The Ideal Life

If you are a man and do not want this life you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. The only issue is perhaps not enough kids.

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It's women that don't want this...

nah, many women want it too. society, however, is misleading both men and women; plus pharmaceutical and other environmental contamination that confuses hormones and ultimately undermines the magnetic connections between male and female.

it's not a lost cause tho. avoid the bad stuff, keep the faith, courage, etc.

No the issue is the subanimal dog in the picture. Not having a cat is subhuman behaviour and you should be ashamed.

>hating on golden retrievers
>hating on man's best friend

Soyboy spotted

Not sure what you're point is, user. I'm just here playing video games with cash in the bank. Iv e been around kids... annoying as fuck tbqh.

Intelligent human detected.

Typical primitive thinking. You should have your face skinned, knees broken, and entire family slowly tortured in front of you before being executed, faggot

Cats are disgusting asshole animals that will never love you no matter how much you wish it. They will tolerate you for food and shelter, but they will never, ever love you.

Dogs will always love you unconditionally and are truly man's best friend. Cat people are basically autistic.

>wh*te woman
>a d*g

I want this but with a shit ton of land and at least one more kid.

>nagging bitch wife to scream at you the moment you walk in the door (inb4 just be alpha bro, hit her and go to jail for 20 years hurrrr durrr). While your white daughter (all white girls do it) fuck your family dog every night in secret. And then your wife cucks you and takes everything you own including your soul. And WHEN it happens, not even an if anymore, just a matter of when, so WHEN it happens, YOU will be maligned by everyone in the world as a cuck or a "deadbeat dad", your wife will tell lies to your kids and make them hate you.
" heh just be alpha bro" (false rape accusation because you had an argument about the stain on the rug, you go to jail for life).

>3/4ths of marriages end in divorce in under 10 years
>93% of white divorces is initiated by the white female
>the woman wins 97% of child custody cases
Heh, just ignore the political climate and be alpha bro!

Thats interesting... All the married dudes I know are dorky overweight manlets and they hate their lives

>liking an animal that will like you no matter what.
>not liking an animal that has standards for human behavior.


I'm not even a dog person (pretty much grew out of pets altogether as a kid), and I've always wanted a super friendly well-tempered and trained golden. It's like the family mascot for the perfect blonde-hair blue eyes family.

I don't want an animal to love me at all, why would you want that?

Dogs are a Jewish trick, cats are the redpilled pet.

Fuck you faggot, you're irrelevant to me.


Replace the (((dog))) with two more kids.

Owning a pet is cucked, don't even argue with this statement.

There's a difference between standards, and disliking you no matter what. Cats are the latter. They're inherently assholes, and any evidence to the contrary is just an example of them using you for attention.

Why not? That's literally the only reason to have a pet.

Contrary to what MRA's and MGTOW's might tell you, society does actually need women to function properly.

clean water and healthy food goes a long way to normalization. it's rare these days. most tap water is contaminated. it's not just what you drink, it's also what you brew/cook with, shower/bathe in, and those chemicals get in your lungs especially when you shower

clean food is also vital. factor farmed meat is freakshow GMO, cruel and unusual, full of hormones and other drugs. to hell with all of that.

eat wild food if you can. there's a site you can buy wild deer in texas online. lots of fish are wild too.

wild tends to be healthiest, both plants and animals;

Of course I want that kind of life. I want it more than anything. But finding a modern woman who is a virgin and wants that life? Impossible. Or it may as well be. It's totally luck dependent and not only that but if you fuck up and marry the wrong woman you ruin your kids' lives by raising them in a broken home and you get JUST'd with alimony and child support.

So the improbability + stakes makes it a rock and hard-place situation

But that won't stop some user from replying back to me in a 5 word post telling me I'm weak/beta/ugly/whatever for daring to make such remarks

Nah. I made my girlfriend get an abortion because the ultrasound said the baby was a girl. The last thing the planet needs is more women.
Its a merciful thing, not a bad thing!

Death doesn’t seem too bad if the alternative is a life where I have to wear that sweater

>I made my girlfriend get an abortion

Hate dogs and cats.

Is that a biracial boy? Begone, kike.

We must act! If we do not act, then everything will be lost, every reason for living, every reason for which our ancestors lived, and worked, and sacrificed, and suffered, and died. The deadly filth of Jewish liberalism will spread over our entire race and destroy it, inevitably, forever. – Dr. William Pierce

>no cybernetic implants

Dat cross necklace though

>white families
Not for long.....

Yeah because the world needs more prostitutes and trad thots right?
You do know white women are a net deficit on the economy right? They subtract more than they add to society.
Women are useless wastes of space, there are plenty of flesh heaps walking around waiting to produce sons. Why waste all that money and time on a useless female?
Think with your brain user

>meet a qt
>Fall in Love
>get married
>Leave work early on our first anniversary
>Buy flowers and chocolates to surprise side at home
>Walk in to find Jamal is reaming her ass
>She takes tyrell's cock out of her mouth long enough to tell me that she never loved me
>Feminist judge says women don't cheat on good husbands, I must have been abusive out something
>Gives her everything I own in the divorce
>Grants her 60% of my income for the next 35 years

No thanks, I'll just enjoy my video games and buy a motorcycle


Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth

Fuck family and fuck children. Curbstomp the human race.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

I just need the land. Getting paid more wouldnt hurt.

I have three more kids than they do. Ive done all i can do.



not just meat but also dairy products and meat derivative products are in more things than you think!

a time for vigilance, caution

>wake up
>lovely warmth of a women by your side
>sit down at breakfast table enjoying food you or your spouse had cooked
>”hey dad, it’s raining! can you drop us off?”
>”sure thing son”
>wave goodbye to children as they attend school
>pick them up and go to the playground afterwards
>go to the movies on the weekend with wife and kids

Sup Forums doesn’t want this. Lol probably because Sup Forums is too poor

Dog is true master race...

t. agonisingly obviously never had a girlfriend

I want this life but I don't want a wife who insists on taking these bullshit family photos like that


I disagree. The world is crowded as fuck and it’s making everyone miserable. Modern agriculture is an unsustainable cancer that is destroying the earth as Varg correctly notes. We just need to kick the third world out of our countries. Having a bunch of kids only shoulders the burden to the next generation.

Replace the woman with a fashy trap and the kids with another dog and the setting to Tokyo at nighttime and it's perfect.

Main reason I don't want this is women are cunt, pretty much universally. Why would I want to put a literal collar (ring) on myself for some girl, all in the name of 'the hole'. Literally all girls are good for is fucking you, they fuck you (literally) to get you to like them. They fuck you out of money on dates, they fuck you out of your hobbies if you do get married, and they really, really fuck you in divorce court.
I'd rather just not.

smart man

Nigga wut?