So mad
When did Naruto stop being good?
At least it's not bleach
Yeah, nah.
Shippuden was the beginning of the end.
Question two: What did Naruto learn to do during his two years of training with pervert frog man? I can't remember for some reason. During the couple months or something they spent together on screen he learned Rasengan and summoning jutsu.
It forgot that it was supposed to be a show about ninjas. Rather, that it was supposed to be a series about a really bad and untalented ninja.
Up until Shippuuden, the show was about literally everyone but Naruto. He was really bad and incompetent, but somehow made it through with a handful of tricks. Then timeskip happened and somehow he was supposed to be really good, on par with Neji even.
Around this time, Kishimoto was probably realizing that whatever ending he had in mind originally was far too gone to be used, he had to come up with something else. So that's when everything started being about eye prowess and special ninjutsu only certain people can use. They both existed before, but now everyone had something like that that made them unique and overpowered. Hardworkers/talenteds, which included some of the cast's most popular characters such as Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Tenten and Kiba got sidelined, and then forgotten altogether. And as we get closer to the ending, it's all about legendary ancient "Ninja" like Madara and the first 2 Kages. Finally, the absolute bullshit plot elements like recurring reincarnations, space aliens, the divine tree, parallel universe shifting, and the stuff we're currently seeing all kick in. Nothing which was even remotely hinted.
tl;dr It was about common people being Ninjas, then it became about legendary Ninjas, then about super wizards, and it's ending as a series about aliens and shifting dimensions.
reminder Neiji was right about destiny and shit.
The confrontation between Sasuke and Itachi (after 10+ years of buildup) was a major letdown. Then Pein killed the entire cast and then brought them all back to life.
Part 1 was generally good, yeah there was little development for anyone but Naruto, but fights were fine and story ended great by having MC essentially lose
Part 2 started getting wonky when Orochimaru was immediately made an unimportant character from the start and having akatsuki take over. Part 1 had it set up that Orochimaru was the obstacle Naruto needed to face to get to Sasuke and Itatchi was the obstacle Sasuke needed to face to get over himself.
But then we got seader of the akatsuki, Pein, who was actually an underling to True leader Nagato, who didn't matter because the one pulling the string was obito, but psyche it's not Obito it's madara, and you must be fucking kidding me some moon goddess was the real big bad this whole time?
part 2 would have been better if Orochimaru wasn't put out of commission so early and Akatsuki was made as the only big bad to be the force that brought team 7 together again. Also felt like a ball was dropped when it came to the whole 9 demons backstory/importance
>Also felt like a ball was dropped when it came to the whole 9 demons backstory/importance
I liked the kyuubi better when it was just an unexplained wild monster, like a force of nature