>mfw amazon and google merge into the worlds ever largest super-corp
>mfw the beast becomes real
>mfw mark cuckerberg is actually a robot and will be the anti-christ
This is not normal
>totally missing the point
>par for the course on Sup Forums
lol at Sup Forums
what if he forgets to lock when he goes out because he receives a call or he simply didn't apply enough force? or is the door auto lockable?
services like this have existed at most japanese apartments for decades. maybe if america wasn't such a crime nigger-infested place, people wouldn't be freaking out so much.
Pro-tip: in the line beneath your address line, you can put instructions for the deliverer. For example- LEAVE ON FAR SIDE OF STAIRS. This is what I did so thieves didn't see my packages. Actually worked pretty well when they actually followed the instructions.
but honestly, considering the type of bugperson who would seriously think this is a thing to sign up for, they deserve every last bit of raping they receive
t. CIA nigger
So what will they do after that?
Amazon Assistent
>We will go to your bedroom and measure your and your wife's clothing, so that you do not need to enter that data yourself.
>Only $499 per month
>And only available to cuck we meant Prime members
>Paying us so that they are allowed to buy certain products from us
>not writing redpills in the instructions
Yes, but people over estimate criminals.
For example, most locks on houses are easy as fuck to open in like 1 minute or less with either a bump key, lock-pick tool or drill by anyone that has skill. People still trust them though. Unless you have a high-end lock like Medeco or similar.
92% of burglaries are either from forced entry or from people just walking in an unlocked door. Basically less than 8% bother with more sophisticated techniques. Most niggers will just break a window or break the door. It's faster.