Saw the deal the other day about Facebook app making targeted marketing off of possibly aggregating voice data. Thought it somewhere between conceivably probable and potentially tin-foil. Well I just donned my own tin crown.
Got a recent 15 day ban in league of legends. Toxicity in chat. Although I spend a decent amount of time on LoL, 99% of my friends play other pc games.
Ended up having several dozen conversations with friends about the ban when I started showing online for games I don't normally play, but most of my friends do. This inevitably leads to questions about why I'm not playing league and why I'm playing XYZ-game instead.
In over 4 years of playing LoL I've never seen any advertisements for the game outside of the first year or so of learning the game mechanics, translating Korean sites so I could "Git Gud."
Fast forward a few years and the first time I've talked about LOL bans and toxicity (with the phone in constant proximity) I get what seems like a targeted ad on YouTube.
Kinda weird, posibble tin man, but really just wanted to get everyone's take on the recent Facebook app scuffle or even my own.
William Gutierrez
The way Google gets their data is pretty weird/shady/shit.
My youtube account constantly blasts me with ads clearly aimed at 14 year old mexican girls for a reason I've never been able to determine.
Jackson Walker
Joshua Green
they do it through texts too lol, put your phone next to a spanish only channel for a day or two watch what ads you get
Noah Adams
Unironically going to try this and ill document it too. Ive feared what OP is daying has been true for a while. Ive had my own suspicions.
Oliver Davis
something happened to me recently. i was talking about periodic tables for whatever reason. a few days later go to kikebook and there are ads about periodic table shirts, mouse pads, that kind of stuff.
Henry Barnes
Op here. Coincidentally me and my wife have had the Spanish YouTube curse ourselves. Seemed like we went through several weeks in the past 2 years where we had nothing but YouTube ads that were primarily in Spanish, with what seemed like Spanish focused marketing. Thought it may be connected to our ISP since that's mostly how we'd browse considering our jobs don't accommodate for much down time/surfing.
Ayden Gonzalez
Brother and I witnessed an example of this with youtube. Suggested a video of what we were talking about earlier in the day.
Ayden Cooper
>Watch youtube on personal account on home PC >ALSO watch youtube on buddies PS3, half an hour away, on HIS PS3 account >search results and recommended videos on both devices begin mixing
Charles Kelly
OP figuring this out now ? You are carrying near you at all time a camera, a microphone and a gps tracker all registered to your name. Did you never make the conection ?
Michael Watson
Crap it's not just OP. Did it occure to none of you that you are being listened to by unscrupulous individuals ?
Wyatt Bell
it's just bizarre. It's like when you hear those sound bites of Alex jones sounding off on microphones in your microwave ,and your like, "yea I could totally believe that" I had a Facebook ad talking about ketchup, right after I got back from the Heinz factory tour.
Christopher Lewis
It's google, when you first sign in to android it asks you about sending data, you can opt out at first but you clicked okay on everything.
In the apps notifications on facebook select "don't allow peeking"
My phone for example I was talking about getting a Dustbuster or vacuum , next thing facebook was showing me vacuum cleaner ad's
Benjamin Hernandez
Few weeks ago i decided to buy a game from a not so well known game series on Amazon. Obviously I didn't look up anything on YouTube about it since I didn't want to get spoiled, and there normally shouldn't be anything related to it on the side bar since a) it's not that poular b) I've never played that kind of genre before or shown interest in it
Few days later videos related to that game suddenly start popping up in my recommended feed, so much that I had to get keyword blocker not to get spoiled. Just shows how much your Amazon data is sold/shared.
Caleb Gutierrez
>twA3Xbpf) That was the point I wanted to make is that it was the default browser where this happened. Not necessarily an app
Carson Gonzalez
>he likely uses the same email for both >doesn't understand how cookies work
Colton Cooper
This has been happening for a while, and not just to me. I've noticed with my family members it happens as well. It's not just ads but I've gotten emails sent to me about things I was talking to people on the phone about.
A tube broke that's connected to my vacuum and I only need to replace one piece. I told a friend this over the phone, and next thing I get is an email from Amazon to buy this ONE SPECIFIC PIECE. it wasn't even a whole vacuum.
Told my gf over the phone I was going to start looking for a new job soon, and I immediately get an email from indeed about new jobs in my area.
I'm happy I'm not the only one this is happening to. Happens to my mom too.
Jordan Miller
>In over 4 years of playing LoL I've never seen any advertisements for the game outside of the first year or so of learning the game mechanics, translating Korean sites so I could "Git Gud." Bro that's because LoL never used to run ads. They spam me with ads too now and I never talk about it.
Alexander Bennett
Yes, google gives you targeted ads based on your search history and web activity. Welcome to common knowledge from 10 years ago.
Joshua Walker
This is more of what I'm worried about. Not necessarily aggregating data from usage, but from conversation. I fully understand what can be extrapolated from internet usage, but from voice alone? The technology for voice recognition has the be miles ahead of what the average consumer has experienced.
Aiden Gutierrez
It definitely does. I was at the mall with family buying some nice cloths. I got some new stuff from Johnston and Murphy, never heard of the brand before. We were talking about it some comparing the shoes to other brand shoes. I'm not a fashionable person. I go online to look up one of the shoe brands we are talking about. All the ads are Johnston and Murphy and the other brands we were talking about but that I had not searched yet. Sure, they might be related, but why just those brands? Why not any other of the dozens of dress shoe brands? there was a dress shoe company int he same mall that was clearly a competitor but we had not talked about and they did not appear in any ads.
I've seen this kind of thing a few times. It's clearly related to conversations we had around the phone and not things we searched for.
When you think about it, they would be fools not to utilize the microphones in everyone's homes/pockets/desks.
Henry Ward
It wasn't even an ad about promoting game. It was solely about about being considerate of new players learning the game.
Nicholas Wilson
If you have Google Assistant ok your phone, go ahead and ask "what do you remember me saying". I just asked and pic related.
The Google Assistant is always listening for your "ok Google" to activate the assistant. But that amounts to google listening via your phone mic 24/7 It's not even an if.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Nice brand user, they make real nice shoes. Good clothes for white people. Keep it up.
Asher Ross
no shit they collect data. they're mass collecting/compiling and then organizing it so they can sell it to advertisers. follow the money
Blake Foster
I'll reiterate what's alarming for me is getting the results I did only using safari on my phone. I don't use any social media or any apps with my phone. Strictly safari, text, and phone calls.
Ayden White
Also, this is for everyone in this thread to try out. If you have the Google Assistant please ask "what do you remember me saying"
You typically have to ask a few times because the bitch will give you the run-around saying "I don't know"
Lincoln Nelson
use adblock.
Cooper Allen
You when a mic, you have wifi or 4g connection to send data back to apple and you have cookies. That's all they really need unless your browsing anonymoosly somehow your fucked dude
Juan Myers
it is very sad what technology has become.
they are no longer "Personal" Computers.
Jews always ruin everything.
Julian Gomez
On the plus side i don't see any irrelevant ads anymore. For the first time ever i am actually getting ads for things that i might actually want to buy.
Lincoln Anderson
>This whole thread
well thank fucking god I'm not going crazy. Now how do I avoid this going forward?
Its fucking crazy to me how much shit they could potentially have on any of us even though they have no idea who we are. I broke a spinnerbait they other day when I was fishing and so I googled on my phone how to repair it and when I got home to my computer I was getting adds like crazy for new fishing lures despite never looking for lures online in my life. How did they know, its not like I was on the same wifi or anything, I was miles away from home on my phone.
Cooper Hill
League of Legends is a good game and everybody who claims otherwise is either a contrarian faggot or simply not into the genre.
Carson Rodriguez
why do normiefags still use that kike website? he shits on them constantly and they beg for more.
Logan Green
This hasn't happened to me that I can remember but it happens to my GF all the time. We'll be talking about food, like sushi for example, next time she goes to use her phone she's getting ads for sushi.
i've seen this happen to her a lot. she isn't even using her phone, just setting it on the counter while we're cooking or talking and then an hour later it comes up with very specific ad results from things she's never looked up but talked about recently.
Logan Watson
they goys don't have any standards though. they don't demand anything. blame them as well, it's only the responsible white thing to do.
Owen Ward
been like that on google though, I remember looking for a plane ticket, smartphone and automotive care, every website being clogged by ticket smartphone and engine oil ads. Seems they track our ip address even with adblock enable ads still there when adblock disable.
Justin Nelson
Lincoln Gray
Is this just happening for people with the Faceberg app?
Oliver Gutierrez
Let me tell you my story.
I flew to Germany once. So I turned off my old nokia after getting on the plane to Germany. I turned it back on after landing back in Russia. And received the SMS "Welcome to Germany".
Mobile phones are the 1984. You can only somewhat trust the DIY fully-open ones.
Nathaniel Adams
Something similar happend to me early this year. I have watched both seasons of Narcos more or less every evening for like a week on Netflix. After a while every Ad I got on Youtube and in App's etc. was in Spanish. After a Google search I found out that other people also experienced this. Weird is, that I used headphones but my phone was always very close and I have an "open" headphone. This is very creepy since I do not use Facebook and the voice control is always off on my phone/PC since I do not want to be listened to all the time.
Juan Wilson
It’s called fingerprinting. They don’t need ip’s anymore.
Oliver Diaz
The problem with this is it's a combination of all the ad-tracking they do and The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon. Instagram does it too.
Hunter Nguyen
They know that its the same person using the computer and the phone.
But its not like there is an actual program out there that gives a fuck about you, its just an algorithm. >person x (you) loves fishing and hiking >person z, y and f also loves fishing hiking >person z,y and f also likes bush craft and guns >X, Z, Y and F now gets the same ads, X also gets some new ads that he probably will like because he shares many common interests.
Logan Clark
>Instagram does it too. How do you know? What other apps do it?
Levi Long
Let me tell you my story.
I flew to Sweden once. I posted on Sup Forums while in Sweden. When I did, it showed a Swedish flag next to my posts, instead of a US one.
Laptops are 1984.
Benjamin Brown
I just get taylor swift song
Noah King
I first saw that ad the other day too and I don’t play or talk about league. Facebook app can’t be recording you because it would take up battery power, and people would eventually notice.
A lot of people have this idea but the fact is all evidence is simply going to be confirmation bias. You see one or two ads that seem like they were tailored based on your conversations, and think conspiracy, but ignore the thousands of ads you see that aren’t.
Oliver Johnson
Open up your phone, break a circuit trace from both the microphone and the camera, and solder in a mechanical switch so that you can manually connect and disconnect the mic/camera as you please.
Josiah Perry
I get a new pone in january so I'll try this on my old phone and if it works I'll do it to my new one.
My soldering skills are fucking terrible tho so I have very low expectations.