Dear Sup Forums



Yep. In 1984, Being strong won't save your child from the grip of the Nu-Cuck Clan. Being fit won't stop you from being mowed down en mass at a Christmas parade.

kek Sup Forums and /fit/ have been "friends" since before you posted here faggot

also /k/
and /x/
and to our detriment, /r9k/
and also Sup Forums
Sup Forums = Sup Forums at this point

Why wouldn't he just burn it all the way? So what if it goes berserk, it'll all be over in a couple of minutes.

Yeah, exactly. Being in shape is objectively good, and being genuinely bulky is even better. But if you refuse to be aware of the world around you, you might as well just drop the weights and put a dildo in your ass before (((they))) put it there first.

who is this gorilla with the deformed beard and why is he laying in condom wrappers making sexual euphemism?

hey fuck you buddy

You fucks think eating some soy protein powder and doing a couple of squats are gonna save you from watching Tyrone from stuffing your petite girlfriends?

Where were you when Rice Panini was kill
>at gym
>eating 4 scoops
>phone is ring
>"Zyzz is ded"
