Be german

>be german
>start two world wars
>lost both

Other urls found in this thread:

>start two worldwars

wew lad, abo

Aaaargh!! I am a butthurt german!

This post has made me very, very butthurt now!!!

>Be Australian
>Get eaten alive by Japs during the kokoda track campaign
Why are Aussies such cuckolds?

>Be Aussie
>Lose to emus

REEEE i must scream and kill belgian babies!!!

>Australian education

>Falling for emu disinfo
No wonder you're so blind you your own country's actions.

Why are we? Every war we've had with Asians they tortured our POWs in the cruelest ways, yet we worship them now.

>Break every form of deal you made with Britain and France
>Openly express your plans for "Lebensraum"
>Invade Poland under fabrications that Poles were slaughtering ethnic Germans
>Ayo we dindu nuffin

>germshits still blame austria

kek, fuck the fuhrer too cunt

Implying in a 1v1 they would've lost to anyone except russia, LUL


>be straya
>wage war on flightless birds
>give up after a week

>Be Germany
>Be smaller than the state of Texas
>Take on entire world, basically solo
>Almost win


Great Britain declared WW2....

Yeah, that's what they want you to think


Actually a Czech started the first one.

an emu behind every jew

>12 emus died
>no aus casualties
>australia lost

ticks the old noggin

Both started by austrians.
Austrians are the eternal evil.
Never trust a austrian.

>Be Germany
>Be smaller than the state of Texas
>Capture half of europe
>Get raped by russians 2 years later and lose everything
>You won't exist in 2040 years


in the year 2040*

>take on entire world
The majority of "the entire world" was just Britain and France's shitty colonies. The only nations that did anything were the Soviet Union, USA, Britain, and France (Free French)
>Almost win
They were no where near winning.

there will be war before that, hopefully

>eurocucks already uniting

reminder the next world war will be fought against europe after they are overrun by mudslimes and niggers

yeah, hopefully Poland will invade them TOPKEK

id support that desu

wtf i said t-b-h and it turned into desu lol

Czechs have started more trouble and actually genocided worse than anyone in history, and have the nerve to always whine as if they were the victims.



>started the war

lol wat

>start two world wars

- Australian education

Can't tell if expert bait or newfag

exactly how new are you?

Yeah but who really got fucked in both of those wars

correct me if I'm wrong, but Britain started both wars

they atleast started the second one

It's because "s-m-h t-b-h f-a-m" was a meme so it gets filtered. (becomes: baka desu senpai)

It's annoying, I also used to type t-b-h a lot.

In the same way the Prussians started the 7 years war

im just fucking with you

Hey Krauts
My name is Arthur Harris, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are arrogant, retarded, murderers who spend every second of their day trying to destroy Europe.. You are everything bad on the continent. Honestly, have any of you ever won any wars? I mean, I guess it’s fun bombing innocent civilians because of your own insecurities about the Jews, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than the rape of Belgium in World War One.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best aircraft. I’m pretty much perfect. I was Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, Officer of the Order of the British Empire. What geopolitical games have you won other than "Imprison and execute anyone you don't like the sound of? I also get straight accolades, and have an incredibly beautiful wife (She just made me a delicious cup of tea; it was so exquisite). You are all maggots who I do not even consider worth the bones of one British grenadier. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my Lancaster.

>be straya
>start war against birds
how can strayas even compete with the superior emu bird?

No, no, no, you've got this wrong.

>be German back in the day

>join a war out of allegiances (Austria started it)
>do amazing at war: little German territory captured, French army mutinies, Russians having commie revolution, etc.
>fucking Balfour Declaration, dirty Jews in Germany and the world trade Entente victory for Palestinian land
>lose war because of traitors at least in part

>be in aftermath of war
>Treaty of Versailles
>economic troubles and inflation up the whazoo
>degeneracy (thanks Jews)
>find a Fuehrer
>become the jewel of Europe
>try to kick out Jews
>Poland goes full autism mode and refuses sound offers to avoid war
>do really well until shit goes wrong

>be in yet another aftermath of war
>Jews create lies about what they were really subjected to, little mention of Typhus as the major killer
>degeneracy (thanks Jews)
>country is half commie until unification

>be German today
>be made fun of for the two wars, one your ancestors didn't start and one your ancestor didn't want to fight
>by an Amerinigger

>*by a degenerate Aussie shitposter

>start the war
ausfag losing his touch.

Poor kraut sad.
Hope the will have the justice they deserve and wake up in time

>One news article justifies the genocide of an entire race

European "education"

let's hope not

which genocide?
the one committed on the Germans you mean?

>Loses the argument on who started the war. Immediately tries to resort to 'muh 6 million'

Schlomo, the real oven you need to be worried about isn't the holocaust. Its eternity in god's oven, hell.

citizenship can be revoked you know?

not to mention that nobody's gonna do that, what does citizenship have to do with that? lmao

Boycotts do nothing.

yes. "His blood on us, and our children"

Wasn't there a comment on autarky here just moments ago? Deleted comments?

need to send these race traitor commie whores out with the invaders. Europe, you don't want to end up like us. It's a nightmare over here.

I made a mistake when writing it. But it's true, Germans were pursuing Autarky.

>Germans were genocided

Give me a break, you're no better than the niggers that cry "He din do nuffinz, he a good boy" just because they share the same skin color as you. Pathetic.

>God's oven, Hell.

What makes you think that I am Jewish? Even if I were Jewish I wouldn't have to worry about "hell" because I would be chosen as a beloved people by the same god you worship.

This is exactly what I mean, you racist Europeans have so many conflicting and contradictory beliefs that it's hard to take any of you seriously.

>be anglo
>win the wars only after you use the kikes to drag america into the war

how you liking those not lava enemas in hell you bastard?

Pretty sure he's talking about WWI, idiot.

i blame men for allowing women to pull this kind of shit and it's not like they're gonna do it, everyone knows how women act (illogically, out of emotion)
you can't trust a dog alone with a steak but you can trust a dog to act like a dog

>join a war out of allegiances (Austria started it)
>lose war because of traitors at least in part
Also false.
>Treaty of Versailles
An extremely lenient treaty. The economic sanctions were nothing compared to what was posed on France after the Franco-Prussian war.
>>economic troubles
Historians argue that Germany destroyed their own economy to weasel out of paying reparations. I agree with this
>find a Fuehrer
>become the jewel of Europe
Le economic miracle meme. Completely false.
>be in yet another aftermath of war
Reminder: Germany, West, that is, under the leadership of Adenauer, went from a GDP nominal to that of what they had in 1896 to exceeding the Nazi peak in under ten years, with more sustainability, fewer people, and its cities in ruins.

it's not like they're not gonna do it*

He never said WWI or WWII, Brainlet. He even implied that Germany dindu nuffin in both.


well, we did get to test our nuclear weapons on them, and vietnam was basically a test bed. sorry fellow joe, we are babylon.

>le America won the war xDDDD
You fell for their propaganda, I see.

Wait, you really think 10 000 rounds by military for 12 birds is successful?

now this is the garbage. these people need to be shunned and treated like the turds they are. pc is straight out of hell.

are you still here my brother?

Austria did start WWI, or if you rather want to go deeper it was Serbia.

Wrong. The first was started by a s*rb and the secons was started by kikes.

>be German

>Austria did start WWI
True, in many ways. But Germany was more than ready to start it. For example, starting a sort of Cold War with Britain, constantly threatening France, and so on. It was an excuse for the Germans to start a war, that they, foolishly, thought they could win.

>be australian
>never strive for greatness

Isn't the fact of lose the war for what everyone use the conflict as a joke; it's the fact of starting a war against some birds the reason why all think it's something ridiculous.
Just like the campaign of Caligula against the sea.

>BE subhuman
> Be Germ*N shit stain

Why are white cucks tainting this board? look you 14 yr old cucks. STACEY IS FUCKING JAMAL and your just jacking off to it. GO OUTSIDE YOU FAGGOT!

T Med master race we own ALL you bitches. and the jewish/ khazar milkers will belong to us also

>Guys the soviets defeated nazis!! they aren't that bad after all xddDDD

USA did more keeping two fronts.

If Japan would've joined axis in the operation barbarossa the war would have end very different.

Russians managed to destroy germans in Stalingrad because Hitler was the most incompetent leader in the entire war.

>go outside
that would require some effort tho kek

t. Muhammad

set yourself on fire nigger

>>start two world wars
Abbo education.

Not to mention that operation barbarossa got delayed nearly 2 months I think, because the germans had to step in after the italians got BTFO in greece
57 days of resistance




Hey Bongs, My name is Mohammed and I love throwing acid on your faces, we will outbreed you within a few generations and you will submit to our rule and Islam. In my freetime I like to groom British children with my gang. Please do not eat pork because it is absolutely haram.

>If Japan would've joined axis in the operation barbarossa the war would have end very different.
Oh please. Japan were starved for resources, and it would have pushed them onto a two front war vs two of the largest, and most populous nations. They got btfo in all border conflicts with the Soviets.
All the United States did was taking the easier beaches during D-Day (Britain and Canada faced the experienced units at Caen, while the Amerimutts faced practically no one until they linked up.

Tbh the jews creazed those wars, resp dragged america into this, and were promised Israel by the Brits in return for doing so.

U need to educate yourself

Yeah Germany did not start ww1. Austria or Russia are more to blame.

Stfu sand nigger sub-human.

USA DID keep the Soviets and UK afloat, as well as supporting literally 70% of Ground forces on the west after D-day. And Brrits would have get curbstmped at Caen had it not been for America too.

It still boggles my mind that there are people who don't believe Germany was responsible for WW1.
They turned what was a dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia into a European crisis due to their desire to force war in 1914 instead of waiting until France and Russia had reformed their militaries by 1917. Then they stupidly invaded neutral Belgium which dragged Britain into it.

>still an economic power house
>Three is a lucky number...