like the UN and western fanbase
>anime is great again
>an industry professional discussing the state of anime doesn't belong on Sup Forums
fucking what
Why shouldn't she be? Even years past her prime, she's still one of the pre-2000 seiyuu fans will always think of.
And now she just talked about how fucked up the modern anime industry is, and she'll still get to keep her mansion and moneys no matter what the otaku subhumans say.
I don't like old farts telling me what to do and what should I like.
It was one statement, not a discussion.
And no, it doesn't. No more than a thread about an anime reviewers opinion does.
>this bitch looks a bit like me mum
It's cause for drama and replies from idiots looking to share their terribly informed opinions, I expect it to be spammed for some time yet.
She works in the fucking industry, she's not some random fuck on the internet with opinions. Discussing studios, directors, storyboarders, seiyuu, and everything else that literally produces what we watch absolutely belongs on Sup Forums.
I don't like Sup Forums people telling me what I should like with flimsy bullshit reasoning usually boiling down to because I said so, but guess what, it's gonna happen anyway
your taste is shit. watch more than 30000 anime.
Pretty sure this season alone has at least five original series airing. A combination of more shows airing constantly than ever before, and a type of bias with a specific name that I can't think of right now are what make people think anime is especially shit right now, when it's more or less just as shit as it's ever been.
Discussing them, yes. Discussing their opinions? No.
Also, whining about things being better in the past is a completely worthless act that immature children do.
Sup Forumss belief in what is allowed posting is context sensitive to whatever shitposting it feels needs to take place at any given second. It's all meaningless and who cares what some random asshole says is allowed or not anyway unless it's just so far removed from the topic of anime so as to obviously not belong
Their opinions on anime are directly related to their job, you ridiculous faggot.
fuck off to Sup Forums you fuck
I'm sure you're right, but there are also a lot more shows coming out these days than there used to. I'm willing to believe that, proportionally, anime used to be more about selling itself than being an ad for a manga or light novel.
>it's a "moeshit kiled anime" thread
Media has always done this. It's nothing new. It fluctuates over time with highs and lows. Don't care.
I can't say I disagree with Lina's opinion. But then I'm an oldfag and feel like I'm not exactly the target audience of anime any more. I just hope we all find shows we can like that are worth the watching!
She's right
>wahhh ewwfwing use 2 b betr when i woz yunger
Also, not an argument.
I just love her even more now.
>Distort what's being said entirely towards trigger topics and ideas in order to shitpost
Sup Forums tactics 10 being enforced
Asuka > Rei anyway.
What's not an argument? That her opinions related to her job directly affect what she will do in anime in the future? Don't try to come off as smart m9, it doesn't work
Wrong, nigger.
Who cares if it's original content if it's shit.
>posts a pic of literally how she isn't portrayed in Eva.
get lost.
OC is actively trying to sell itself. Most adaptations are a bare minimum-style production since they're ads for something else and their sales don't really matter. The only way a studio makes back their money on OC, usually, is BD sales.
Whatever she does in the future will have absolutely 0 influence over the anime industry.
Anime is way better now than It's ever before. This bitch need to get that dildo out of her ass.
kek you win friend, I can't believe I responded for this long. I should have known it was bait several replies back.
>i don't agree therefore it's bait
erin. simply erin
these days I think theres a real problem with basing anime on decently popular manga but also doing a super half assed job with it and half of the time the manga isn't even close to complete so they pull some anime orignal shit that is usually terrible
Oh, you mean like how half of all the shows in a given season are either CGDCT, magical school harems, or idolshit? Yeah, it's really a brave new world out there.
There's been more demand for anime now than ever. Back in the 90's there'd be at most 10 shows airing a season. Now there's what, 30 a season?
I could see that. But I don't think that it's necessarily a bad thing, because it seems like it provides a mutually beneficial relationship between both industries that injects money into anime and allows studios to stay afloat with low risk productions
She's right. Old anime is only good because it has nostalgia behind it. To transcend old anime they must create new original anime that's even better than the old anime.
Absolutely. I think anime as a whole is better than ever, but I can see where she's coming from, maybe, when she says that a lot of projects feel like they're just imitating the success of the past instead of trying to be their own thing, and that she doesn't want to be a part of those kinds of shows any more.
Actually, 2016 is shaping up to be the year with the most shows directed at women
But there's just so many nits to pick. Especially in your shitty taste.
So everything is either fujoshit or josei?
I wish
How about something from EoE?
>people actually expect """""quality""""" anime from nips
My sides
I wasn't trying to hide it.
Really though, it's only natural for people to become dull and bored when they spend so much time with something and so closely. She's entitled to her opinion as is everyone else, but it doesn't make it true or even worth mentioning in any capacity.
Also I hope she drops dead soon.
Is Orange josei or shoujo? Also is the anime in good hands?
She really got into her character in mardock scramble. I remember her crying because of it on a stream.
Shoujo. The staff seem okay, I guess.
She also whined about seiyuu industry when back then she helped and played her part in creating the current problems.
She could've have said no when her agecy tried to idolize her but nope, "muh extra pocket money".
That's fair. Every work is derivative, but anime seems like it has a major problem with shamelessly recycling cliches, set pieces, and concepts
So what you're saying is, she regrets her decision and would like to make the industry better for up and coming performers?
Wow, it's almost like she was young and foolish then and now she knows better
>white knighting
Get out.
Fuck off edgelord.
Is it really white knighting if you're just pointing out a retard's stupidity?
>oh no, seiyuu are making more money!
>better go whine about it
>My post K-ON!! anime is NOT shit and it's NOT generic! This grandma should just shut up!
All you morons should just eat your tendies and get a nap or something.
It's is when you're trying to justify her bullshit.
They should shut up. Fuck them for trying to kill my escapism.
>eat your tendies
Fuck off back to whatever board you're from.
It's bullshit to change your mind as you get more experience? You seem really mad. Did a jap girl hurt you?
Seems like the more common argument is that it results in seiyuu getting dropped from the industry when they're still relatively young, which is a shame.
>It's bullshit to change your mind as you get more experience? You seem really mad. Did a jap girl hurt you?
You're not even hiding it anymore. Fuck off.
Yukarin and Horie are doing fine. I doubt any seiyuu that becomes successful for some time starves after that. If they stop doing anime roles they probably just do work in other places like the video game industry that are probably more profitable.
I'm honestly confused what's got you so butthurt. Why not discuss the ideas instead of the person? Do basic Enlightenment ideals elude you?
You could be right, I'm no expert here. I'm just repeating my basic understanding of why someone would object to the idol model.
>Why not discuss the ideas instead of the person?
Ok. This person is full of shit and has no idea what she's talking about.
You fucked it up again man. You're talking about people instead of ideas. It was a good attempt though, I rate it 2/5.
Her Iideas are shit.
Is that seriously it? She doesn't sound like a bitter washed-up hack ala Miyazaki and Anno at all - wanting more originality is not a bad thing.
She's not complaining about those two tough.
Ok, we're a little closer here. You said that the ideas were bad. You still linked them to a person, but we can be forgiving since it's probably your first try. Now try to articulate some reasons for why those ideas might be shit, and you'll be well on your way to contributing something useful to a conversation.
Because modern anime is not shit. It's far from perfect but it's not shit.
Originality means following murrican ways. We can't have that.
Oh man, you were so close. You made a common beginner's mistake right at the end, where you substituted your opinion on the idea for what the idea actually is. Let's review. What you said the idea is:
>modern anime is shit
What the actual view is:
>Anime [today] which are trying to be similar to previous hits can never be better than the originals
They're similar, I grant, but definitely distinct. Try tackling this exact sentence head on.
Inferno cop exists so she's wrong.
>“Because of the fast pace of the industry, it’s common to fill voice actors schedules with as much work as possible, get them up on stage, and build up all the buzz you can. That’ll make you feel like you’re an absolutely essential individual, but in just three years all that could change. I don’t want companies to go chasing after small yet quick and easy, profits, but they don’t really have any intention of developing voice actors long-term.”
She's mainly talking in the context of VA industry though.
Once again, people are arguing about thing taken out of context and of which isn't even the main point.
Hey, that was an actual refutation of her point! Great, now you can actually have a dialogue with people.
Can someone PLEASE make a meme pic with her pic and the quote?
>implying murica produces anything original
u wut m8?
I would but I don't feel like it.
Why would people care about context in funposting threads?