You dinky mere mortals.

No one knew -- or could even fathom -- what an atomic-bomb was UNTIL it was dropped at times of wars.

As a civilian, you have absolutely no idea what kind of technology we have now, classified and out of the minds of the masses. I reckon it's something more organic though; probably Tesla-esque, like some sort of actual death-ray harnessing the electricity from HAARP induced thunderstorms or something bizarre like that.

ICBM's have all been designed to do that since the 70's at least. Also, any nuke launched from a nuclear sub does something similar.

If you do the math of an expanding spherical wave front, you find most of the energy will be directed up into space harmlessly if you have one large, high yield warhead. You can lessen the losses by carpeting an area with multiple, lower yield warheads. That's why the US pioneered delivery technologies to do this forever ago.

Oh well. The capability to "shoot down" incoming missiles was always a meme anyway.

The speed is the threat here

Holy shit a MIRV warhead, truly the first such device to exist, how can we ever compete with china now.

>made with Chinese parts
Yeah I'm real worried over here

I wonder where they were educated to engineer hypersonic warhead transports?

No.It's fake news.We dont even have missiles.

I wouldn't be surprised
But at the same time you want to show the world how powerful and dangerous you are. Intimidate your enemies

Yeah, but I don't see us going to war with China. By the time we do, if ever, we'll have them too

China over there playing catch up, we have things 4x better in USAP programs,this is a joke.