Buyfag thread

Please make yourself at home. Read the guide, while I'm almost ready with dinner. Guess what I'm making?

Other urls found in this thread:

Best place to see what's been released so far? MFC is always slow as balls.

I've actually been using the links of the pictures that have been posted on MFC in the description.

Guess I'll try that. Or I'll just continue lurking

Who is more epic?


Really? I find 'em just in the same kitchen cabinetry section that they keep the detolfs most people go for.


I genuine can't tell if this is worse than the GK or not. They fucked this one up real bad.

What's the best way to dust off figures/statues without damaging them?

I just use a Swiffer and/or can of air.

The GK was definitely worse. I feel bad for that guy who bought it.

compressed air

I use a can of air

although I have a hard time imagining that any sane method of dusting would damage your figs


I keep seeing people recommend this but I feel like hair pieces would get caught on it and snap off.
Make-up brush works fine.


Day one preorder

At least the GK's sculpt was better. Those hands look retarded, and Madoka didn't look like this.

Swiffer hardly gets in there. I need a make up brush.

Yea. I've seen many of the other ones but not that one with they key.

>I keep seeing people recommend this but I feel like hair pieces would get caught on it and snap off.
It can, yeah. Though the few times it's happened the hair hasn't snapped off. The big plus about the swiffer is that since it attracts dust into it, you can use a very gentle touch when wiping something down. So, if anything does get caught, you can stop yourself and remove the snag before anything gets pulled, damaged, or knocked over.

When are we getting picture of the painted puffy?

Okay. So I guess it's this one. Maybe I'm always focused at looking at the detolf.

I've never cared for Brock but making a figure scene is fucking cute. Why didn't they do that with the other recent Pokehuman figs?

They look more like characters from Moral Orel or those Hyundai claymation ads.

>want to get this
>dont know anything about the series
>dont own any game consoles


Emulate the wii version with dolphin

It's a great game. Good action and beautiful art.


I beat the game and I still don't know what she's even about.

Kudelia a cute.

Puffy, not Luffy.

if you like it, get it

if you don't like it enough just for being what it is, regardless of the source, don't get it

Yup, that's the one. I've got two of 'em. Good, sturdy, totally encased, raised above the ground, and plenty of room inside 'em. The bottom level is also made to easily integrate lighting solutions if you're into that.

Oh so that's what that is. First time I saw this prototype, I couldn't even tell wtf I was looking at.
Now that you say it's Kudelia, I know exactly what's going on...and now I have to pre-order it.

So there's a Mikazuki, a Kudelia, pretty sure I saw an Orga in the background of a Mika photo...think there'll be an Atra?

Painted Vivi is probably going to make my dick break off. I honestly want the whole set now just because of Tashigi and Vivi.






God damn.

Well Momohime herself is more of a vessel than the actual main character.

Hmmm, brown elf card sleeve.

I use a Giottos rocket and Tamiya model cleaning brush.


Had to get those the instant I saw them and such.

I picked up my first ever figure at a convention, since I finally got a job and all. Have to start somewhere.

The face has a few issues and I likely paid $20 more than I had to (because it's a con and they charge silly prices) but I grabbed it because Kuro and I have no self-control. The brown guy standing behind me told me he approved.

>going to conventions

>no undone belt buckle like Sanji's

I've got this on pre-order.

Or wait, did it come in and I just haven't had my proxy ship it yet? I honestly forget what I've got waiting to be shipped or not.

Is this bait? I don't even.

Nobu figure FUCKING WHEN

>being a PC-only pleb

I'm waiting for this to go on preorder.

Anyone else?

Finding any of these wallscrolls is actually becoming a bit difficult now.

they're not so bad with friends, seeing as I barely get to see any these days. Makes for some interesting conversation.

Did I fuck up? sorry

No, you are the only one waiting for that sexy, sexy Kuro.

But it's a GK

Is it? I wasn't aware of what sort of event Hobby Round was...and also I thought that I found the pic on the non-GK page of Nekomagic's coverage of it.

But I have a shit memory, so I'm likely mistaken.

i just checked on mfc wih a lil bit of hope i might have missed an update - but it's still just a GK

Post how much your collection is worth.

How do I do this?

By adding everything up yourself?

Yeah... no.

I NEED this 18.

By not being poor


MFC > my collection > manage >right bottom corner

When does it go up for preorder?

335.64 USD
That's gotta be wrong, I paid way too much for some of these.

Body proportions are fucked

I have no idea but I think I saw another image that went with it on my Twitter timeline that said 2016/9

Thanks for not using spoiler tags, now I don't have a job.

Fuck up.

I want my money back.

>browsing Sup Forums when you should be working
I feel so sorry for you.

Not half as sexy as the planes and panzers. She's just a wet slut.

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for my employer!

I was being sarcastic. Why should I feel sorry for your employer?

>pretty sure I saw an Orga in the background of a Mika photo

She's just thicc.

Already pre-ordered, along with Ruki & Renamon.

Now that painted prototypes have been shown, I really hope these sell well and they make other characters.

>that jaw
>those slight outline on the abs
>long ass legs

1,141.17 USD after checking receipts and paypal history.
That's more like it.

Don't know why MFC won't show the conversion to USD...


$811 CAD for just the figures, $915 CAD including my japanese books. And it hasn't even been a year yet.

I can't tell if that's cloth or plastic.

anime north?

knees literally look like

My knees look like 18's.


They either don't and you're a liar, or you post pics and are still proven to be a liar.

Why do you people hang out in these threads?

>wearing underwear
No thanks.

because I like plastic butts

Around 4430 USD. Still not regretting it.

I don't have any real friends to circlejerk about PVC asses with.

They do and I always found it a bit odd, I'm a man so posting pics would be pointless.

Gonna get him. Gonna get Mika.
Gonna get Kudelia.
Gonna hope for an Atra.

So what's everyone's job. I'm a software developer.

I use compressed air cans. Of course since I live on fucking Tatooine and have to dust all the time, the cost gets stupid. Even buying them wholesale in bulk.