Sole purpose in life:

Sole purpose in life:
>To further split the alt-right by dividing christians, atheists and pagans


Other urls found in this thread:

Sole purpose in life
>To worship a dead Jew and tell other Europeans they're going to hell


>already spotted the varg-addict

>country infested with sandniggers and niggerniggers
Yea but atleast the oppressive Christians are scared
Great job varg...

Varg was edgy decades before you larpers were.
And he's sympathetic to your ideology's favorite flavor of semites to boot.

I wonder how his brainwashed children will act once they finally leave home and realizes how many niggers are living in their societies. But Varg taught them was to hate the "oppressive christians" lolol

Yea because the thing that makes right wing people Universal, Israel loving nigger adopting pacifists will save the White race

I don't have high hopes for them


Varg is not alt-right. Not everyone on the right is alt-right.

And who let and shipped them in, who lobbied for them and shilled for them and protested for them and called anyone a racist, islamophobic Nazi? Who sabotages deportations and collects gibs for dindus and sandniggers?


You will always stay retarded.

Stop liking shitposts

What's so bad about this? Kill yourself you race obsessed piece of shit.

I really dont think he's gonna keep that from them. I dont know why you'd think he would. He talks about nigger invaders constantly

Sole purpose in life:
>Find you. Doxx you. Let other people kill your family while I watch you cry like a little bitch.

no one is actually a pagan.

I agree we need to try to keep our religion out of our politics so that we can unite.

It's all so tiresome...

Threadly Reminder

"Alt-right" is such a gay term. Just be fascists.

Christians and Atheists don't like each other anyway and Pagans are practically non-existant anyway. Varg is exposing Christianity to all those brainwashed enough to believe that it will somehow save Europe.

>christnigger revealing himself in his true nature

Yea who cares if our kids are brown and look nothing like us. We're all Gods people.

This. Scripture tells us that we are all children of god, regardless of race.

It's easier to attack each other than actually get out in the real world and fight our racial enemies. Much safer and easier to shit on white Christians or for a white Christian to shit on white neopagans.

>This is the guy who told me that Paganism was a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Europe

atheists are braindead and soulless commies though and not /ourguys/. fuck them.

The dude is a cold-blooded murderer. I know it sounds cool but he's not, he murdered the other guy because he was jelly of him because he was more popular as a musician. I think he's just a piece of shit, honestly.

Exactly. Which is why you can't be a Christian and race realist and ethno nationalist at the same time.

Bitte erzähl mir mehr über Atheisten, o weiser Schluchtenscheißer. Ich bin schon ganz gespannt.

Nothing gets more stale and annoying as your attempts to smear Varg instead of having actual arguments, CIDF


Christians can tolerate other moderate ethnic religions



Keep trying to smear Varg, I'm sure this means that he is wrong about everything and rustles no kike jimmies.

Any historian (Like Dr. Duke Pesta who have studied western civilization his entire life) would fuck Varg up his ass if they were ever to have debate.

I'd tell you to watch this:
> but I bet you wont because youre already too brainwashed by your (((varg))) to be able to hear the truth

The alt-kik-... I mean, the alt-right is shit.

Positive Christianity is just regular Christian LARPING geared up to the max. It doesn't matter if Nazis endorse it.


Why don't you watch some Varg yourself?
How are you addressing an innawoods tribalist by making an argument about who built civilization?

If you knew what Varg talks about you'd know that he does not consider civilization to be a good thing to begin with.

>no true scotsman

How is this no true scotsman? If anything, you're the one spouting fallacies here.
>Hurr durr, muh nazees liked it, so it must be good

The post I was replying to said you can't be a race realist and a Christian. Then I posted a picture and a quote from a Christian National Socialist. Try to keep up bud.

I occasionally watch Varg. He constantly bash christianity on every occasion whilst praising "muh paganism". He is a propaganda-machine who wouldnt last 2 minutes in a proper debate against a historian.

>The Catholic Church Built Western Civilization | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyneux

Dropped. While that statement is not entirely false, it's clearly an oversimplification. There is no single origin for "western civilization", it was created by a perpetual merge of european elements since 10000 years ago and catholicism is itself a "compendium" of some of those elements. It aported very few original things.

Varg's an emotionally driven LARPagan.

Ok, I missed the first post.

That's among the most retarded things I have ever read and almost enough to dismiss Goebbels completely, if it's a genuine quote.

It's twisted, untrue to scripture and a caricature of Christianity. Nevermind the same cognitive dissonance all of you retards have: anti-Semite at day, praying on your knees to Rabbi Jeshua at night.

But don't worry, I have debated you often enough to know you are completely lost and it is just one big waste of time.

Im not even christian myself. But Duke Pesta presented well documented arguments backed up by sources as to why Christianity CONTRIBUTED to western civilization. He doesnt say it was entirely because of Christianity - the title is a bit off, I know.

Really now, the abyss of stupidity truly knows no end.

You should work on dealing with the bitterness in your soul.

You should go and recruit one to debate him, because as I tried to imply with sarcasm, the more you attack him like this the more it seems like he is telling the truth and his opponents have no means of proving him wrong.

Name of the right wing atheist ninja group?

>the more you attack him like this the more it seems like he is telling the truth
Of course it would "seem like he is telling the truth" to people who are too lazy to look up sources as to wheter or not his claims are real. Notice how he NEVER leaves any sources in his descriptions either.

I generally view christianity as a net negative for western civilization, as I believe it has been a major contributor to the pathological altruism that is plauging the white race in the current year.
That being said, I don't think religion/spirituality is everything. I'll take a right-wing christian over a left-wing pagan any day. A greater threat is looming over us. We dont need these petty squabbles right now.
So this.

>Christianity CONTRIBUTED to western civilization

Sometimes did, sometimes didn't. Things are not black and white. Yes, Varg is heavily biased. He probably does it on purpose. What he says is not his real reasoned opinion but mere propaganda.

>he thinks Varg has a (((messiah complex)))

left wing christians should have the Swedish flag, over the finnish one.

Christianity, negative for western civilization? Then I'd tell you to educate yourself. Dr. Duke Pesta has studied western civilization his entire life.

Here's an interview with him regarding christianity and western civilization:
>He makes well documented arguments, backed up with facts throughout the entire interview.

Diehard Vargtards have to be the most insufferable subgroup here, they fucking venerate the guy and it's creepy as shit. Go to his comment section, he'll have hundreds of pathetic followers tripping over each other to suck his cock the hardest, comparing him the the gods themselves, and generally treating him like a messiah figure.

One of the biggest forces holding rightist paganism down is varg and vargtards, anyone with half a braincell looks at these vitriolic, divisive morons and stays the hell away.

Stop pretending that I am defending Varg. I am telling you that YOUR strategy is failing.
>people who are too lazy to look up sources as to wheter or not his claims are real. Notice how he NEVER leaves any sources in his descriptions either.

Why not given an example of this falsehood and give sources? What, are you lazy too? Stop smearing him, specially on Sup Forums, it's just making him stronger.

>continues squabbling

wtf I love varg memes now

That is one smart baby.

I often go on bitter nights
To Wodan’s oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union –
The moonlight showing me the runic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!
They draw shining steel – but instead of going into combat,
They solidify into stalagmites.
Thus the wrong ones separate from the genuine ones –
I reach into a nest of words
Then give to the good and fair
With my formula blessings and prosperity.

This poem was written by Adolf Hitler in 1915, while he was fighting in World War I.

varg makes comfy vids, would like to hear him bash more on shitskins though, idgaf about christianty I alrdy know its shit, its thanks to the (((church))) my country is beeing flooded with negroes, well , that and the jews ofcourse

Varg hates jews and nonwhites as much as anyone; but he'd be arrested for talking about it. Christianity is the low hanging fruit the French judicial system will let him gripe about.

No, its because of white-hating, self-hating, childless traitors like merkel who are the cause of that. Not the church. Not the jews. You dumb fuck. Its not like the jews and priests are holding a gun to her head yelling "LET IN MORE!"

This. People go so far up their own asses they can't see the shades of grey in history and view it in a massively oversimplified and politicized way. Varg is among the worst offenders in this.

What's your point? The Christian Snorri Sturluson wrote down virtually everything we know about paganism.

maybhe in norway, but here in Malta its the fucking church pushing the whole accept refugees shit, also the pope kisses niggerfeet for a living

>not the Jews
Awfully large nose you got there, Norwegian

Wrong. He wrote ONE edda. There are many songs, poems, and sagas that date back to the 5th century.

here's a good redpill channel to learn about non-kosher norse paganism

He sites a lot from the Poetic edda (not christianized) and other sources. He's also fluent in norse language.

You live in Malta and are ungrateful for christianity? Traitor. Never forget the 2000 christians defending against the ~30000 turks with over 50 cannons. without them youd be speaking arabic today. Those are the true christians and the faces of REAL christianity. Not the fucking cuck-church we see over there today.

Altruism is a natural trait all pre hominids and apes have. This is why all religions have it

Pathological altruism however is a mental illness. A pathological altruist will abuse altruism regardless and interpret anything altruistic to retarded extremes while disregarding other means of common sensual survival extincts. Kikes were kiked out of hundreds of countries, many of those Christian countries. Marxists hates Christianity, Christians hate marxists. Satan was a commie who wanted to abolish the divine hierarchy of God and angels as he wanted to become God himself and thus rightfully punished. Selling your soul to ((devil)) is technically getting bribed by ((them)). Christianity emphasize greatly on resisting temptations. This is why Christians communists and atheist are.

And dont forget who is pushing the church to be more "open" towards refugees and migrants. You guessed it - liberals.

I watch Crawford all the time. And it's not wrong. Snorri wrote more than just one edda. Besides him the only other source is Saxo Grammaticus and some sprinklings from some missionaries in their biographies.

It was the Romans that tried and crucified him, what a retard

>This is why Christians communists and atheist are.

*This is my Christains are largely not communists meanwhile many atheists are.

He's such a Jew that the French police broke into his home in the middle of the night, shooting at the windows without identifying as officers, and without a warrant. Their excuse was that he was scheming a terror attack. It just so happened they didn't find any plans neither illegal weapons. Who'd say all Jews go through this for a YouTube channel?

we already kind of speak arabic , defending our island was the duty of the knights as they enjoyed residence on our island at the time. besides they (we) would never have won the fight if it wasnt for the 15k something maltese locals who fought like animals protecting the knights as human shields. Malta is too fucking christian anyways, it hasnt brought us anything good latter years other than some pretty churches to look at and festas so that we can get drunk during holidays.

>muh unification
Things are different for a reason. Varg speaks unrestrained, which is a good thing. Nobody wants a Varg who holds back just to be liked by everybody. It's time to grow up for you and face the reality of different opinions than your wannabe all-knowing and wannabe always right bible you haven't even read. You are just shielding your insecurities with Christianity.

The Romans carried out the sentence, but the jews were the ones who brought charges against him in the first place. Romans were just the gun and the jews were the finger on the trigger.

Outta here,LARPer.

Varg is fucking garbage
Varg is an autistic kid-mentality degenerate.
The only reason he hates Christianity is because he wanted to be hardcore and Christian mommy wouldn't let him.

Now Varg is all muh blond hair but yet used to dye his hair black like a queer.
The only reason he got somewhat popular was because he was LE EPIK MURDER XDXDXDXD

Varg is sandnigger lover.
Varg is a communist
Varg is a leftist
Varg hates """""""non-white""""""" Europeans
Varg hates right wingers and nat socs

Look at these piles of shit

Worse thing is that you see Varg cancerous underage kiketuber subscribers spouting LITERALLY the same garbage from his videos in here.

The divide amd kikery runs strong in you.
In the oven you go cryptic kike

at least change the copypasta every once in a while.

the romans found him not guilty and the jews said "if you dont murder this guy for us we are going to revolt again".

remember, the entire reason jews cry "thousands of years of antisemetism" is because under religious law, jews are not allowed to kill other jews for any reason. So they get good goys to kill jews for them.


yeah. Nothing wrong with him being Pagan, but he just shits on Christians non-stop. He is also retarded enough to think anyone without blonde hair and blue eyes are not white.

even golden one disavowed him

I just wrote that you fucking moron.

varg is the final form.
you're just a noob. it's why you don't understand him.

Also, he's convincing white men to not gather any resources and go live in the country side. Now, he's absolutely right about everything, the monetary system is broken, political system is corrupt probably beyond repair, but still I don't think it's a good plan to do what he's advocating which is to essentially go quietly into the night. What if civilization doesn't collapse in time(which it probably won't)? If we all follow varg there's gonna be like three white guys left in the woods with an entirely anti-white political/economic system. I don't know if varg is necessarily controlled opposition, but if he's not, I think he's wrong for the short term.


he also makes God-tier music


His sole purpose is to continue the white race, live off the land and call out all who seek to destroy authentic European culture.

Sorry this offends you.

If the purpose of alt-right is to create moderate cuckservatives neoboomers its better to kill it now.