Oh no China now has the capacity to hit the US main-
Oh they already can?
Oh ok
Not the point, thing can launch 10 Nukes in 10 different directions
Who cares they are not going to ever use it
Nukes don't exist. They are another Myth created by the jews so they can make you believe "They can destroy the world with the press of a button". Its another layer to the control system .
>made in China
I'm quaking my boots
This missile moves 3x the speed of the missiles the THAAD fires (6263 mph).
Oh no, they can hit 10 major metropolitan areas of the US
Thereby destroying their own economy in the process
I think we're grand
You dinky mere mortals.
No one knew -- or could even fathom -- what an atomic-bomb was UNTIL it was dropped at times of wars.
As a civilian, you have absolutely no idea what kind of technology we have now, classified and out of the minds of the masses. I reckon it's something more organic though; probably Tesla-esque, like some sort of actual death-ray harnessing the electricity from HAARP induced thunderstorms or something bizarre like that.
ICBM's have all been designed to do that since the 70's at least. Also, any nuke launched from a nuclear sub does something similar.
If you do the math of an expanding spherical wave front, you find most of the energy will be directed up into space harmlessly if you have one large, high yield warhead. You can lessen the losses by carpeting an area with multiple, lower yield warheads. That's why the US pioneered delivery technologies to do this forever ago.
Oh well. The capability to "shoot down" incoming missiles was always a meme anyway.
The speed is the threat here
Holy shit a MIRV warhead, truly the first such device to exist, how can we ever compete with china now.
>made with Chinese parts
Yeah I'm real worried over here
I wonder where they were educated to engineer hypersonic warhead transports?
No.It's fake news.We dont even have missiles.
I wouldn't be surprised
But at the same time you want to show the world how powerful and dangerous you are. Intimidate your enemies
Yeah, but I don't see us going to war with China. By the time we do, if ever, we'll have them too
China over there playing catch up, we have things 4x better in USAP programs,this is a joke.
This is the real point. It's just supposed to keep the balance of MAD. China doesn't want America to feel like it could get away with anything.
Did you know Lockheed has technology
to teleport items from one place to the other
but w/e, you will probably keep scrolling
>nukes don't exist
Jews don't exist
So they hit DC in like 7 minutes and level it and then 30 minutes later our entire arsenal hits China
What did they mean by this?
Oh shit Lockheed is Black Mesa now?
What source are you basing this bullshit on?
Family that worked there back in the day
I see THAD is still /our guy/
oh nos not nuclear Armageddon that hasn't been around since the 50's or anything
hope they strike Jewmerica
The Russians have been able to do this for 50 years at least
Other than "teleportation" of quantum states via entanglement, such a thing isn't even theoretically possible. Your family was full of shit.
Chink shit general?
I hope not, but even if there was just a 2% chance of thermonuclear war breaking out soon I certainly wouldn't scoff at this. THAAD always had limited capacities anyway. If one sent 100000 missiles at once it would only stop some, you wouldn't even need a warhead on many of them, the volume would ensure some made it through.
These are still "conventional weapons" even if real. The REAL weapons and tech govts have won't be used until it really matters.. and it will be tech we didn't know even existed. Conventional weapons are all that are used in public skirmishes .
O.K so if we are talking about intimidation factors, I believe our last "threat" were giant rods shot from space. They basically use gravity to reach their target and have absolutely no explosive action. Their kinetic force is so big, it's on par with a nuke (might be stronger actually), but has no radioactive side-effects, essentially allowing ground invasion, if need be, right after the "strike"
ahh I see your nukes and raise you a fleet of rail guns
check mate
Did he get out of prison yet?
Engineers work on all sorts of crazy stuff
at Lockheed, shit that is WAY far advanced than the
stuff we have today. The reason why they don't just 'come out with it'
is because most of the time it's unstable and isn't reliable. They need
extensive testing.
It has happened and will continue to happen, you don't have to believe it.
Father in law ,20 years worked at Lockheed, retired, saw alot of crazy stuff there.
>made in china
the chinese should be more afraid than anyone else desu
this is a completely retarded thing to build but at least they have some good constructions
China will grow larger
knowing them it will be out of spec, fail miserably and probably China would nuke themselves due to shoddy worksmanship
but at least it comes with a warranty
Having the ability to strike first is important.
An on demand meteor hit, essentially.
That's actually a plausible idea. I remember reading a Star Wars book back in the day where they did exactly that and thinking it might work.
>we've got a missile to deliver 100 nukes at 20,000mph
we live in a 'believe it when I ee it' world
wow fake news
A rod would most likely be obliterated on reentry. A sphere may survive reentry but as soon as that shit starts spinning you have no idea where it'll go.
You know whats not a jewish myth?
is that one of those artificially built islands in the South China Sea that China's been building that I keep hearing about?
Everyone some guys father-in-law saw something be teleported. We must believe him.
Was he one of the actual scientists/engineers/other technical staff?
I'm a skeptic on this myself at anything more than extremely tiny level. But they are definitely working on it with money and minds. There are articles you can google that are all about these topics and experiments. The fact that this is even public should tell you something. Also cloaking devices.
So it might launch itself any time now.
According to the Art of War their appearing strong suggests that they are actually weak.
"The "rods from god" idea was a bundle of telephone-pole-size (20 feet long, 1 foot in diameter) tungsten rods, dropped from orbit, reaching a speed of up to 10 times the speed of sound.
The rod itself would penetrate hundreds of feet into the Earth, destroying any potential hardened bunkers or secret underground sites. More than that, when the rod hits, the explosion would be on par with the magnitude of a ground-penetrating nuclear weapon — but with no fallout.
Such a weapon could destroy a target with 15 minutes' notice."
who did they rip it off from?
>artificially built
>islands reef base formed on fault horst uplifted continental bedrock
it's an island with most of the land reclaimed from the ocean
The first I saw of these were in Footfall by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle.
Yes, in the sense that they "teleport" the local quantum state of a photon to its entangled partner. It's useful for quantum information sending, but it's not fucking Portal.
> Scattergun
Audible "HA!" in a quiet bar...
>atomic physics is a myth
Uh...so? It won't matter when there's 20,000 nukes in the sky already. Are you retarded?
Tungsten doesn't like to bend whatsoever. It snaps. A bundle of rods would strengthen it in a sense, but an outside rod would snap and cause the thing to veer horribly off target. Rods from God is a silly meme perpetuated by fucking call of duty.
Probably the Russians, they've been working on some epic missiles.
hey buttholes, this means that China could hit the US with 10 nukes in 23 minutes post launch.
Atoms are just jewish propoganda
Who gives a shit? If the superpowers starts using nukes against each other then it doesn't fucking matter what type they are since there will be like 5000 of them exploding within 25 minutes.
Atoms are just jewish propoganda
The speed could destroy all of our stationery nukes and aircraft bases before we can even see what's happening.
It's MAD taking affect after the US put THAD in South Korea.
Time to develop a deterrence... A giant robot that can survive a nuclear blast and retaliate on behalf of the victims
Then show me one.
>OW you stupid bitch you poked me in the eye with your heel, MAYDAY MAYDAY
lockheed has lost a ton of contracts and funding over the years they are a shell of their former self. they don't even have NASA anymore, which is now jacob's engineering.
Real men don't let women's nature bring aircraft down.
Hey cool my dad works for Nintendo
>what is neutron pressure
>what are modern high explosives
>what is plutonium
nah dont worry i know you dont know the answers to any of those questions.
This is literally a MIRV ICBM. They always launched that fast. This is 1970s tech,
Yeah this doesn't actually work because rods tend to tumble and burn up on reentry. Also I'm fairly certain this was the exact plot of a James Bond movie.
Uh yes, MIRV reentry vehicles have always gone this fast and there has never been a defense aside from launching nukes at them.
So basically a little faster than orbital velocity, aka, an average ICBM
So it's a MIRV, which basically every operational ICBM has been since the 1960s
Has Chinese nuclear technology reached the 1980s?
some month in 2018, I forgot
Fake news site.
Can you elaborate or give a link to this information?
here ya go, faggot
You can debate all the little details but the reality is that this 'Newtonian' concept has already been funded, developed, & tested.
And the only reason it seems science-fiction (even though we always surpass our own expectations) is because the Boeing engineer that proposed it later turned into a science-fiction author and wrote this idea into his works such as:
Thanks Bill Clinton!
So it's like a shotgun nuke or Experimental MIRV from Fallout series.
Yeah, I'm sure china is ready to nuke their largest market. try using yer brains next time
You're fake news. We don't even.
>not cp
he's legit retarded