Youjo Senki has peaked my interest. Only 2 episodes out now, but both of them are pretty good. Anyone else, hopeful for this show
Youjo Senki
It's got world war stuff and a loli girl, but it handles both of them in an interesting way
Grim dark strike witch
Chinese, crispr, eat shit
> peaked my interest
its the seasonal edgy normalfag bait anime
I'm getting really tired of this buzzword.
>>The password is only 3,289,000,000 base pairs
15 minutes wait time after some failed attempt will rekt the brute force
There's already a thread.
The show didn't show him wearing glasses in his previous life and that got me slightly triggered.
It never mentions glasses in the LN
>***,*64位/***,*65位 (---,--- pt) [*,**0予約] 2017/04/26 幼女戦記 1 [Blu-ray]
>***,119位/***,127位 (**1,228 pt) [*,**9予約] 2017/03/24 この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! 2第1巻限定版 [Blu-ray]
Fuck off Stalkerfag
Here is some education for you.
A thread after 500 posts is archived.
something something crispr crispr something chinks fetuses something
Number-chan is kawaii user-kun, why kimi so kirai it?
>As long as it works - it's not hilarious.
As an example a 500bit cryptographic key is not breakable through Brute Force in a even slightly reasonable timeframe.
The human genome is roughly 3,3Gb
>You can probably see results much earlier on.
For certain complications like downs or heavy deformation yes.
But you'd only get information on what your genetic manipulation did way later in life.
I'm not quite familiar with Unit 731 but Mengele's experiments weren't useless. Just extremely fucked up
Soon brother...
Last week/Total
4,914 - 52,515 Vol 1
4,118 - 15,671 Vol.7
Please lads, tell me that episode 2 won't be this series high peak. I want to believe that the best is still ahead.
>Navy Seal training
>Operation Desert Storm
>Battle of Inchon
>Decapitation strike after HALO parachuting from V-1 rockets
Grim Dark Isekai Gender Bend Strike Witch
this animu is edgy as fuck
I love it
so it'll only decline from now on?
newfag, please. bump limit != falling off the board,
>aboard a sinking ship
ahahahahahaha please reply me again with ##liquid text in your name textbox
I just hope Aoi keeps getting more crazy/evil.
was that stupid red dress scene in the LN too?
A normalfag would never pick this because muh nazi, fuck off.
>France can't use vickers hurr durr
>Class / Type Calibre Quantity Year
>Mk. I 8mm Lebel 2000 1914-1916
>Mk. I* .303-inch 177 1916
>Mk. I* .303-inch 2767 1917
>Mk. I* .303-inch 3294 1918
>M1918 11mm 802 1918
Such terrible banding and block artifacts.
Why is crunchy so shit?
>Using Crunchy
You deserve everything you get
i'm not gonna download raws just to make stitches
It's a sidestory.
So how many episodes is planned?
That'll make final episode what, beginning of April?
I wonder what will we get first for vol2 in english: LN, manga or anime.
>roughly 3,3Gb
You just need a really big computer.
Or a really big botnet.
Considering where all android phones are made and how many vulnerabilities they have - it's doable.
>way later in life.
I roll20 and find accelerated growth genes first.
I bet they're not that hard to find too.
You americans have been at it for the last 20 years.
Why did you miss all those crusade drafts user?
Oil is as good of a purpose as the original crusades' land, riches and influence.
>You just need a really big computer.
Explain how that relates to CRISPR
>You just need a really big computer.
>Or a really big botnet.
500 bit is more than secure against all the botnets you can find.
Brute Force is simply ineffecient to an extreme.
>I roll20 and find accelerated growth genes first.
Just say you're pop-sci transhumanist to begin with.
You don't quite get the computing power required to solve this. It's an astronomical amount.
Stuff like phone vulnerabilities is achieved by sidestepping the problem instead of brute forcing the key.
Allegedly, Mengele was also onto something. A small town in Brazil where he lived started having very high rates of blue eyed blonde twins.
It's a damn shame they had to lose the war and burn who knows how many research documents.
That's Hand Shakers which is enjoyed by everyone since it's the AOTY.
This show made my dick extremely confused.
>Self-proclaimed salaryman suddenly become a prodigy in magic
I thought he would use his management skill to maneuver the army more effectively?
>Being evil to countrymen without any reason
Bad writing is showing.
Also I thought this is about vanilla world war without any bullshit, but seeing the "mages" in the first minute broke my immersion.
A concept with potential but the author whiff it.
>Also I thought this is about vanilla world war without any bullshit
How did you not know magic was gonna be in the show? It was the nº1 thing people were bitching about ever since the adaptation was announced.
Average YS viewer, folks.
He'd love to do that but the things he think are sending "put me in the rear lines" end up being misread as "put me in the front lines".
>Being evil to countrymen without any reason
what do you mean by this?
>Being evil to countrymen without any reason
Insubordination is a pretty big reason, bruh.
She honestly should've run her sword through them right then and there.
I like it
the magic sounded cringe at first but the edgyness is pulled off in a good way desu
I really enjoyed the magic explosions and the air battles, Tanya is badass.
Were you honestly expecting a realistic portrayal of WW1? Go watch all quiet on the western front or something, mediocre grade animu is not the place to find it
Go read the LN, the anime is utter shit. Tanya isn't even evil, for DEUS VULT sakes.
>How did you not know magic was gonna be in the show? It was the nº1 thing people were bitching about ever since the adaptation was announced.
I didn't follow the news due to exam. I was planning to read it.
Also where is the efficiency of a salaryman?
>Were you honestly expecting a realistic portrayal of WW1? Go watch all quiet on the western front or something, mediocre grade animu is not the place to find it
I want to see how people can break the obnoxious trench standstill with modern thoughts in WW1 setting.
Enemy propaganda and people she's crossed probably gave her the evil moniker. They don't know she's an old man who wants comfy nonviolent rear-line duty like we do.
This guy is right. The anime is shit.
>more isekai shit
Should not be ... dangerous to go so high?
>Tanya isn't even evil
That's the point you big dumbo. Everybody (except Visha) thinks that Tanya is evil because they can't get into her mind, unlike the wiever.
"The Evil" is her title, not her depiction.
magic bro
ain't gotta explain shit
Oh fuck off she's obviously evil she/he thinks of humans as resources he/she is a goddamn psycopath!
In the LN = assigns the 2 rookies to the rear because they'd be a pain in the butt, she isn't a babysitter after all. The guys didn't do anything.
Best depiction of the anime. If any of you like this, read the LN.
I like the LN part more. I do not know, it seems more right in the regard to the MC who seems so pragmatic.
Insubordination during war is treason, you idiot.
Should I watch this or just read the LN?
I believe that you and many others have missed the point. Send two recruits in a Buker in the rear to get them to killed is a stroke of luck that not even Light could predict in his "just as planned" bullshit.
It was better to stick to the Novel or have them executed immediately.
Why not both?
Give anime a shot.
Episode 1 was pretty average, some people liked it, many didn't.
Episode 2 on the other hand was excellent and the only people talking bad about it are people who probably already dropped the show.
After checking out anime, go for translated LN chapters.
Before it aired I thought it would be crap
episode 1 was better than expected but still not great
episode 2 was a lot better than episode 1 but nothing spectacular
I'm giving it a few more weeks at the least
That's the first LN I'm reading and I find it really good. Too bad they f'ed up good with the adaptation.
only thing i'm worried about is the LN ruining the anime for me (has happened a few times)
>Send two recruits in a Buker in the rear to get them to killed is a stroke of luck
Is it really though?
It's based on WW1, artillery targeted bunkers and forts pretty openly.
I'm reminded of a passage in all quite on the western front
>Better to take your chances running from whistling shells in the trenches, than smashed to pieces in some underground dugout buried alive
I just finished ep2 and think it was above average. I still think Tanya should be more involved in the planning of the war than going to the front line and be a cookie cutter.
Also with the title "Deus Vult", ep3 better live up to its expectation.
Man the LN art is so fucking amazing.
The anime makes no sense. Trench exist in WW1 for a reason. They are easy to defend. With mages in the anime world, they can just fly up and shoot explosive or napalm or whatever very accurately (since they can hover) into the trench to cause a havoc and the line will be indefensible.
They weren't sent to die, that's the fact here. This is original bullshit.
The LN also says about this, even giving the Siege of Port Arthur as an example.
>Tanya should be more involved in the planning of the war than going to the front line and be a cookie cutter
That's the source material fault, Her magic abilities are making her too valuable on the battlefield. But she spends more time later on training her own unit.
>Also with the title "Deus Vult", ep3 better live up to its expectation
You know it's not going to happen user, Deus Vult is too much of a meme. I'm just hoping that it won't drop in quality.
Mages are fragile.
>only thing i'm worried about is the LN ruining the anime for me
It all depends on what you prefer, if you want detailed explanations on everything and alot of inner monologues from the MC you should probably try the LN. If you just want to see the air battles and things like that try the anime.
Again ... It is not that it is not possible, Is that among all the bunkers in the rear, she sends two guys in the one destined to be destroyed.
In Novel it was a simple case. Here they make her act like "he he Just as planned".
ED was great
As I heard she will have some b
problems with drugs and even will remain forever 11-years old because of it. Is it true? Drugs theme is well described? Junky-battle-careerist loli, sounds pretty crazy
Mage are fragile to other mages. Hell they can even take on an artillery shot to the face and survive with their shield.
>she spends more time later on training her own unit.
So no war strategy in the novel at all? Efficient maneuvering in war helps a lot, and with modern theory perfected Tanya could help a lot in this affair.
What chapter does episode 2 covers?
Why is the empire mage gear only 1 leg?
> I still think Tanya should be more involved in the planning of the war than going to the front line and be a cookie cutter.
MC tries to get just that type of work on every occasion but always screws up by doing too good a work and gets sent to the front lines. Someone needs to patch holes in the boat that is Empire.
>problems with drugs and even will remain forever 11-years
Noooo. I hoped that she would remain small in stature, but growing up a bit.
HS is the same thing as CR
I just feel people are getting a bit assblasted over a minor change here
It's a minor issue to make her more edgy when they needed to cut a bunch of stuff to fit everything in, LN/Anime adaptions are never a carbon copy, what do you expect
the only thing that triggers me is the duck lips
I have to admit that 2nd episode got me interested in the show enough to keep on. The first episode was a real put off (mainly because of her ugly ass companion) but getting the background on Tanya's life was cool. Moeblob being absent definitely helped, too
How much of the LN is out and how much is translated?
There are relatively few flight mages, and at best you have a fhandful of wings shifting around between different fronts. Comparitively, I'm betting that they still assume a large amount of casualties from artillery and gunfire, so the fact that trenches aren't exactly protected against mages are probably only a minor consideration.
It contradicts everything I know of history. War heroes, especially those that were for propaganda, were always kept in the back line once they are designed as the country's heroes because if they died in front line, it will cause a huge drop in morale and endanger the whole operation.
7 volumes are out, only the 1st one is translated tho.
The Empire was being fucked hard, they wouldn't just let Tanya being a guinea pig in the Training Division while they were invaded by the François Republic.
Well, I think I understood that she gets quite infamous in her own army.
They basically wants to use her as much as possible, because she's infamous even in her own army.
Empire titters over a war on two fronts and desperately tries to stop the current war or at least to kick the enemy hard enough it will stop full scale operations and go to skirmishes. It doesn't have a luxury of dropping one of the best commanders and the best flight mage into rear duty.
Probably the only thing that can lead Tanya to rear duty is critical wounds. Like loosing half the limbs and both eyes.
mee too, It's a very bad decision for the story, but some anons in previous tread said that things will develop this way. Wanna see adult Tanya
I like her... I just hope it does not become the usual excuse for Yuri. In truth i'm sorry even for the two unlucky dogs. I would have enjoyed if they had remained part of the team.