Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Yes I do

Lazy is easily the two-syllable word that describes it now.

>>Leo brainwashes the Ruris
>>Shun duels Ruri and beats her to remove the brainwashing
>>it seems to wear off
>>Episode after BB arc Ruri still brainwashed
>>Oh I guess parasites can't be beaten via a duel after al-
>>Parasites stop working when the Doctor is carded
Correction, Ruri's subconsciousness came right the hell out of nowhere in order to give Shun a mercy win and is never used again. Especially when the others girls never had their subconscious shown, Rin who has worked on making a d-wheel with Yugo her whole life and Serena for lazily kidnapping Yuzu and going against her comrades(even if they barely ever interacted).


Yuya became fully possessed by his incarnation, the Supreme Dragon King Zarc, and Yusho pinned him to a wall so Zarc wouldn't immediately go find Yuri and Yugo to obtain his original form again after beating Reiji and Leo.


You can tell they basically stopped caring around XYZ arc with early signs being in ep 92.

92 or it's setup to that during Synchro was somewhat too soon and would had made more sense if they'd did that in XYZ being Yuya focused while the other Lancers could be worked off with the resistance and trying to make peace.

>Aren't all the Ruris safe now? That's what Yusho's line to Reiji implied
I honestly don't understand what he achieved by stopping the duel. What did I miss?

Would carding Zarc pieces actually solve anything? He could probably just suck his soul out of the fucking card as it was being poured into Arc-V. Have Academia ever shown any intent to card the Zarc 4?