Phones have ears

Something similar happend to me early this year.
I have watched both seasons of Narcos more or less every evening for like a week on Netflix. After a while every Ad I got on Youtube and in App's etc. was in Spanish. After a Google search I found out that other people also experienced this. Weird is, that I used headphones but my phone was always very close and I have an "open" headphone. This is very creepy since I do not use Facebook and the voice control is always off on my phone/PC since I do not want to be listened to all the time.

It’s called fingerprinting. They don’t need ip’s anymore.

The problem with this is it's a combination of all the ad-tracking they do and The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.
Instagram does it too.

They know that its the same person using the computer and the phone.

But its not like there is an actual program out there that gives a fuck about you, its just an algorithm.
>person x (you) loves fishing and hiking
>person z, y and f also loves fishing hiking
>person z,y and f also likes bush craft and guns
>X, Z, Y and F now gets the same ads, X also gets some new ads that he probably will like because he shares many common interests.

>Instagram does it too.
How do you know? What other apps do it?

Let me tell you my story.

I flew to Sweden once.
I posted on Sup Forums while in Sweden.
When I did, it showed a Swedish flag next to my posts, instead of a US one.

Laptops are 1984.

I just get taylor swift song

I first saw that ad the other day too and I don’t play or talk about league. Facebook app can’t be recording you because it would take up battery power, and people would eventually notice.

A lot of people have this idea but the fact is all evidence is simply going to be confirmation bias. You see one or two ads that seem like they were tailored based on your conversations, and think conspiracy, but ignore the thousands of ads you see that aren’t.

Open up your phone, break a circuit trace from both the microphone and the camera, and solder in a mechanical switch so that you can manually connect and disconnect the mic/camera as you please.

I get a new pone in january so I'll try this on my old phone and if it works I'll do it to my new one.

My soldering skills are fucking terrible tho so I have very low expectations.