What happened to Christopher Nemelka? Is this the end of the Humanity Party? Do you know the way to San Jose?
What happened to Christopher Nemelka? Is this the end of the Humanity Party? Do you know the way to San Jose?
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I'm a brined cucumber, Richard.
No one cares, OP. I am OP and I am cia as well.
why are u using the frank pic?
Frank? My name is Heathcliff. Have you seen my Cathy?
Humanism is not the way, user.
Nemelka has all but abandoned his role as Spokesperson for the Humanity Party. This was after receiving hate mail in regards to a supporter who recently killed himself. Some refuse to support THumP (humanity party) if Chris is Spokesperson. I think he may have finally given up. It's very disappointing.
What is your way?
You know the narrow path, don't be coy.