ITT the edgiest of the edge

ITT the edgiest of the edge

I'll start

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He killed best girl.

nothing personnel, kid

Archer didnt do nothing wrong fag.

That's Knives you twit.

Manga Motoko may be genki, but she's also super edgy
>Free you? Don't make me laugh! You're healthy and you've got brain augments, just get a job instead of leeching off society!
(she said this to a 10 y-o orphan)
>I'm a realist, and the only reality is death!
(during her court martial trial)

You are the fag who fell for it.

Well now, that makes me not want to read the manga. I do like her personality in GITS and SAC

archer's entire character was edge, what'd you expect?

>literally shot herself in the head
Beat this, you can't.

Do read the manga.
It's uneven but it's still more fun than SAC and the movie.
And it's cyberpunk, it's supposed to be a little edgy.

Knives did nothing wrong, he just didn't want humans leeching off his species and killing them.

>I do like her personality in GITS and SAC
You mean her absence of personality?

>Implying ethnocentrism is wrong

fuck off redditards, knives was right.

>Knives did nothing wrong

Go put yourself in a jar and let people harness it for power. You don't get to move or do anything, just sit there and generate power until you die. Yeah, I'm sure Knives was the asshole in that situation.

If you guys really want an edgy Trigun character, pic related.


You can't beat Guts for top edge

except for halfway through the Retribution arc, then his edge levels drop dramatically as intended

Vash didn't seem to think the Plants were under any duress, and you know how he would react if he thought something was being hurt.

Knives was just an edgy childish shit.

Go put yourself in a bed and let horny old men fuck your little ass day in and day out. You don't get to move or do anything, just sit there and get pumped full of semen until the day you die. Yeah, I'm sure he was the asshole in this situation for not being a little ball of sunshine.

>Vash didn't seem to think the Plants were under any duress.

They get drained like batteries until they die. This is clearly explained, even in the anime.

>Knives was just an edgy childish shit.

Yeah it's not like his species were being used as batteries. Or that he saw them being vivisected and experimented on in their infancy by humans.

He picked a side in a fight with lots of good reasons. He's not edgy aside from his shitty name given to him by humans.

>just sit there and get pumped full of semen until the day you die

Stop, you're making me sweat.

>They get drained like batteries until they die. This is clearly explained, even in the anime.
Then Vash would've wanted to break them out instantly. That doesn't add up.

>He picked a side in a fight with lots of good reasons
So he decides to murder an entire other species that doesn't even know how Plants work? It's the spider and the butterfly all over again.

My falling for it was ironic bait, YOU are the fag who actually fell for it.

Step aside so you wont get cut.

Edge: the character.

What did you really just realize that his name knives?

I triple dog dare you to top this

>eats all the carrots of hard working farmers and only does cute things and lays around.
She truly is demon spawn. And she's ugly.

Vash flies into a rage and stabs Rem in the manga when he finds out. Otherwise I don't remember him ever caring. I agree it's weird, but Knives clearly establishes that plants are a finite resource to humans and that they die. Wolfwood also mentions in the anime that one day the people in the floating ship will have to live on Earth, and that they're already working tirelessly just to maintain the meager energy they have left.

>So he decides to murder an entire other species that doesn't even know how Plants work?

There really isn't an alternative since humans need plants for power and irrigation and can't give them up. What would happen if they found out is just speculation so I can't comment on it.

>It's the spider and the butterfly all over again.

Can't save both.


>Vash flies into a rage and stabs Rem in the manga when he finds out.
I never read the manga. Is it any good?
>Wolfwood also mentions in the anime that one day the people in the floating ship will have to live on Earth, and that they're already working tirelessly just to maintain the meager energy they have left.
Yea I remember that, but I think that's moreso because they don't know how to run the plants necessarily. When Vash interacts with them they seem to work just fine, like when that engineer woman that wanted revenge against Vash sent it into overload.
>There really isn't an alternative since humans need plants for power and irrigation and can't give them up
I think all they need is the resources stored inside the ships to get it going, not just the Plants. I may be wrong.


>this hasn't been posted yet
step it up senpai

Manga is really good, I fully recommend. I'll avoid spoiling anymore, but it's great and very different than the anime, since at the time the anime finished the manga was still ongoing.

Edgebro himself

2/10 got me to respond

>flavor of the season

Nothing edgy about trying top build a utopia.


>but it's great and very different than the anime, since at the time the anime finished the manga was still ongoing.

Thanks man, I'll check it out.

You can't build a utopia with millions of corpses as its foundation

His character was ruined in the second half. Became a lot like a cartoon villain.

Besides, I don't think it's fair to call justice-fags edgy, like Jirou from ConRevo or Rorscach from Watcmen

Fuck off retard

>His character was ruined in the second half. Became a lot like a cartoon villain.
Yea. After L dies the show nosedives hard.


That's what americans did though.

>britbong still mad he lost the revolution

go shitpost on also

That would mean more if he didn't do some of the shit he did to them in the manga. Knives just hated humans, their treatment of plants was an excuse.

>being this mad I mention historical fact as an argument
It can't be helped.

At least Accelerator de-edges himself after WWIII. The Kiharas however are pure fucking edge minus the dog

Lelouch was theatrical not edgy. Suzaku was edgy.


two sides of the same coin really

Lulu was a little bit edgy. Suzaku was overly moralistic, not really edgy.

Literally how

Edgy isn't a great descriptor of any complex character to begin with. Lelouch always had his eyes on the bigger picture, Suzaku just ended up being a self-serving bitch.

Of course not. It's a simplification of one facet of a character.


Adolf "Shu" Hitler

While that definition certainly applies, most edgy characters seem pretty one dimensional. They often suffer from having no discernible personality outside of edgy.


Those threads were fucking glorious

Who? Griffith? Skullknight? Zod? The devil magic Indian face tower?

All of the above?

Please, are you guys even trying?


I was in tears

OP didn't say it had to be a person. The image speaks for itself.

I mean his name IS Millions Knives. Edgy by name, not really by character

somebody finally got the joke

He's still got edge though.


Lots of edges. Hundreds, if not thousands. I mean look at his pointy hair.

I can't even think straight about the original anime anymore after seeing the abridged version, so Suzaku is forever retarded in my eyes

He started a coup that killed half his organization just because of pic related

>Code Geass abridged
Oh boy



Can't beat Heero.

>Jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded.

After someone saves you from the old men and tells you the whole world isn't all old man rape, the least you could do is not kill THAT person

God this fag takes the meaning of edgy to another whole level

Rem mentally crippled Vash with her pathetic pacifist ideology.

Truth from E7AO

No image because I don't want that shit staining my hard drive

Rem taught Vash that needless killing is wrong. Which is true.

You think you know edge?

Bitches don't know about Tesla.

King of edge, Mr. All Fiction himself.

>there are people browsing Sup Forums right now who have never read The world is mine

The only series to do edge right

>The world is mine

I'm still mad. I will never not be mad. Why was it so hard for them to just end it? Fuck.

>Became a lot like a cartoon villain
It is a cartoon, you dolt.

Nagito isn't edgy, just fucking crazy


*tips katana*

>r9k defined

>we'll see best boy in action this summer
Somebody hold me.