ITT: Best girls of the season
Who's that slut?
Correct so far. Here's another.
Fight me
Nobody watches this show but fucking hell she's so cute.
Close but no cookie.
I wanna bend her over and rape her in the ass while she cries for help
All valid options.
Ayame is the patrician choice
Nah, joking. I respect you brother. All Kabaneris are wonderful.
user, we were doing so well. Allow me to correct your mistake.
>Yellow Houki
>generic IS battle harem show having best anything
a shit.
>Lusting after handsome and rich GMs
Truly a pig
She's literally walking sex, m80.
>tfw all the girls this season are shit
What the fuck Japan?
Girl of the year.
Not all. There's good one and that's
Emilia-tan !
fuck off asterisktard
I like Ako judge me
Not even the best girl in her show.
>Almost fucked her squad over because muhh pride
Yeah no.
>Triggered Stellafag
He isn't wrong. Claire is shit. All Houki clones are shit.
>Character with good writing and real personality being human and have flaws
The only good taste in this thread.
Luluco is cute! Cute!
that's a boy you faggot.
Good tastes in bodies, bad tastes in people.
That's a good girl.
This is a better girl.
Cute + hole = okay.
I wasn't aware having a taste this shit was possible.
Walking baby factories are the best.
Great taste OP. Claire is BEST.
Chidori is by far best waifu of the season.
Ako is, and always will be, best girl
Not when sensei exists
Chidori a cute !
Should I waste my time watching this?
How can such a shitty season have so much quality?
Im afraid you are wrong
Claire is the only good girl in the show. Everything else is trash.
Not unless you have a ton of free time to watch the worst show of the season. It's beyond generic and has no redeeming quality aside from the opening song.
Phoenix from DxD looks like the younger version of Claire :)
>shitty season
Better than both the season preceding it and following it at least.
Lovepon best girl. Execute all pretenders.
Literally who?
She's the opposite of best.
Lion is better.
Best sensei/nurse has got to be Chisato from Testament.
Houki clone = automatic worst.
I couldn't stomach more than ten minutes of the first episode but jesus christ I want to breed this fucking bitch so badly.
this season is full of sluts, more than usual
witches are not good girls
bitches and whores
poor girl referred as ojou-sama by her only friends
every M A O character
spicy habanero
flying witch's big sister
MC is a fucking badass
Remu is pure
Ram got clowndicked, but she is still superior to Emilia
The girls are cute, and the MC isn't completely beta. It's alright, not the best of the season but certainly not the worst.
No just no
This ass lass
Fuck off. She ruined Kabaneri.
At least we all agree that these are the right choices.
Only Ako is not.
Best Girl
You guys are making me regret not watching Bakuon. How good is it?
Who can top this smile?
Mindless fun.
Shit taste.
It's a good season, no perspective kun
Bakuon is a decent light comedy with some good characters. Onsa is identifiable in a sort of sobering way.