Dear Sup Forums

fuck off

But you came here, you fuck off.

he's dead, faggot

the jews got him in the end.

I'm glad he died, hated him and fucking loathe his mouthbreathing fans.

lou ferrigno look like shit. Tattoos are a mess.

Rip :(

Bluepilled /fit/izens are the worst. Like what's the point? Make sure you're nice and muscular for when you get a call from your 5 year old's teacher telling you they think he's a tranny. That'll help.

Are you the same faggot in /fit/ who was complaining about
>muh Sup Forums leaking into /fit/




Yep. In 1984, Being strong won't save your child from the grip of the Nu-Cuck Clan. Being fit won't stop you from being mowed down en mass at a Christmas parade.

kek Sup Forums and /fit/ have been "friends" since before you posted here faggot

also /k/
and /x/
and to our detriment, /r9k/
and also Sup Forums
Sup Forums = Sup Forums at this point

Why wouldn't he just burn it all the way? So what if it goes berserk, it'll all be over in a couple of minutes.

Yeah, exactly. Being in shape is objectively good, and being genuinely bulky is even better. But if you refuse to be aware of the world around you, you might as well just drop the weights and put a dildo in your ass before (((they))) put it there first.

who is this gorilla with the deformed beard and why is he laying in condom wrappers making sexual euphemism?

hey fuck you buddy

You fucks think eating some soy protein powder and doing a couple of squats are gonna save you from watching Tyrone from stuffing your petite girlfriends?

Where were you when Rice Panini was kill
>at gym
>eating 4 scoops
>phone is ring
>"Zyzz is ded"


H-he just left us all behind, r-r-r-right, guys?

This. Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums and it has been for years.

why is /fit/ 99% manlets?

>rich piana died

Did Jason finally get his order 66 and then some?

oh wow i expected this thread to die fast
no we arn't, /fit/ is a board of peace
f-fuck you too
it's whey and yes cause i can actually beat the shit out of tyrone
we will join him one day



cause we are
why is 99% of Sup Forums retarded?

lurk more

lmao manlets

It's even funnier when you remember Zyzz bragged about living to an old age while fatties died around him

Sup Forums is a board of peace newfag

No you fuck off /fit/,, also whats with the incredible hulk sized dingbat laying on a pile of spent shotgun shells with what appears to be a shotgun? hur dur,, we are /fit/

i've been here for 5 years you fucking faggot
Sup Forums doesn't make up everyone
we did a poll and apparently the average height of our board is 5'8 (which is funny cause thats hitler's height)


1. calm down
2. his name is rich piana and he's doing it cause he was rich and could do whatever the fuck he wanted
you saying something doesn't make it true

no wonder they are so fit, its easier to build muscle on a shorter body

Sup Forums is a board of peace
you cannot judge the entire board due to the actions of a few 'lone wolves' that were radicalised because of hatred and bigotry against this "community"
You need to build bridges and open a dialogue instead of judging and deriding this board, or else you risk creating even more radicalised 'lone wolves'
Sup Forums is a board of peace

if /fit/ is also "a board of peace"
its because Sup Forums memes leaked there ie XX is a board of peace
you absolute

Being fit just means you wasted more time on your body than on your aim before being shot.
Checkmate atheists

whatever terms are terms
/fit/ isn't involved with politics and shit so if you want to lift for hitler or stalin go ahead but don't talk about it all the time
if you work hard enough and don't eat like shit you'll get the same to similar esults
>like what capitalism says, but actually true

lifting is gay

>not flexing hard enough to stop bullets
lol where to you think the shells came from

This. Don't be weird about your faggy gains.

My mistake :(

nigga you just jealous


Max par