Sole purpose in life:

And who let and shipped them in, who lobbied for them and shilled for them and protested for them and called anyone a racist, islamophobic Nazi? Who sabotages deportations and collects gibs for dindus and sandniggers?


You will always stay retarded.

Stop liking shitposts

What's so bad about this? Kill yourself you race obsessed piece of shit.

I really dont think he's gonna keep that from them. I dont know why you'd think he would. He talks about nigger invaders constantly

Sole purpose in life:
>Find you. Doxx you. Let other people kill your family while I watch you cry like a little bitch.

no one is actually a pagan.

I agree we need to try to keep our religion out of our politics so that we can unite.

It's all so tiresome...

Threadly Reminder

"Alt-right" is such a gay term. Just be fascists.