
What is Sup Forums's reason and proof for believing that Alex Jones is controlled opposition?

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the rainbow star in the producer's office

well, he's Sam Kinison. for starters.

but he still drops some quality redpills

Fuck off shareblue

That was a rabbi media studio Gavin was in. He was married to a jewess and, has her spawn and like any man loves his kids. So now he's stuck between a rock and, a hard place as the Jews are now inserted into his network. He's still better than most.

There is no proof he isn't controlled opposition he is normally on point. Nazis hate him because he doesn't whine about jews


my guess : Bill and Sam came up with the character together. Sam got the call. Bill was either killed a couple years later for knowing, or he just died of the cancer.

>inb4 this post is cancer

this desu

Why won't he criticize Israel anymore?

Why does he push so much fear propaganda?

Why does he push the NEOCON agenda?

Ron Paul even fucking called him out.

He presents true things in a ridiculous context or next to crazy outlandish theories. Thus the original truth is discredited.

Still like him.

Sup Forums wants him to name the jew
he doesn't name the jew because it would limit the number of normies that will be redpilled by his show
instead he uses the blanket term "globalist" knowing full well that globalist means jew - he constantly gives names of those involved in the globalist conspiracy and they're all jews if you look it up.
Alex is also a classical liberal, he doesn't see things in terms of race. So he will never say all jews are bad on his show, which is logical because not all jews are part of the conspiracy. Anyone on this site who tells you otherwise has severe autism, there are plenty of "based jews" out there.
all globalists are controlled by jews, but not all jews are globalists

I think saying that Alex is Sam, is like saying Lauren Southern is Blonde in the Belly of the Beast.

or Disney was Hitler
AJ is a mashup of Bill and Sam and Rush

Globalist doesn't mean jew.

You are ruining it for the rest of us.

Call out jewish tactics without the jew itself and the jew will be exposed by proxy.

One of his cheif editors was a woman who worked for Stratfor and he's pro zionism

He knows too much. How?

How did he get into that meeting at bohemian Grove? (((Them)))

I mean it's pretty hard to refute that globalism is a jewish plot. But I agree with you that calling it out as such in polite society is futile. Also chek'd

Anyone who's serious about fighting globalism should be a zionist imo, every race should have their own nation

can i have a link to alex jones supporting israel?

He's a lightning rod for a huge spectrum of justifiable rage against the criminally incomplete coverage from ZOG media.

Yeah Fukushima is going to cause a wave of deadly thyroid cancer in civilians in the USA and around the world and HAARP caused that earthquake. Also chemtrals are constantly poisoning us along with the micrograms of mercury in vaccines, but obviously we must never point out the Jewish ownership of the media companies that are the nebulous, omnipotent, and perpetual object of Alex's rage. Also it is completely ridiculous and bigoted to question any of the facts surrounding muh Holocaust, unlike 9/11 that was carried out by evil space alien reptilian George W Bush.

He started filling his shows with hebes after he got in trouble for the pizzagate thing. They must have him by the balls. The quality of the show has gone way down hill.

I like alex jones and he does tell lots of truth but sometimes dumb as a box of rocks.

He's a fucking moron.

That's pretty much it. No great, big mystery to uncover. Just a dumb, loud guy with a raspy voice.

Why would anyone not support Israel? They kill more mudslimes than anyone around.

a millionaire moron, don't forget that part.

Indeed. I remember the time when he wasn't taken seriously. What changed?

Every time I listen to him, I'm amazed at how pointless it is. He's a very effective deflector of meaningful, utilizable information that will actually result in change that he's outraged doesn't occur. He's a one-in-a-million asset for whatever cointelpro he works for. He'll retire soon ish and that kikey looking kid is slated to take over for him.

Everyone realized that he was right all along in the past couple years because the leftists started really stepping up their game. All the censorship, anti-America propaganda, feminization of the millenial generation etc. were predicted by Alex going back to the 90s, back before the problem was bad enough for normal people to see



his whole worked for the cia
he is zionist
his wife is a jew

Oh, he's controlled. All of your precious "alternative media" is ours....

He's just paranoid. Keeps cherry-picking information that fits his retarded agenda. He only has a point about 10% of the time and is as sensationalist as say Buzzfeed, just on the other end of the political spectrum. Clearly, a 100% biased propagandist.

I really do not get the appeal.

They are shills who don't want people to realize Alex Jones drop redpills on normies like none other.

Find someone else dropping this many redpills, you fucking wont.

>but he's dramatic
yeah, its a show.

The first and most important thing that the guy is on (((Youtube))).
That is it.
The end of discussion.

Steve Paddock enjoyed reading Infowars. It's in his court deposition that I obtained

>there are several sights that I can browse for hours

well meme'd

Some people think the real Alex Jones was swapped for famous stand up comedian Bill Hicks. Bill Hicks allegedly died from cancer in 1993. There's theories out there that Bill Hicks faked his death and either took the name Alex Jones or replaced another person with the same name.

I wouldn’t say he’s “controlled opposition”, it’s more like he’s allowed to spout his insane bullshit because he makes everyone that agrees with look like an idiot to the mainstream.

>the most lied about guy watched infowars and supported Trump! honest!
>they are dangerous, vote hillary
fuck off CIA.

the show is for Americans who love America. since you live in Slav-land you haven't seen just how pervasive the leftism and anti-Americanism have become in my country. I love that we finally have someone who can communicate this to 40+ million listeners and wake people up. Obviously he is sensational and a propagandist for PRO AMERICA values like freedom and Christianity, this is absolutely necessary for countering the leftist propaganda

He's controlled (by us), and he's opposition.

Fair point, but if he's the best journalist traditionalist, white, right-wing America can come up with, you're fucked.

Not everyone does. Sup Forums isn't one person or a hivemind. Opinions range anywhere from believing he's just a nut, to controlled opposition, to right about everything, to those he believe he's a nut who is proven right about things more often than not. Some are just in it for the meme value.

watch the video, faggot.
He's not nearly as bad as the leftist memes claim he is.
Besides a lot of his scenes include jokes that are supposed to be funny.

are you implying that Alex Jones radicalized paddock???

I don't think alex jones believes in chem trails, he's said he doesn't before. And he does point out that the media is controlled by 6 massive conglomerates. Directly calling out the jews makes it a lot harder to grow your audience and avoid youtube censorship. I see him as entry level redpill and his conclusions inevitably lead to other conclusions for most people. If he were truly controlled opposition, I don't think the MSM would be trying to destroy him, I don't think fucking Hillary Clinton and Obama would be calling him out by name.

why did he go silent on pizzagate?
cut off steve pieczenik?
of course he's controlled opposition, even his body language says it - reminds me of over exaggerated crisis actors a little.

There maybe was a time when he once wasn't, I haven't followed him for a long time, but there was definitely a change in his attitude with pizzagate. Was his family threatened?

Is this a datamining thread to come up with tactics to make alex jones appear more legitimate?

In terms of journalism he's far ahead of MSM. At least when he's making extraordinary claims based on sources, he has the source on the show to talk about it. I don't think someone not living here can really grasp the extent of MSM corruption and lack of journalistic ethics. Alex Jones was never a professional journalist and never especially credible, but the MSM has gotten so bad that he's a viable alternative for people. Even the so called "comedy" late night shows are owned by politicians.

No one died on 9.11

No one died on 10.1

>why did he go silent on pizzagate?
Because he realized it was a fucking honeypot and the government was about to shoot somebody in a pizza parlor to make the thing go away. Just because other people fell for the honeypot and he didn't doesn't make him cotnrolled opposition.

Holy the Bill Hicks conspiracy to throw off of the scent of the real thing?

That really dipped my nuggets in szechuan sause

some topics lead to either career suicide or actual "suicide" (hillary clinton style)

If these people are as powerful as the theories say, then a rational person has every reason to be careful if they hit a little too close to home.
Even so, Alex Jones drops more redpills on normies than anyone else, while causing NO DAMAGE to people who follow him.

if anyone is obvious CIA, its Richard Spencer. The dude intentionally gets right wingers arrested and divides their base for personal gain. He intentional causes more harm than good and gains from it. If you want obvious controlled opposition, its him.

>chemicals in the water turns the frogs gay
>Buy my water filter to avoid turning gay.

Damn, that's some pretty solid evidence you've collected there.

How did nobody die on 9/11? Thats gotte be the dumbest shit i've ever heard.

He's bill hicks with a nose job, who "died" a few months before alex jones became a public figure.

look at the difference in his nose holy fck

>Bill Hicks
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks, it's undeniable.


He's Bill Hicks reprogrammed by CIA niggers and Mossad retards

Atrazine is real, user.
But I don't think Alex really understands the science here, because while filtering your water will reduce the amount of fluoride and xenoestrogens you intake, it's a tiny reduction compared to the amount of fluoride and xenoestrogens that are in the food supply. Biomagnification means that plants and animals grown using the fluoride/estrogen water take up the chemicals and cause them to be vastly more concentrated than in the water. So yeah the water filters are mostly a meme, but it's your choice whether you want to spend $200 on a filter to reduce your xenoestrogen intake by only 10%

He's still alive and thriving- 'nuff said.

What would controlled opposition and a flair for the dramatic look like?
Wouldnt Sup Forumstards being slightly retarded over think shit and see boogeymen everywhere?

Bill "goat boy" Hicks is Alex CIA Jones

He's not buy his water filters

If he is alive, he is controlled opposition.
No one tells the truth for too long and stays alive.

Bill hicks meme is hilarious and it drives Alex crazy

>implying Alex doesn't have the dead man's switch to end all dead man's switches if anything happens to him
>implying I wouldn't go out and start capping globalists if Alex was murdered

>Holy the Bill Hicks conspiracy to throw off of the scent of the real thing?

I will admit it. Sam Kinison does draw a lot of odd parallels to Bill Hicks. Sam Kinison even died one year before Hicks. Or was murdered.

> (You)
>look at the difference in his nose holy fck

Honestly, I can;t conclude this myself. But Alex does look and sound different if you go back to his earliest videos.

meant to respond to post above

Yes, Spencer is definitely one, retard shouldn't have had photo ops with bushes if he wanted to stay out of the eyes of the suspicious.
I think you may be right about Alex. I just think it's unfortunate when sometimes I will talk to someone about a redpilled topic, that would otherwise be fairly uncontroversial, becomes a problem because the person you're talking to has seen some meme page at one point where alex is talking about the subject, and in their mind, that association merits discrediting the topic. It's pretty surprising to me how much normie exposure alex gets, actually.

wow, how long does it take to make a replacement for someone??

this is bill hicks in 1993, wtf Alex looks nothing like bill hicks

I think they got to him. All the old infowars folks are out. Fired. Hiring all these new people.

I think his job is to take happenings and provide an alternative point while keeping the real truth out of the conversation.

Jones is a walking meme, bless him

He's Danish royalty.

He's not Bill Hicks, Bill Hicks is his brother. They are Royals from Germany. All the big baddies are Royals, Kikes, or Swiss/Templars.

those ears don't look the same, maybe it's to make the other replacements look fake too?
this seems most likely, he's taking all the real happenings and injecting them with confusion. atrazine is a good example maybe. he didn't know what was going on but when it turned out to be true, it made him look like he knew what he was doing.

Here's their cameraman that's married to their sister

There are lots of thing about Alex Jones that overlaps with Bill Hicks. Like Bill Hick's best friend Kevin Booth. Who is also one of Alex Jone's friends.

Can you provide any examples of Alex "keeping the real truth out of the conversation" for some recent happenings, besides failing to name the Jew?

Also I think Bill Hicks is probably John Laroquette, so he's still alive

>All the old infowars folks are out

Infowars runs like the Sith. Apprentices Aaron Dykes, Joe Biggs, Jason Bermass were becoming too powerful for their own good and Darth Jones had to strike them down. Owen will be next.

>for years telling Americans they're all going to be put in FEMA camps and plastic coffins under Obama.
>didnt happen
>Turns out FEMA just helps out in disasters

Just a scare monger and sellsman

>he works for stratfor
>used by the CIA
>his interns worked for stratfor
>look up molly maroney
>he is used by ((((them)))) to make right wingers look crazy and unhinged
>he claims the saudis are behind everything
>won't talk about jews
>gets defensive when you bring up the JQ
>literal snake oil salesmen
>claims William Cooper (was the original alex jones before he got assassinated) started a feud with him because of ratings LOL

Yeah this...

He recently brought steve pieczenik on to his show to talk about the counter coup and some other shit, and steve wasn't agreeing with him, and started telling alex he didn't appreciate the way he was telling the story because it was disrespectful to (?can't remember desu, dead military I think?) someone, once he starts calling it inappropriate alex tries to interrupt him and they don't quite break into an argument, but steve gets cut off mid-sentence by a surprise commercial break, and after the commercial he changes the subject to some filler shit, and steve had been removed with no mention.

>saudis are behind everything
they control the oil and have us by the balls, is this hard to believe? Also he doesn't think the Saudis did 9/11, he blames that on Mossad
>wont talk about jews
see >muh snake oil
All of his supplements have scientifically proven ingredients, the worst you can say is that they're a bit overpriced. Plus it's a genius way to fund his operation when he's been blacklisted by leftist corporate advertisers

I don't know anything about stratfor though, would appreciate some redpills there

Got a link or at least the day of the video? There's hundreds of videos of pieczenik on infowars. i'd like to investigate

> (You)
>those ears don't look the same, maybe it's to make the other replacements look fake too?

You're right about the ears. people have speculated that Bill Hicks did get some cosmetic surgery to look a little different. I am not saying this as a fact, just a theory.

this is what alex himself has said on multiple occasions

Oh shit, I thought it would be easier to find, didn't realize he went on this show so often.
it was part of this episode, though I watched it live and swear I remember the interview being shorter than this. It's not really apparent he gets cut off at any point in this video, so desu it doesn't help prove what I said, but this is the episode that made me question him.
I'm still not sure what to make of him completely.

Because he invites people on the show like Laura loomer and Mike Gorilla